Green Roofs: Ancient Solutions to Modern Problems

It is difficult enough to plant a beauti­ful garden in a favorable location with good soil. The difficulties escalate, obvi­ously, in less suitable sites such as a rooftop. So it is not for nothing that the an­cient Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Ancient historians attribute these wonderful rooftop gardens to Mesopotamia's famous King Nebuchad­nezzar (604-562 BC) who wanted to please his Persian wife Amytis.

How the West Was Lost, What a Difference a Century Makes

A few short years after Bavinck and Kuyper prophesied the religious struggle that would characterize the twentieth centu­ry, a most remarkable set of lectures was delivered. They are remarkable not because of their content, but because of who deliv­ered them. David Josiah Brewer set out to prove that the United States was, even in 1905, a Christian nation'. Why is that so remarkable? 

The Times They Were A-Changin' The 60's and the Decline of the Christian West

It is said that today we are deep in a Culture War. But culture is nothing other than religion externalized and made explicit. What we are experiencing today is not a war of cultures, but the for­mal adoption, the outworking of a different religion, a religion that had long ago won the hearts and minds of a people. The real battle — the battle for the soul of Western Civilization, the battle between Christianity and Evolutionary, Egalitar­ian Humanism — was over and won in the 60's. The rest is formality: implementation and clean-up.

Restoring Meaning to Work in Modern Society

If work is to retain its meaning, then Christians are the ones who can provide that meaning to work. This article argues that it is Scripture alone that can provide us with a true knowledge of God, of one's own selfhood, and of the great law-structures of God's creation. It is on the basis of accepting the Lordship of Christ in all of life, and man as created in God’s image, that the meaning of work will be redeemed. 

The Scriptural Basis for a Scientific and Sociological Pluralism

Is there a Christian view of labour, industry and society? This question can only be answered by understanding the Christian view of man and society. This article discusses Christian principles for understanding the Christian view of man and the Christian view of society: sovereignty of God over the whole cosmos and over every aspect of human life, sphere sovereignty, the reality of the creation, fall, and redemption.

The Biblical Philosophy of Man, Society, Science and History

Is there a Christian social theory? This article contends that since all of life is religion, secular humanist social theories are rooted in presuppositions that are in turn grounded in faith. It evaluates these social theories by looking at the impact they have on their philosophy of man, society, science, and history.

The Structure of Bavinck's - Reformed Dogmatics

The first edition of Reformed Dogmatics, H. Bavinck's masterpiece, was published almost a hundred years ago. After years of intense study, he published the first volume of his Dogmatics in 1895. The final, fourth volume, appeared in 1901. Reformed people who wish to continue in line with Bavinck’s dogmatics will also benefit greatly from the contents.

The Western Humanist Theory of Labor, Industry and Society

Should a Christian be a member of a labour union? Answering this question is rooted in understanding the philosophy of labour unions on labour, industry and society. For a labour union, work is an economic matter, a means of satisfying the economic needs of the workers - a view that is influenced by the humanist and pragmatic presuppositions about man's nature and destiny. This is the heart of collective bargaining.

The Communist Theory of Labor, Industry and Society

Karl Marx’s views on labour came as a result of his reaction to capitalism. His conviction that the movement of history is determined by the structures of societies, the forces of production, and the relations of production resulted in the concept of class struggle. This article evaluates the theory of labour, theory of industry, and theory of society promoted by communism, and its call to revolution.

The Degradation of Work in Modern Society

Is work a necessary evil? This article examines three periods in history, the eotechnic medieval age, industrial revolution, and the age of automation characterized by mass production and capitalism. It shows how each period defined work in relation to God, the worker and his fellowman, and the nature of work as service. The modern approach to work of being separated from God has rendered work meaningless. How? Let the article explain…

The Reformational Understanding of Labor and Race Relations

The principle of sphere sovereignty should encourage Christians to start their trade unions in contrast to the secular trade unions. This will be based in understanding a trade union as a voluntary association morally qualified and founded upon the historical vocational power to elevate labour to an essential and equivalent partner in the process of production.

The Reformational Conception of the Business Enterprise

What should the role and function of the government be in the economy? This articles examines the answer given by the Roman Catholic, the laissez-faire school, and the collectivistic school. It proposes the Reformational concept of business through the application of the principle of sphere sovereignty and the principle of the balance of authority and freedom.

The Roman Catholic Philosophy of Labor, Industry and Society

For the most part, the understanding of the relationship between nature and grace is what shapes the Roman Catholic view of labour, industry and society. This article explains the basic principles of Roman Catholic social philosophy, the role of Aquinas and his influence based on his understanding of nature and grace in relation to work, and the Roman Catholic program for social action.