How the West Was Lost, What a Difference a Century Makes
How the West Was Lost: What a Difference a Century Makes
The Times They Were A-Changin' The 60's and the Decline of the Christian West
The Antidote to Post-Humanism
The article considers the threat posed by the worldview of posthumanism, a view that human beings should have the right to improve themselves in whatever way, especially scientific ways, such as genetics and genetic engineering. The article warns against this, noting that human beings must confine themselves to being image bearers of God.
The Fool’s Folly Uncovered
The author of this article pinpoints a small sample of erratic statements in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. Some of the errors have to do with the alleged changing of the biblical text by Constantine, the exclusion from the New Testament of a vast number of about eighty gospels, and the alleged omission from the Bible of Jesus' human traits.
The Da Vinci Conspiracy
This article deals with the public sensation brought about by Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. It traces the source of the claims of the author to the Gnostics that were especially prominent in the first few centuries AD.
Confounding the Postmodern Mind
The author discusses the difficulties brought to the church in North America by both modernism and postmodernism. While the fundamentalists did well to stand well against modernists, the subsequent generation of fundamentalists and evangelical fundamentalists are giving in to the persuasions of postmodernism in very subtle ways. This has negatively affected the effectiveness of the gospel they preach.
The Liberal Agenda
The author discusses the influence of liberalism or liberal theology on the church. The author ends by noting the present-day remains of the liberal agenda.
The Cults as Theological Judgment
The cults are "the unpaid bills of the church." By this statement, the author places some blame for the proliferation of cults today on the church's failure to answer some of the most pertinent questions of our day. When Christians appear to be unable to make their stand in some of the crucial matters of man's existence, the devil takes advantage.
Changing the World
This article wrestles with the issue of the differences between cultures and how that may appear in the way these cultures understand the message of the cross of Christ.
The Salvation of Knowledge
The article considers how a new understanding of knowledge, called conceptualization, poses a danger for a believer's view of knowledge, and hence also biblical truth.
The Law of Life
This article discusses the Pentateuch (or Law) from the perspective of modernism and post-modernism.
The Challenge of Pluralism for the Contemporary Church
Churches are faced with the reality of pluralism. While the basic phenomenon is not new, the intellectual response to it is: the suggestion that plurality of beliefs is theoretically justified. The first casualty of the pluralist agenda is truth. McGrath's approach is to articulate some of the central presuppositions and methods of a pluralist ideology and intellectual pluralism.
Christianity and Philosophy
Education in Postmodern Times
The Goal of Christian Education
Narrative and Religion
Language and Literature
Beyond Postmodernism
Restoring Meaning to Work in Modern Society
The Scriptural Basis for a Scientific and Sociological Pluralism
The Biblical Philosophy of Man, Society, Science and History
Ten Ways Modern Culture Is Different Because of John Calvin
The Christian Church's Response to Pluralism
The church in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries is confronted with religious pluralism. McGrath points out the attack made against the doctrines of the incarnation and the Trinity. He argues that the specific identity of God is central to the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity. The article argues the question whether it is possible to remain faithful to the Christian faith and engage positively with the challenge of pluralism.
How Does God Relate to the World?
The Puritans on Human Impediments in Coming to Christ
The Centrality of the Gospel
From Galatians 2:14 this article shows that all of life should be in line with the gospel. However, moralism and relativism steal this call from believers.
Relevance of 'Calvinism' for the Church Growth and Expansion in the Modern World
Stuck in Adolescence?
Jesus Christ Superstar
This article evaluates modern methods of evangelism which seek to contextualize Jesus. Modern pop culture "celebrates" Jesus in many ways - but is this biblical?
No Accounting
Why do we not delight in the Pentateuch? Is it just a matter of preference? What should our perspective toward the Pentateuch be?
American Idols
Is the adoration of famous personalities in the entertainment industry - such as TV, movie, or sports stars - idolatry?
A Real and Relevant Religion
One threat facing the church today is that of practical atheism, which is a result of materialism, secularism, pluralism, and existentialism. The church can stand against this by upholding the truth of God in preaching and Christian living.
Throwing Toys Out of the Pram
Celebrating the Death of Meaning
This article looks at postmodernism and its emphasis on the meaninglessness of life. THe concept of death challenges this ideology, and shows that the secular world longs for meaning in life.
Faith and Philosophy
This article demonstrates how philosophy and theology can be integrated based on a discussion of the sovereignty of God and free will.
The Maya: Whence the Fancy Math?
Cultural Barriers to Preaching
Confronting Modernity
This article is about postmodernism, all the choices we have today, consumerism, and secular influences on the church.
Opinions, Robbery, and the Resurrection
The Humanist Faith
Postmodernism Discredited
Liberalism: Attractions and Dangers
This article is about Gresham Machen and his fight against liberalism.
Intolerable Tolerance
This article is about tolerance, relativism, and standing up for your beliefs.
Deconstructing...Musing on Some Modern Problems About Words
Why Christianity Consistently Collides with Culture
What are Christians called to do in light of our differences with the world? This article offers three considerations on what to do in the midst of our collision with culture: embrace collision, receive God's promises, and love your neighbour.
Postmodernism's Impact on Popular Culture
The Structure of Bavinck's - Reformed Dogmatics
The Western Humanist Theory of Labor, Industry and Society
The Communist Theory of Labor, Industry and Society
The Degradation of Work in Modern Society
Are Churches Secularizing America?
This article considers why the gospel is absent from much of American Christianity. It explains that many churches in America have embraced moralism, pop-psychology, and therapeutic deism.
In the Wasteland Civilisation might be Collapsing, but the Gospel is Equal to the Challenge
A Perilous Philosophy Ethics can Never be Just a Numbers Game
Christianity and Culture These Apparent Opposites Can and Must be Reconciled in Faith
The Bible in the Postmodern Age
Culture Changes You
Culture is everywhere and, like it or not, culture is changing you. If this is the case then how can Christians use the tools of culture for discipleship? This article defines what culture is and gives a way in which Christians can engage with pop culture.
Touchstones and Ebenezers
How should Christians interact with their culture? Christians should see themselves as called to produce culture. This article looks at the place of creativity and arts in producing culture and explains that with God's kingdom as a primary focus, Christians have an opportunity to positively impact culture.
Ours is a yin-yang society. This article shows that just like the yin-yang our society has embraced relativism. The article shows what this means for religion, morality and sexuality and gender.
God as Wish Fulfilment?
This article evaluates the claims of Ludwig Feuerbach and Sigmund Freud, who both claimed that God is a reflection of human desires.
Politics and the Kingdom of God
How should Christians interact with the culture and politics of where they live? This article looks at Augustine's and Calvin's view, adding a contemporary view to this question to show how Christians can be part of a cultural change.
Eastern Ideas
For Christians to live in this world it is important to understand ideas that shape the culture they live in. This article looks at the New Age Movement and the four spiritual flaws resulting from this movement: pantheism, reincarnation, moral relativism, and esotericism.
Western Ideas: Chameleon-Christianity
Chameleon Christianity is enmity against Christ, for it is a drifting away from the truth of the gospel. This article examines ideas that contribute to this drifting: environmentalism, the homosexual movement, and abortion calls. It shows how the church can remain true to the gospel.
The New/Old Way Our Culture Pressures Us to Conform
The Cainite Character of Our Culture
Choice at the Moldy Buffet
Relativism is not just an idea. It manifests itself in a lifestyle. This article shows how relativism leads to the god of choice.
The Bible and the Authority of Reason
Humanism appeals to reason as its authority while Christianity appeals to Scripture as its authority. Can Christians appeals to reason? This article answers this question by looking at the authority of reason in religion, in Protestant theology, and in the Scriptures.
Missions: Understanding Our Times
The Call to Creativity
The call to creativity is realized once believers understand what it means to be created in the image of God. To achieve this thinking we must see ourselves within the scope of the gospel narrative, which is creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. This article explains.
A Rising Tide of Persecution
Being the Church in a Post-Christian Culture
Secular Humanism Is a Religion
This article defines humanism as a religion, with secular education as its tool.
The Gospel According to Oprah
Standing in the Shadow of Dawkins
Humanism and atheism pose a great challenge to Christians in our age. One of the biggest instruments of these movements is education. This article is geared to helping Christians understand what is happening within the world of education - especially tertiary education. It also gives ways in which to stand against prophets of atheism such as Richard Dawkins.
Existentialism – The Philosophy Behind Our Age
This article discusses the philosophy behind our current age. According to this author, the best way to describe this age is through the word 'existentialism'. Evolution, atheism and existentialism are triplets which cannot be separated, joined by the thread of their umbilical cord.
Old Opium Meets the New
Looking at television and its impact on culture, this article shows that culture is never value-neutral. Television has produced a celebrity culture, and this in turn has impacted Christians. This article warns the church from taking the path of culture syncretism, as did the Roman Catholic Church.
Mere Spirituality
The Nowhere Man
Ships that Pass in the Night
The REAL Power of Positive Thinking - The Religion of Success
Peace Settlements in History
1789-1989: The Two Hundredth Anniversary of the French Revolution
American Idolatry
This article considers idolatry in our culture, as it is embodied in a show like <em>American Idol</em>. It explains that the key to understanding and critiquing much of human culture is total depravity.
The Absolutist's Guide to Universal
Cultivating a Christian Mind
Influencing and Being Influenced by Culture
Holy Worldliness
The Reformational Understanding of Labor and Race Relations
The Reformational Conception of the Business Enterprise
The Roman Catholic Philosophy of Labor, Industry and Society
Are You in God’s Story?
Autonomy and nihilism are all efforts made by man to write his own story. This article explains that the true meaning of life is found in the story of God.
Change and Decay
Three Reasons Why Pastors Should Preach about the Public Square
This article offers three thoughts on why ministers should carefully speak up on public issues: the church body needs wisdom on how to live in society well, the secular culture needs to hear from the true culture, and believers have historically been agents for change because of strong pulpits.
Jesus Under Siege Satan Continues his 2000-year-old Policy of Undermining Christ’s Truth
Past the Post
Western Ideas
For Christians to understand their times, it is important to understand the history of ideas that shapes their culture. This article looks at premodernism, modernism, postmodernism.