The Triple Cure - Jesus as King
Christ - Our Eternal King
The Comfort and Security of Knowing That God Is in Control
Christ controls everything. This is great news of comfort to every believer. Knowing that Christ is sovereign gives us hope and confidence for the future.
The Wonder of Christ’s Reign
What Jesus Actually Meant When He Said: My Kingdom Is Not of This World
What does it mean to say that Jesus is King? This article identifies three things related to the kingship of Jesus.
The Glory of Christ Our Eternal King
The Bible presents Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father. This article shows that this has to do with Christ's authority and rule.
The Offices of Christ - King
This is the third article in a trilogy looking at the offices of Christ. This article shows what it means that Christ is anointed to be King. Christ's kingdom is spiritual, is characterized by righteousness and victory, and is eternal. Christ is sovereign over all.
Christ as King: God Rules through His Royal Servants
Unshakable – Says Who? He Whose Word Cannot Be Broken
Chapter 1 considers the problem of authority. The focus of the problem may change in different periods of history, but the basic question is always the same: To whom or what should I ultimately submit? How can I know what is true and what is not? Different sources of authority are noted. The chapter is an unfolding of the authority of the Son of God as it is portrayed in the Epistle to the Hebrews.