Roman Catholicism
Jehovah Witnesses
Divorce and Remarriage: The Old Testament Evidence
Divorce and Remarriage: The New Testament Evidence
Divorce and Remarriage: The Exception Clause in Matthew
Divorce and Remarriage: Implications for Today
Divorce and Remarriage: One Flesh
Musical Instruments in the Public Worship
Islam – A Religion of Peace?
The Inheritance and Worship
Resurrection Joy
Prophetesses, Then and Now
Stuck in Adolescence?
Worshipping With Angels
The Privilege of Worship
When Science and Scripture Clash
The Gospel of the Priestly Blessing
Being Faithful Even to the Point of Death
Christ's Kingship and Politics
A School of Sons and Daughters
Who Gets to Educate Our Children?
Hebrews 12:22-24 - The Ascension and Worship The Way to God was Open for all God's People through the Reconciling Blood of Christ
Should We Sing All the Psalms?
God & Government: A Biblical Perspective on the Role of the State
This article gives a biblical perspective on the role of government. The authority of the government is derived from God, and the state is tasked with promoting justice and righteousness within the limits assigned to it. In this way, the government is the servant of God.
Is Unborn Life Human?
Ur of the Chaldeans The Old Testament and Archaeology
Matthew 2:1-12 – The King has Come! “We have seen His star in the East”
Genesis 1:3-5 - The First Day
The Elder as Preserver and Nurturer of Life in the Covenant: What the Bible Says
The Task of the Government Today
The People Who Walked in Darkness...
Family Singing
TV at Fifty: Cause for Celebration or Concern?
Disastrous Times for Children
Operation Rescue: A Biblical Strategy?
Had a Good Holiday?
God with Us: The Gospel of the Holy of Holies
Disciplining our Children
Psalm 133 - When Brothers Dwell in Unity
Educating Our Children within the Communion of Saints - Whose Task is It?
The Menace of New Age
Language and Corruption
Abram, Sarai, and Surrogate Motherhood
Christians can Watch very Little Television
Angels Everywhere
Getting Dressed for the Job
Unworthy Slaves
Science, Scripture and the Age of the Earth
Bible and Science: Some Basic Factors
A Silver Priestly Blessing
Pentecost Fulfilled
Prayer as an Incense Offering
Child Sacrifice
Dancing for Joy
Was Adam the First Human? Evangelical Organizations are Getting into the Act of Convincing their Fellow Believers to Accept Evolution
Should We Get Involved Politically?
Under the Blessing Hands There Is a Curse over This World
What’s the Sense of Living with Severe Disabilities?
“Sunday Best”?
What’s a Good Holiday?
Is Genesis 1, Real History? Genesis Presents Itself as Recording Events that Occurred in the Past
The Preacher as Priest
A Growing Darkness?
Saving Planet Earth
To Bury or to Burn?
Cause for celebration?: 25 Years of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Christians and Muslims: Across the Divide
Defending Christian freedom: Our Civic Responsibility
Sing a New Song!
Same-Sex Marriage
The Weakening of the Institution of Marriage
A Biblical View of Marriage
Elders Seeing God
Hebrews 9:16-18 - The Glory of Christ Crucified and Resurrected
Israel’s 50th Anniversary
Zion, the City of the Living God
The Need for the Right Focus
What about the NIV?
Science and Ideology
This article is about how ideologies can sometimes determine truth and evidence in science. Global warming and the dating of dinosaurs are given as examples.
Science and the Age of the Earth
This article is about the age of the earth and the limitations of science to accurately determine the age of the earth.
Reaping the Fruit of Gambling
This article is about gambling, greed and a good work ethic.
Education in the Word in an Age of the Picture
This article is about the importance for children to learn to listen. It looks at the place of visuals in the education, and what that means for education in the Word of God. It discusses how the revelation of God came to us in the form of words and visuals, and how this relates to the second commandment. It also shows the importance of memorization in education.
Is there a Time Gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
This article is about Genesis 1:1, and also on its relation to Genesis 1:2.