Money (4): The Economics of Tomorrow - Debt and Saving
Why I Believe it is Permissible to Borrow Money
Is it wrong to borrow money or take a loan? Is Romans 13:8 against having a debt? These are the questions addressed in this article.
What Is God’s Will Regarding Personal Finance? – Debt
Eleven Questions to Ask Ourselves about Debt
This article reveals the inclination to go into debt for less than godly reasons. It provides eleven questions to consider before one purposely goes into debt.
Why I Carry a Credit Card (and Why You May Want to, Also)
Should a Christian have a credit card? Is there a good use for a credit card? This article gives practical guidelines for managing a credit card.
The #1 Debt-Payoff Tool
Paying off debt can be a challenge. Is there a better way to deal with debt? This article gives practical guidelines for helping you to both pay off your debt and to help you start saving.
Redeemed Finance
This article looks at the role of financial professionals, borrowers, and lenders, and explains that God’s redeeming grace, operating through labourers in financial institutions, can open up the possibility of finance to honour God, foster good stewardship, and show justice and love to people.
The Bible's Three Big Lessons on Debt
Usury in Scripture
Debt and the Christian Life
Should a Christian ever take on debt? The author of this article shows that debt has a great impact on one's personal and relational life. It also impacts one's spiritual life and their ability to serve. The author gives advice on how to view debt, reminding the reader that we are stewards of what God has given us.
Secured Transactions And Personal Exemptions (Part 4)
Focusing on 2 Corinthians 9:12-15, this article shows that God expects His church to reach out to the poor and needy. The church should show justice, mercy and corporate humility. This is in line with the Old Testament commands for helping the poor.
Secured Transactions And Personal Exemptions (Part 3)
Applying Habakkuk 2:6-7, Job 22:6, and Job 24:3 to the issue of debt, this article shows that in the Old Testament secured debt was permitted when necessary, and that the rights of the poor and needy were protected. This has implication for the church today, as she is called to meet the needs of those among her members.
Secured Transactions And Personal Exemptions (Part 2)
Applying Amos 2:8, Ezekiel 18:14-16, Proverbs 20:16, and Proverbs 22:26-27 to the issue of loans, this article shows that in the Old Testament secured debt was permitted when necessary, and that the rights of the poor and needy were protected.
Secured Transactions And Personal Exemptions (Part 1)
Applying Exodus 22:26-27 and Deuteronomy 24 to the issue of loans, this article shows that biblical loans were not commercial, but charitable. By giving them, God's people showed that they belonged to Him. These laws of God were intended to contribute to the well-being of society.
A Biblical Justification Of Exemption Laws
Looking at Deuteronomy 24, this article discusses the relationship between creditor and debtor on the issue of taking a pledge. The author shows that God intended to protect the poor in refusing the confiscation of the pledge, and applies this principle to the church today.