Christianity and Multi-level Marketing
Interview with Dr. Bob Goudzwaard
A Judeo-Christian defense of free enterprise?
A Christian Perspective on Free Enterprise: End or Means?
The Dilemma of Economic Growth A Christian Perspective
A Capital Idea There is no “Christian” Economic System. But One Comes Closer
Studying ... Economics?
If economics is the study of resource allocation, how should Christians approach this study? This article explains the challenges and benefits of studying economics as Christian.
Twelve Theses on a Christian Understanding of Economics
Is there a Christian approach to economics? There are twelve principles that shape a Christian understanding of economics, which makes it possible to talk about Christian economics.
Free Enterprise: A Means to Achieve Biblical Goals
Free Enterprise: Not a Perfect Means
The Christian and the Stock Market
Calvin's Restrictions on Interest
This article is about John Calvin's view on the legitimacy of interest. Calvin could agree with the idea of interest, but also placed restrictions on the charging of interest. This article also looks at the relevance of Calvin's view on interest for the credit crisis of 2008 and the policies of banks and governments.
The Economists of the Reformation
The New Testament View of Wealth Accumulation
How does the New Testament view the Christian's relation to wealth and wealth accumulation? The author gives a basis for reflecting on this topic, and reflects on the early church's attempt to place its resources under the rule of Christ.
A Christian Approach to Economics
The Great Financial Crises: A Biblical Diagnosis
The debt-based financial system has a self-destructive tendency. This is a lesson we are taught again and again by a financial crises. This paper looks at the biblical teaching on debt, interest, and finance. It also looks at relational ethics with regards to finances, and makes applications for church and society today.