God is Great!
This article is about knowing who God is – His nature, character and attributes.
Is God Humble?
Who Suffered?
The Lord, Lord: Part 1
Who is God? This article considers the question through the lens of Exodus 34:6-7.
God's Delight in Being God: The Foundation of Christian Hedonism
What does it mean to delight in the Lord? This article considers what this means, showing that such delight or joy in the Lord (sometimes referred to as Christian Hedonism) has its foundation in God's infinite joy.
Why I Believe in God
God Is Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, Eternal School of Theology Series: Lecture 9
God Is Holy School of Theology Series: Lecture 12
God Is School of Theology Series: Lecture 7
No Fear or Favour Lack of Reverence Enfeebles Christians in Worship and Practice
The Holiness of God
God Is Infinite in Power: He Is Able
The Immutability of God
The True God
Who is God? This is a question which can only be answered by God himself, since knowing him depends on his revealing himself to us. This article shows that God revealed himself as Yahweh. This descriptive name tells us that God is self-existent, self-sufficient, and eternal.
The Grace of God
There is no way men and women can believe the biblical truth about grace without embracing what it presupposes. This article discusses four fundamental truths that grace presupposes. Without them, the truth of grace is not believed.
Self-Existence: God Has Always Been
God's self-existence is the truth that asserts that God has always been there. He has no beginning or end. This article explains this truth.
The Lord of Light and Love
Jonathan Edwards on God's Exhaustive Foreknowledge of the Future
Does God have exhaustive knowledge of the future? Open theism says No, but what does the Bible say? This article considers the teaching of Jonathan Edwards on the foreknowledge of God.
Gods View of Time
Severity and Mercy Both Come from the Hand of the God of Judgment and Love
Life's Biggest Questions – Does God Exist?
The Bible does not ask the question about the existence of God. From beginning to end it takes it as a given that God exists. God reveals himself in special revelation and general revelation. The chapter further considers traditional arguments for the existence of God.
Modern Opposition to Divine Blessedness
This article shows how we can speak about both the blessedness of God and the suffering of God. In relation to this, the author discusses the impassibility and the passibility of God.
The Glory of God – The Glory of God in Paul's Epistles
What is the glory of God? This question is answered by Gaffin as he opens up Paul’s theology of glory and shows how it is linked to important themes such as the gospel, the image of God, and Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
Connected – The Bottom Line: God Is One
The central confession of Israel was that their Lord is one. This is confirmed in the New Testament by Jesus (Mark 12:29). This means God is unique. This chapter explores this uniqueness in Scripture.
The True God
Who is God? This article attempts to answer this question by dwelling on the subject of the doctrine of God.
The Rejection of the Classical Doctrine of God and What It Says about the State of the Evangelical Movement
This article finds fault with the popular evangelicalism of the past few decades and sees it as a crumbling edifice. The source of this demise is evangelicalism's understanding of the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Christ and redemption, and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, especially his work in regeneration and sanctification.
The Subsistence of God
This article explains the nature of God in terms of his subsistence as well as his essence. It relates to the distinctions of the persons of the Trinity which are nevertheless one in essence.
Euthyphro, God's Nature, And The Question Of Divine Attributes (Part 3)
Looking at the relationship between the attributes of God and His nature, this article discusses some solutions given to the doctrine of the simplicity of God; namely, the Cartesian solution, the contemporary nominalist solution, the Thomist solution, and the Augustinian solution.
Euthyphro, God's Nature, And The Question Of Divine Attributes (Part 2)
Looking at the relationship between the attributes of God and His nature, this article gives some historical background to the formulation of the doctrine of the simplicity of God. The author discusses the challenge of hyper-realism and nominalism - are the attributes of God independent or dependent of Him? Choosing one of these poses the challenge of painting an unbiblical view of God.
Euthyphro, God's Nature, and the Question Of Divine Attributes (Part 1)
What is God? Looking at the relationship between the attributes of God and His nature, this article shows that while the word "God" is not the proper name of God, it is used as an umbrella word to cover what God is. Defining the attribute of simplicity (God cannot be divided into parts; He is non-composite), the author discusses what this tells us about God's nature.