It All Hangs Together: Commentaries and Preaching
The Steps of Humiliation
The Steps of Exaltation
The Lordship of Christ
The Day Water Obeyed the Will of Its Maker
Did Jesus walk on the water? Based on Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, and John 6:16-21 this article explains the miracle of Jesus walking on the water.
The Christmas-Easter Connection
What connections can be drawn between the events of Christmas and Easter? The article deals with this question and attempts to draw a continuous line between the birth of Christ, his death on the cross, and his resurrection.
The Glory of Christ in His Miracles
Salvation Accomplished by the Son – Introduction to Jesus's Saving Events
This introduction is an exploration of the broad scope of the work of Christ. It covers the work of Christ from his incarnation to his second coming.
The States of Christ
Christ and the Cosmos
Kiss the Son
What Luther Says: On the Doctrine of Christ and its Application
The Travelling Jesus
Christ’s Ministry – An Overview
The Promised Seed
This article draws the line from Genesis 3:15 to the birth of Christ, showing that the promised seed was Christ.
Christ Our Righteousness
This article, which in the main is an exposition of 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, gives ample consideration of the scriptural teaching of Christ as our righteousness.
The Powers of Evil in the New Testament
The article has two main focal points, the reality of the destructive powers of evil in this world and the victory of Christ over them. It wants to identify the nature of evil powers and Satan in the New Testament. In the second part, the article examines the nature of Christ's victory over the powers. It notes the supremacy of Christ, the role of the church in this supremacy, and the new life of believers as a consequence of this.
N. T. Wright's Jesus and the Victory of God: A Review Article
This is a review article of the important volume of N. T. Wright, Jesus and the Victory of God, representing Wright's understanding of the meaning and significance of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Christology in the Epistle of James
This article wants to look at Christology in the letter of James. Baker identifies three aspects of Christ: he is teacher of the church, he shares in the qualities of God, and he is active today in the church.
Jesus as the Imago Dei: Image-of-God Christology and the Non-Linear Linearity of Theology
Grenz's concern is the telling of the story of salvation in terms of Jesus as image of God. He begins by outlining the <em>imago Dei</em> Christology of the New Testament. Next, he places this Christology in the context of the biblical story of man as image of God. Grenz also draws out the implications of this Christology for the flow of theological construction.