What Did Jesus Teach about Hell?
This article reviews what the Lord Jesus taught about hell.
Ten Things You Should Know about the New Heavens and the New Earth
What do you know about the new heavens and the new earth? This article describes ten things the Bible teaches on the topic.
What Are the New Heavens and Earth? Heaven Series: Part Ten
What Are Rewards? Heaven Series: Part Nine
What about Hell? Heaven Series: Part Seven
At Home Away From Home Heaven Series: Part Six
The Longing of the Languishing Heaven Series: Part Five
Heaven: What Is It? Heaven Series: Part Two
Heaven: Does It Exist? Heaven Series: Part One
Thoughts of Heaven
This article considers what heaven, especially the new heavens and new earth, will be like.
When the Trumpet Sounds
What Will Heaven Be Like?
Four Creations (Part 1)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the first creation (Genesis 1-2) and the second creation (the birth of Christ).
Four Creations (Part 2)
This is the first of two articles looking at the biblical account of 'four creations'. This article focuses on the regeneration of those dead in their sins - the third creation. The fourth creation is the new Jerusalem and the return of Christ.
The Happiness of Heaven
The Saints Reception into Glory
The New Heavens and New Earth The Promise of the Future
Heaven – A Perfect State
Heaven – The Home of Saints
The Reversal of the Curse
Will this earth be thrown on the scrap heap? This article looks at creation, redemption and consummation, and the relation of this world and the new heaven and earth. The author also discusses the curse on the earth, and the fall of creation and the work of Jesus Christ. Romans 8:18-25 is an important passage in this article.
The New Creation
This article looks at the relation of the creation and the new creation, the consummation of the kingdom of God and the new heaven and earth.
Is Hell Real?
Whatever Happened to Hell?
Will There Be Degrees of Reward in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Rejoicing Soon?
Heaven and Hell
Heaven in the New Testament
Hell and Purgatory
Two Types of People and Two Eternal Destinies
Where will you spend eternity? This article explains from Romans 8:5–8 that there are only two types of people in the world, and only two eternal destinies. The author outlines the attitude of the unbeliever toward God, in an effort to have us examine our lives and see if we are in the faith.
The Irrelevance of Hell
Why has hell become an irrelevant topic? Why is preaching on hell not heard? This article names three things that have made preaching on hell irrelevant.
Who Will We Know in Heaven?
Whom will you know in heaven? The Bible may not give a direct answer but it does give us the sense that we will know and be known by others in the new creation.
Will There Be Sex in Heaven?
Will there be sex in heaven? There will be no sexual intercourse in heaven, because we will be filled with pleasure that surpasses any sensual pleasure in this life.
Ten Things You Should Know about the New Heaven and New Earth
As a Christian, your final destination is not heaven but the new heaven and the new earth. How will life be in the new heaven and earth? From Revelation 21:1 this article explains ten things you need to know about the new heaven and earth.
Eight Myths about Hell
Why is it so difficult for some to believe the reality of hell? This article addresses eight myths about hell that contribute to false belief surrounding it.
Ten Things You Should Know about Hell and Eternal Conscious Punishment
Hell is real and people are going there. Here are ten things you need to know about the eternal punishment.
The Doctrine of the Last Things: The Final State of the Wicked
The Doctrine of the Last Things: State of the "Innocents"?
The Doctrine of the Last Things: The Final State of the Wicked The Second Preliminary Sign - Satan's Little Season
The Wonder of Eternal Life
Separation from the Presence of God
How Could a God of Love Possibly Send People to Hell?
Why Do (Modern) Christians Rarely Talk about Rewards in Heaven?
This article discusses the teaching of rewards in heaven, and encourages the teaching of it in churches today. It shows that our obedience does matter for not only this life but also the life hereafter.
3 Things to Remember when Thinking About Hell
How should you frame your understanding of hell? This article offers three things to remember: hell is a place, you can be saved from it, and it is more than you realize.
Hell Is Not Separation from God
The Doctrine of Hell
The doctrine of hell and eternal judgment has become a rare species in the church today. Based on Matthew 25:31-46, this article explains why teaching about hell should be central to the church. It offers five application that the doctrine of hell should produce in the people of God today.
Eight Things You Won’t Find in Heaven
The Return of Christ: Everlasting Punishment
Heavens Above
Endless Suffering Hell is Real, and to Deny it Harms the Gospel
What about the Unevangelised?
Hell’s Final Enigma Will the Fate of the Lost Mar Heaven’s Joy?
What It Means to Invest in Eternity
Eternity is real. Did you know you can invest in eternity? This article explains what the Bible means by eternity, the nature of this eternal life with God, and the manner and fruits of investing in eternity.
Why Is Hell Forever?
Why is hell forever? This article gives two reasons why eternal punishment is needed.
You Only Live Forever
As a Christian what is it that you want to do before you die? Is this desire shaped by the fear that you only live once? This article shows how the truth of eternal life and God's kingdom transforms our daily life and desires.
What about Hell?
Hell speaks about the reality of God's holiness and justice. Understanding the logic of hell, we are enabled to grasp the immensity of God's love. This has two implications for the church.
You May Yet Discover Your Favourite Food on the New Earth
The Reward of Grace
The fact that God will reward good works of believers is not contrary to salvation being by grace. This article points to the biblical truth that God will reward good works of believers. It argues that this reward is by grace and is motivated by the sanctifying work of God in the life of the believer.
What Makes Heaven So Wonderful?
What makes the New Jerusalem so marvellous? This article shows that it is the presence of God, particularly his life, love, and light.
The New Jerusalem
This article depicts in vivid terms what the New Jerusalem will look like, as revealed in Revelation 21.
The Holiness of God and the Existence of Hell
Is hell real? Hell exists because God is holy.
The Essential: Hell
This article explains what hell is, through the lens of 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9. It also provides five reasons why the doctrine of hell should leave us grateful.
What I Would Have to Deny to Deny Hell
Is hell real? To deny the existence of hell is to deny what Jesus taught, as well as the plain sense of Scripture, among others. The article explains four things in total that one would have to deny in order to deny hell.
Does God Send People to Hell?
This article considers why God sends people to hell, and why Christ is the only way to God.
Can We Enjoy Heaven Knowing Loved Ones Are in Hell?
Being with the Glorious Christ in Eternity
Mortality; Judgement; Heaven; Hell
Darkness over the Whole Land: A Biblical Theological Reflection on Mark 15:33
A New Heaven and a New Earth
No More Sea
The Holy City
The Tabernacle of God is with men
The Bible uses various pictures to describe heaven. This article looks at the significance of the Old Testament tabernacle. In the New Testament the tabernacle points to heaven, since Christians are promised God's presence and glory in heaven.
Heaven (Part 1)
This is the first article in a series on heaven. Christians ought to think about heaven, be heaven-minded. The author highlights some things which hinder us from thinking about heaven - the main hindrance being a consummation with things of this world.
Heaven (Part 2)
This is the second article in a series on heaven. The fact that Christians are raised with Christ means setting our minds in heaven where Christ is. This article shows that heaven is a glorious place because the Father is there. Heaven is a real place where Christ rules.
Heaven (Part 3)
This is the third article in a series on heaven. Working from 2 Corinthians 5:1-11, this article shows that desiring heaven is essential to being a Christian. This desire is grounded in God's promises and the work of the Spirit, and is made visible in a life of fruitfulness.
Heaven (Part 4)
This is the fourth article in a series on heaven. Working from Revelation 21, this article shows what heaven will be like. Heaven is the dwelling of God, will be earth transformed, and it will be a recreated city.
Heaven (Part 5)
This is the fifth article in a series on heaven. Working from Revelation 21:9-21, this article describes the character and citizens of heaven.
Heaven (Part 6)
This is the sixth article in a series on heaven. In heaven believers will experience unhindered worship, perfected love and peace and complete godliness.
Heaven (Part 7)
This is the seventh article in a series on heaven. The best word to describe heaven is the word perfect. This article shows that in heaven we will have a perfected nature, bodies, obedience, joy, and relationship and fellowship with God.
Heaven (Part 8)
Heaven (Part 9)
This is the ninth article in a series on heaven. Looking at Romans 13:11-14, this article shows how God calls believers to prepare for heaven.
Five Reasons Preachers Should Preach on Hell
This article provides five reasons why ministers should preach on hell.
The Problem Of God And An Eternal Hell (Part 2)
This article shows that some objections to the doctrine of God sending people to hell rest on the concept of total depravity. If man cannot do good by nature, is it fair to send him to hell? The author answers this question by looking at the relationship between free will and the justice of God, arguing that God is just in sending people to hell.
The Problem of God and an Eternal Hell (Part 1)
In this article the author shows that the struggle to accept that God allow people to go to hell is rooted in the refusal of accepting the biblical God. This article shows that man deserves to go to eternal punishment. At the same time, however, in Christ God showed how much He hates hell and gives heaven to those who trust in Christ, although they do not deserve it.