Kuyper's Growing Perspective: Politics and Perspective
What Makes a Nation?
Is God Involved in Politics? If So, How Did He Vote?
Questions to Ask before Posting about Politics on Social Media
Do you have a habit of interacting with politics on social media? This article offers seven questions you should consider before you post.
Shaping the Nation Ten Words on How Christians can Influence Politics
Political Passions Should Christians be Involved? Up to a Point
More Salt, Please Christians have an Active Duty to get Involved in Politics
Can the Church Disengage from Politics?
The church ought to be engaged and involved in politics. This article considers how the New Testament points to callings informed by the gospel, in the area of "politics."
Thinking Christianly about Politics
Is there a Christian view of politics? This article looks at politics from a theological and biblical perspective, and how it relates to Christ.
Politics and the Kingdom of God
How should Christians interact with the culture and politics of where they live? This article looks at Augustine's and Calvin's view, adding a contemporary view to this question to show how Christians can be part of a cultural change.
The Politics of God and the Politics of Ellul
Jaques Ellul became a national figure whose name and views are widely cited. This article wants to give a summary of the multiple facets of politics as viewed by Ellul. The author touches on his relevant definitions, his views on the state and politics, his treatment of politics in the Bible and the church, and his stance concerning Marxism and anarchism.
Tributes to John Calvin – Calvin's Children
The concern of Chapter 1 is the spread of John Calvin’s theology in the world. It provides a survey of Calvin’s and his successors’ influence on the development of modern culture.
The Historical and Political Background of Jeremiah's World
Groen Van Prinsterer: Dutch Statesman and Christian
The Church, History, and Politics
What should the relationship between the church and politics look like? This question is rooted in a bigger struggle; namely, the struggle of the church to relate to society in general. Sometimes politics is used by church members to try influence society. The author looks at church history to better understand how the church should relate to society. He focusses his discussion on freedom of religion and the difficulty in establishing a moral consensus.
The Godliness of Government
God has given us government for our good, to enable us to serve Him and others. This fact should encourage Christians to take great interest in politics and to play their role in voting when called to do so. God has put governments in place to restrain evil.
Christ's Kingship and Politics
Moving Beyond a “Doom And Gloom” Message
When Christians become concerned about social issues in society they are sometimes viewed as bearers of bad news. This article is a call to Christians to give biblical hope in politics through the gospel.
Incorporating Both Grace and Truth in our Political Action
Influencing Society For Good
Looking at homosexuality, same-sex marriages and civil unions, this article shows how the Christian can uphold God's standard in politics and social life.
Influencing For Good
Christian Politics, What Does It Involve?
This article looks at the history of politics in the Netherlands and the Christian involvement. Christian political involvement was hampered by pillarization. Christians today can learn from this history and work together in addressing political issues.
The Church as a City-State
To Rule Is Sacrifice
For a Christian, taking leadership in politics means personal sacrifice.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely (Part 1)
This article shows how Christians can overcome corruption when they are in position of power in politics. A life lived in obedience to God out of love for God and neighbour is the solution to corruption.
A Critique of Theonomy and Reconstructionism
Theonomy and reconstructionism came to existence in response to dispensationalism. Theonomy, in seeking to map a way for Christians to become engaged in society by applying the Old Testament, fails in its reading of the Old Testament. The solution is not in theonomy, but in understanding the sovereignty of Christ and the implications it has for the Christian life in politics.
Political Self-Defense: Some People Find Christianity Quite Offensive – It Just Isn’t So
The accusation against Christian political activism which says individuals force their morality on others is not true. In fact, it is the other way around. Christians involved in politics simply defend the old morality.
Politics and Biblical Servanthood
This article looks at the role and responsibilities of politicians, and discusses how individuals should apply biblical servanthood in politics.
The Lunchroom Comes Before the Legislature
The Bible and Politics: How Do They Mix?
Can Christians use the Bible for public policy and politics? This article shows that both natural law and the Bible have a place in public policy and politics. This author shows how to argue from both the Bible and natural law, and appeals to Christians to have the courage to use the Bible when discussing public affairs.
Christianity and Social Involvement
Political Calling
Do Christians Have a Political Agenda?
Christian Politics: What Does it Involve?
This article is about the history of Reformed politics in the Netherlands. It looks at how the political task was viewed, and also at the aspect of pillarization.
J. Gresham Machen, the Citizen
Four Horsemen on the Earth
Our Political Task
Remembering Groen
Christians and Political Responsibility
Kuyper and Politics
A Theological Reflection on Politics
This article introduces a theological perspective on politics.