What is the Church Good for Anyway?
For Growth
Marks of a Healthy Church: Introduction Marks of a Healthy Church 1
Pentecost and the Spirit-Filled Church
What is the Church For?
The Mission of the Church: Be a Church!
Watchmen are Looking Ahead The function of the watchman in the church
Watch Over Zion
First Steps in Leading toward Change
Church evaluation is done to help the church bring needed change within. This article explains ten steps you need to take to conduct an evaluation of the church.
Is Your Church a Praying Church?
Prayer is the life of the church. Is your church a praying church? How do you know if you are in a praying church? Here are ten questions to help you discern how your church is doing.
Seven Habits of a Healthy Church
How do you know if you are in a healthy church? Here are seven signs of a healthy church, based on the New Testament letters.
Seven Theological Issues Confronting the Local Church
What are the challenges facing the local church today? This article identifes seven such challenges, of a theological nature.
How Not to Be a Heretic
This article offers three things that can help keep you on God’s Scripture-obeying path: knowing church history, knowing your church's beliefs, and knowing your church's doctrinal positions.
The Church's Chief End
What exactly is the mission of the church? This article suggests there are three aspects: the church exists to glorify God, build up the saints, and evangelize the world.
The Gathering of the Church
Christ promised to gather his church. This article explains that the gathering of the church in this earth points to the separation of believers from unbelievers.
What's the Purpose of ... the Church?
The church does not exist for evangelism nor for discipleship. What then is the purpose of the church? This article explains.
Why Do Christians Meet?
The Old Testament prophesied a time when nations will be part of the kingdom of God. This paper explores how 1 Corinthians and other New Testament examples present these prophecies as fulfilled in local church gatherings today, including worship. Since the purpose of church gatherings is to praise and to edify, this has implications for the church in reaching to those outside the church.
The Church and Politics
How do we remain in the world, but not of the world? How do we witness to the world, while also keeping our church pure from serious sin? Should the church as a whole engage in politics? This article is about the ministry of the church.
Is the Church on Her Way Out?
The Ministry of the Church
The Church and Covenant Theology
What is the nature of the church and the mission of the church? This study attempts to survey the Bible's teaching on the nature of the church. It is placed within the context of the scriptural theme of the covenants.
"Refresh the Hearts of the Saints": A Unique Pauline Context?
The apostle Paul uses the phrase "refresh the heart" some four times. This article wants to look at the use of the verb "anapauō" (with various meanings) in particular where it is combined with "pneuma" ("spirit") or "splanchna" ("bosom") in ancient Greek literary and non-literary sources. It concludes that Paul's use of the complete phrase (1 Corinthians 16:18, 2 Corinthians 7:13, Philemon 7, and Philemon 20) may have been a unique usage.
Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox together: Is the Church the Extension of the Incarnation?
What is the nature of the relationship between Christ and the church? What is the role of the church in salvation? In this article the author reflects on the significance of the image used for the church as the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12:27 for our understanding of the functions of the church as prophet, priest, and king.