A High View of God Should Lead to Laughter
The Flower and Life of True Religion
This article shows how central Christian joy is to the teaching of the New Testament, and thus to the Christian life.
Humour and Holiness
This article explores when humour is appropriate and inappropriate, also when it comes to preaching.
Living in the Joy of Faith - Reflecting the Image of God in Christ
Joyfully Reformed
Two Reasons Christians Lose Their Joy (And What to Do about It)
Why do Christians sometimes lose their joy? This article discusses two reasons why, and also considers what to do about it.
Ten Things You Should Know about Christian Hedonism
What is Christian hedonism? Christian hedonism explains the reality that true pleasure, satisfaction, and delight are to be rooted in God. This article explains ten things you need to know about enjoying God and being satisfied in him.
Ten Things You Should Know about Joy
We are commanded to delight in the Lord or have joy in the Lord, because joy clearly and thoroughly reveals the worth, value, splendour of whatever it is that evokes it. This article explains ten things you need to know about biblical joy.
The Way to Complete Joy
Christian Joy
The Christian's Joy
Why We Don't Need to Choose between Happiness and Holiness
This article interacts with the statement, "God calls us to holiness, not happiness," and finds it wanting. Scripture does not present the two in competition with one another. Rather, a gospel that promotes the one over the other is not good news, for holiness means recognizing Jesus as the source of life's greatest joy and pleasure.
Are You Happy?
Ten Reasons to Rejoice
Christian Joy
Enjoyment Is Not Optional
The Christian's Pursuit of God-Given Joy
How are we supposed to obey the command to rejoice in the Lord if true Christian joy is a gift of God? This article answers, suggesting the use of means, such as Scripture reading, prayer, fellowship, creation & providence, and obedience.
No Distasteful Duty: Rejoicing in the Lord Always
This article discusses the nature of Christian joy. It explains how joy is a duty, it is more than an emotion, and joylessness is a sin.
A Spirit of Joy
This article presents the biblical definition of joy, and considers how we may get there—by contemplating the glory of Christ.
Godly Joy and Godly Sorrow
This article reflects on what the joy of the Lord looks like, alongside of godly sorrow.
In Thy Presence There Is Fullness of Joy For Christ and the Saints meeting at the Judgment Day
Rejoice in the Lord!
Joy And More Joy!
Unquenchable Joy
What should a believer's reaction to suffering look like? This article discusses James' exhortation in James 1:2 which encourages Christians to rejoice in trials. This joy acts as a testimony to the world of the presence of the Lord Jesus in the believer's life. To withdraw and dwell in self-pity is to sin against God, who has blessed us with many things in this life and the next.
Joy of the Lord
The Joy of the Reformed
Is the Reformed Church lacking joy? The author of this article attributes the lack of joy within the Reformed Church to the desire to be unique and the challenge to preserve doctrinal truth. This article points to the covenant of grace as the cure to finding and expressing joy in God.
The Outlandish Joy of Obeying Jesus
What brings joy to Christian obedience? This article explains that the joy of Christian obedience comes from knowing who you are, and who Jesus is.
Delighting in Doing Good
Delighting in doing good and the glorification of God are closely connected for a believer. This article explains how.
Can You Feel It?
How ought a Christian to regard his emotions? The history of theology has answered that variously. In 1746, Jonathan Edwards published A Treatise on the Religious Affections, which is a biblical discussion of the matter, and a worthwhile read especially in today's discussions over religious experiences. This article offers a survey of the work.
Joy Because of Justification
This article discusses the joy that is associated with the experience of conversion. In doing this the author attempts to determine what this joy is, including what is called in Scripture the joy of salvation, its relationship to justification, and how to obtain this joy.
Can You Be Happy in Every Circumstance?
Five Ways to Pursue Contentment
Contentment is something that every Christian must learn. This article provides five avenues for pursuing contentment.