Original Sin: A Difficult Doctrine
God and Our Original Sin
Little Innocents?
This article is about the sinfulness of our children. The author discusses total depravity, Adam and original sin, and the parenting of sinful children
Ten Things You Should Know about Original Sin
This article points to ten things you should know about original sin.
Guilt or Not
Totally Depraved
Adam’s fall brought with it death and pollution of sin. Because we stand in a relationship with him as representative head of all humanity, we inherit the results of the fall, among which is total depravity.
Our Death in Adam
The Doctrine of Original Sin
This article explains the relationship between original sin and actual sin, pointing out that actual sin is the fruit of original sin. It also discusses God's punishment of sin.
Adam's Fall and Mine
How can God be just by counting us guilty based on the fall into sin? This article looks at three theories that attempt to answer this question: the mythical view that treats that story of the fall as a myth, the realism view that claims that mankind actively sinned with Adam, and the federal view which shows that original sin does not refer to the first sin but to the result of that first sin because Adam acted as our representative.
The Impotency of the Human Will
This article is a short description of the doctrine of total depravity and original sin.
Total Depravity
The doctrine of total depravity teaches the extent and effects of original sin in man. However, it also aims at making man realize the sovereignty of God's grace in salvation. This is what the article explains.
Depravity Infects Everyone
"Original sin" is the reality that we sin because we are descendants of Adam, and the implication is our total depravity. This is what the article explains.
The Fall: The First Human Couples Sinned
Through the fall into sin man is born under the guilt and power of sin. This article shows how Adam relates to all humans by virtue of his sin.
Original Sin in the Structure of our Being
Looking at Original Sin Together With Others
By One Man
What? Me Hostile to God?
This is a meditation on Colossians 1:21–22. By nature we are hostile to God. Therefore, there is no better news in all the world than that our alienation from God is ended, and that we have reconciliation with God.
Guilt and the Gospel
The Reformation and the Doctrine of Man: Man’s Total Depravity
John Calvin understood original sin to refer to the truth that through Adam’s fall all men are depraved by nature, sinful and corrupt, lacking all of the original righteousness with which Adam was created. This is the truth of total depravity, which this article fleshes out.
The Doctrine of Sin
This article explains the difference between original sin and actual sin. In explaining original sin, the author includes in the discussion such subjects as the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. In the second part, the nature and evidence of original sin is discussed. In the final section, the author discusses the punishment of sin, which includes death in its three forms and the moral state of sinful man.
The Doctrine of Original Sin: A Comparison of Augustine, Pelagius, and Aquinas
This paper discusses the theological views of Augustine, Pelagius, and Aquinas on original sin. The contention of the author is that one's estimation or understanding of the grace of God is determined by their view of original sin.
The "Wretched Man" of Romans 7:14-25 as Reductio ad Absurdum
What are the identity and theological significance of the "wretched man" of Romans 7? The thesis of this essay is that Romans 7:14-25 should be studied in relation to, on the one hand, what is called the Jewish doctrine of the "two Impulses," and on the other hand the immediate rhetorical context of Romans. It is argued that Paul is protecting himself from accusations of apostasy from the law of Moses and that he wants to indicate the universal need for the gospel.