Personal Evangelism
This article discusses the topic of evangelism, highlighting that most individuals are first introduced to church through friends or relatives. The author discusses guidelines for sharing the gospel with people around you.
A Statement of Missionary Concern
Half-Truth Sin hasn’t Disappeared, Except in Our Preaching
Jesus Christ Superstar
This article evaluates modern methods of evangelism which seek to contextualize Jesus. Modern pop culture "celebrates" Jesus in many ways - but is this biblical?
I Am Made All Things to All Men
What exactly did Paul mean when he said, "I have become all things to all people, so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9:19-22)? This statement does not intimate compromising the gospel or using worldly methods of witnessing. This article looks at Paul's life and preaching in order to rightly understand this statement.
Is the Bible Enough?
Is the Bible sufficient for the spreading of the gospel and the working of faith in unbelievers? Are miracles and signs necessary for effective evangelism? This article answers these questions based on the story of the rich man and the beggar, as recorded in Luke 16:19-31.
Golfing for Jesus: Christ and Consumer Culture
This article shows that trying to fit the gospel message into the frame of consumerism serves only to undermine evangelism and the gospel.
Relevance without Irreverence
This article is about understanding our times to bring the gospel to the man on the street, evangelism and culture, rising above personal preferences and never passing over the line of sinning when bringing the gospel. The author also discusses 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.
Door-to-Door Visiting
The Evils of 'Mass Evangelism'
Hospitality Evangelism
The Mother-Daughter Model
The Usual Steps in OPC Church Planting
The Use of Canned Evangelistic Approaches
Street Evangelism in Six Steps
This article offers six steps for street evangelism: choose a location, start the conversation, ask questions, get to the gospel, explain it, and end the conversation.
Creative and Reformed About Room for Missionary Projects
Shared Truth
One effective way to practice evangelism is by beginning with shared truth. Beginning with truth that others also accept creates an opportunity to share the gospel. Both Jesus and Paul practiced this in their ministries.
Calvinism And Open-Air Preaching
Rejecting the idea that Calvinism impedes evangelism, this article shows that embracing Calvinism strengthens one to do evangelism, in this case focus is given to open air preaching, showing that believing the condition of man, and the great commission will fuel one to preach the gospel, with some suggestions on how to go about doing open air preaching.
Witnessing to Roman Catholics
Ten Pioneering Years
The New Evangelism: A Warning
The Gospel in a Secular Society
Paul the Evangelist
Letter Tracts in Evangelism
Joy to the World
This article considers reaching out to the world through a night of carolling in the neighbourhood of the church.
Do Demons Have a Postcode? Must Evangelists Bind Territorial Spirits?
The Emmaus Model of Ministry
Is there a model the church can use to reach out to the lost through evangelism? The church can use the model of incarnation, inquiry, interpretation, and ignition. This article explains what this model looks like—the model Jesus used on the road to Emmaus.
What Does Mission Look Like in the Suburbs?
What does it mean to do mission work in suburbs? While suburbs may pose a challenge to missions, this article identifies the needs common to suburbs and shows how these needs can be addressed in order to reach those in suburbs.
Both/And: The Uncomfortable Apologetic
Apologetics and mission are closely related and can never be divorced. The essay wants to set parameters for all missiological endeavors.
Christian Mission and World Religions
The Church's Mission in a Pluralistic Society
New Directions in the Theology of Mission
This article addresses trends in the debate surrounding the nature of a Christian theology of missions. The considerations are also done largely against a background dominated by the situation of the church in Asia and Africa. The "missio dei" is considered together with the conviction that the church's existence should be seen as mission.
Co-operation in Evangelism
Is 2 Corinthians 6:14 against co-operation of evangelicals and modernists in evangelism? This article shows that evangelism is rooted in theology. Therefore, evangelicals may not co-operate with modernists in promoting the gospel, nor even co-operate in sponsoring an evangelistic undertaking. Why? This article explains.
The Cross and the Crown
Mission Recalibrated – Chris Wright’s "The Mission of God"
This article is a review of the important "The Mission of God" of Chris Wright. In his book Wright himself offers a point at which his own work might be assessed when he writes: "I would ask that the missional framework I propose in this volume be evaluated for its heuristic fruitfulness. Does it in fact do justice to the overall thrust of the biblical canon? Does it illuminate and clarify? Does it offer a way of articulating the coherence of the Bible’s overarching message?".
Bunyan's Departure from Preaching
Is preaching the sole means for presenting the gospel in evangelism? This article shows how John Bunyan defended his use of allegory in his Pilgrim's Progress to confront people with the claims of the gospel on their lives.
Hyper-Evangelism: Another Gospel, though a Mighty Power
The author explains that hyper-evangelism does not emphasize the aspect of God as lawgiver and judge. In other words, the truth of man's position before the law of God is simply ignored in the preaching. The consequences are discussed further in the article. Other observations are that it ignores the sovereignty and power of God in the dispensation of his grace, the glory of God in the salvation of a sinner, and the lurking danger of antinomianism in converts.
The Return of the City
A plea is offered for a return to the city. The author argues the reasons for practical theology to be restored to the city, he advocates reasons why this is not proving an easy thing to achieve and makes proposals for a future that features a reinvigorated church for urban mission. When urban needs are given priority in churches outside the city, they die under a thousand qualifications. If the church is to reconnect with the city, the mission of Jesus will be clarified and amplified.