What's Reformed?
Being Reformed Today
Being Reformed Today
Reformed Theology: Reformed Life-Style
Global Reformed Evangelicalism: Today and Over the Past 50 Years
The Church Reformed
Reluctant to Be Called Reformed?
Calvinism: The Theology of the Reformer
Reformed Life
This article is about the characteristics of the reformed life. The author also discusses truth, good works, and love.
Reformed Pharisees?
What is a Reformed Church?
Solus Christus: Christ Alone
Sola Fide: By Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria
Consistent Calvinists Christians must Broaden the Submission of Prayer to All Life
Reformed Theology: Between Ideal and Reality
Five Questions on Reformed Practices
This article defines five elements of the reformed practice: the need for church membership, creeds and confessions, reformed worship, giving and tithing biblically, and infant baptism.
Rethinking Reformation Day
What Does it Mean to Be a Reformed Christian?
Reformed ... From the Heart
A Reformed Confessor?
Semper Reformanda – A Reformed Legend?
The Practical Implications of Calvinism
B.B. Warfield describes Calvinism as ‘that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all of experience’. This article looks at the practical implications of Calvinism.
Calvin and Calvinism John Calvin: Christian Reformer, Pastor and Theologian
What is the Reformed Faith?
This article is about the characteristics of the Reformed Faith.
Always Reforming, they Say - So what Needs Reforming Today?
What Is It to Be Reformed?
Changing the 5 Points of Calvinism
What is Reformed Faith?
Reformed Theology vs. Hyper-Calvinism
Is God the author of sin? Is the gospel for everyone? Is grace for everybody? Is Calvinism a license to sin? This article shows the differences between Reformed theology and hyper-Calvinism on these points.
Real Calvinism
What is real Calvinism? Calvinism is as concerned with the life of faith as it is with doctrinal soundness. This article explains that this conviction is seen in history, Scripture, and Christ, and leads to a distinctive piety, life, and worship.
What Does It Mean to Be Reformed?
The True Calvinist The Gospel of Grace Stands or Falls with the Gospels of Grace
The Five Solas of the Reformation
The article presents the five solas of the Reformation, giving the basis or origin of each of these solas. The five solas are: sola Scriptura, soli Deo gloria, solo Christo, sola gratia, and sola fide.
Our Spiritual Roots: Grace Alone. Faith Alone, Christ Alone
Presbyterian and Reformed Churches – Introduction to Presbyterian History
The Introduction provides an overview of the history of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. Church polity receives focused attention.
The Origins of Calvinism
This article traces the historical origin of Calvinism. The author looks at the context of the degraded state of the church under the Roman Catholic Church, the response of the reformers, and the spread of Calvinism.
Sola Scriptura
Winsome Calvinism
Truth in All Its Glory – Salvation Belongs to the Lord
What is Reformed theology? What does it mean to adhere to the Reformed faith? Do Reformed theologians claim that there is one all-encompassing summary of the Reformed faith? In Chapter 1 William Edgar claims that part of the task of ordering our theological ideas is to assign a centre and then move toward the periphery. At the heart of Reformed theology is the desire to credit all good things to God. Chapter 1 is a reflection on the significance of this desire and claim.
The Faith Once Delivered – The Vitality of Reformed Systematic Theology
In this essay Gaffin concentrates on the inherent vigour of Reformed systematic theology and how best to preserve and nurture its strengths. He first addresses the matter of Reformed systematic theology’s use of its own exegetical tradition given in the discipline of biblical theology as developed by Geerhardus Vos.
What is Reformed Theology?
This article explains what is meant by the term 'reformed theology'.
The History and Meaning of Semper Reformanda
What is Calvinism?
This article on Calvinism, also looks at prayer and dependence, and pure religion.
Reformed Faith at the Crossroads
This article is about the future of the reformed faith, truth in theology and commitment in the church.
The Practical Implications of Calvinism
The article explains the practical implications of Calvinistic thought and truth in the life of a believer. In this explanation, the article points out that Calvinism should produce in the believer a deep acquaintance with his own sinfulness, an acquaintance with grace and forgiveness, utter submission before God, honest and Scriptural examination, and the biblical pursuit of practical holiness.
The Fundamental Principle of Calvinism
The article finds that the most important principle of Calvinism is the centrality of God. It identifies some fallacious statements of the fundamental principle. It then considers other first principles that also underlie the whole system, chief of which is God's special revelation.
Introduction to the Reformed faith
This article looks at the Lordship of God and his control and authority and presence, and the importance of covenant theology in Biblical theology.