Proclamation or Story Telling
The Pulpit is No Platform for Having a Dig at Someone
Where Can I Find the Spirit of Christ?
The Bible tells us that while Christ is not physically on earth, he makes his Spirit visible in the world through believers who exercise sacrificial love and hospitality, and through the preaching of the gospel and the administration of the sacraments.
Seven Ways the Internet Can Make Preaching More Difficult
The internet can be a great tool for preaching, but it can also be a hindrance to preaching. This article provides seven ways that the internet makes preaching difficult.
Fifteen Ways to Improve Your Preaching and Teaching
How can you become a better preacher and teacher? Here are fifteen ways of improving your preaching and teaching.
The Preaching of the Word Is the Word
The Authority of the Preaching
Preaching: An Affair of the Heart
What is the goal of preaching? Who is your preaching about? This article explains that preaching is a matter of the heart being pointed toward Christ.
The Lost Art of Preaching with Conviction
Why is preaching with conviction at the heart of effective preaching? Because such preaching is penetrating, persuasive, and personal.
Preaching to Meet Crisis Needs (Part 5)
Preaching God's Word to his people implies addressing the needs of the church through the Word. This article explains that it is important to preach to crisis needs, and identifies common crisis needs and how preaching should address them.
Preaching and Grief (Fourth in a Five-Part Series)
Preaching God's Word to his people implies addressing the needs of the church through the word. This article explains that preaching to the grieving is crucial, and identifies different kinds of grief to which preaching must speak.
Preaching to Emotional Needs (Preaching and Pastoral Care–Part Three of Five)
Preaching God's Word involves addressing the needs of the church. This article explains that preaching to the emotional needs of people is crucial. It explains the dangers of psychological preaching and addresses a proper way of preaching to emotional needs.
"Christ, Whom We Proclaim"
Puritan Christianity: Theological Presuppositions Influencing Puritan Preaching
Ears to Hear: Preaching and Personal Witness
What Is Preaching?
On the Reading of Two Books
Discriminating Preaching
A comprehensible sermon
A contemporary sermon
The text and the sermon
Pastor and teacher in the pulpit
The Sermon: What May we Expect?
Catechism Preaching: Word of Man or Word of God?
Some Reflections on Experiential Preaching
Puritan Christianity: Puritan Preaching
Spirit-Anointed Preaching and its Role in Revivals
We may say too much in a single sermon, we may give a field of wheat instead of a loaf of bread.
Word and Spirit
Some Thoughts on Preaching
Carnal Methods in Christian Ministry
Is There No Longer a Struggle?
Preaching Is Applying the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven
Separating Preaching Where do the roots of separating preaching lie?
Separating Preaching: What is Separating Preaching?
Separating Preaching: The influence of the Nadere Reformation The more recent Reformation
You or We?
Which personal pronouns should you use in preaching? Should it be "you and we," or "you and I"?
Information Overload
The Power of Preaching God's Word
Faith and Preaching
Separating Preaching: Different Groups in the Church
Marks Of The Church: Church Discipline An Act of Love
The Offer of Grace, Biblical Grounds
Preaching on a Text
Note to Aspiring Preachers: Here Are Seven Key Pitfalls to Avoid
This article establishes that preaching is difficult work, and is not for just anyone. It presents seven key pitfalls that preachers need to avoid.
Should You Preach from a Full Manuscript?
A Pastor’s Reflections: Manuscript, Notes, or No Notes?
What preaching method works best, preaching from a manuscript, notes, or no notes?
A Pastor’s Reflections: Did I Explain the Text?
This article considers the difference between exegesis and explanation of a text, helping the preacher evaluate whether he indeed explains the text in preaching.
A Pastor’s Reflections: Did I Apply the Text?
This article considers the nature and importance of application in preaching.
A Pastor’s Reflections: Pray before You Preach
A Final Word on Self-Examination
Six Errors in Targeting Audiences
Targeting the 45-Yarder: The Indifferent Unbeliever and Those without Hope
Targeting the 35-Yarder: The Open-Conscience Unbeliever
Targeting the 25-Yarder: The Backsliding Believer and Those in Bondage
Targeting the 15-Yarder: The Growing Believer
Targeting Audiences
The Primacy of Preaching in Church Planting
Pulpit or Table: Pick Any Two: The Church Needs Both to Be Well Fed
This article wants to give encouragement to learn to cherish both preaching and the sacraments.
How the Scandal of Preaching Will Reach Our Postmodern World
This article shows how scandalous preaching is in a postmodern world. It shows what makes preaching set apart from the priorities of our age.
The External Call of the Gospel
Fruits Upon Preaching
Veggie Tales, Moralism, and Modern Preaching
What place does the imperative have in preaching? When is preaching considered moralism? This article considers the place of moral imperatives in preaching, and shows by way of examples that sometimes it is fine to take large blocks of teaching and focus on Christian morals without fear of falling prey to moralism.
Eighteen Minutes or Less: Preaching in a Distracted World
God Is Not Your Co-Pilot
Why is preaching the gospel essential to the church? Gospel preaching truly reveals the place of God and of man.
Eight Reasons the Resurrection Matters More Than You Think
Typically we stress the importance of preaching the cross of Christ. This article shows, however, that without the resurrection, eight awful truths emerge that render the faith as false.
Three Mysteries of Preaching We Don't Appreciate
What is preaching? It is God's Word in action, God's chosen tool, and for God's people.
On Technology and Preaching
This article explains that the greatest risk in using technology in preaching is not distraction but missing God himself.
Life-Changing Sermons
I Am a Sinner Preaching to Sinners
How do Christ's undershepherds come to grips with the truth that they are sinners preaching to sinners? This article explains that preachers have to sit under their own preaching and teaching.
Five Ways to Fight "Preaching Hangover"
Your Baby's Ugly
Can preaching be taught? Yes. However, this article argues that to discern whether someone can indeed learn to preach, it is important to see the following in the person: a sense of calling, a teachable spirit, a passionate heart, and a reckless abandon to risk being a fool for Christ.
"Preaching Circles”
How Preaching Makes Disciples
This article addresses the question "How do we disciple?" by considering discipleship by preaching. All disciples are formed and strengthened by preaching.
Charismatic Chrysostom
So Help Me, God Preaching is too Important to Prepare Unaided
A Word in Season The Season was Unexpected, but the Word wasn't Wasted
Don't Let the Tone of Your Voice Ruin Your Sermon
We Need Fools in the Pulpit: The Danger of Sophisticated Ministry
This article explains that preaching ought be recognized less as sophisticated and more as cross-centred, after the example and teaching of Christ and his apostles.
Sermons That Live – Preaching through Stories
The Bible uses stories (narrative) to reveal who God is, what God desires, how God acts, and how God wants humans to respond to him. Too often preachers ignore the narrative structure of the Bible. This article wants to encourage preaching that honours the narrative structure, content, and purpose of narrative texts.
A Word-Centred Culture instead of a Man-Centred Culture
This article explains that preaching needs to be Word-centred, rather than focused on the preacher. It provides three considerations for building a Word-centred church.
Expository Preaching and the Recovery of Christian Worship
This article stresses that the heart of true biblical worship is the preaching of God's Word. It issues a call for faithful expository preaching, and lists three characteristics of such preaching.
A Dragon Intrusion
This article reflects on the character and spirit of preaching and celebration during the Advent season.
Privileges of Preaching the Gospel
Christ-Centred Reading, Preaching, and Teaching
Christ-centred preaching starts with your exegesis. This article explains the need and benefits of reading the Bible in a Christ-centred way.
Preaching and Leading Worship
This is a review article of Preaching and Leading Worship, by William H. Willimon. It indicates that Willimon has a balanced approach: he sees the need for appraising and evaluating worship but guards against a craze for novelty. The book provides suggestions for preparing for and conducting worship. Willimon provides guidelines on preaching—on both the preparation and delivery of sermons.
Returning to the Good News
What is the greatest need of the church? It is Jesus Christ, who comes to us through the preaching of the gospel. The church needs gospel preaching all the time. Why? This article offers five reasons.
How to Proclaim Jesus and Make Disciples
Christ-centred preaching should be the desire of every pastor, in order to make mature followers of Christ. This article shows from the apostle Paul that Christ-centred preaching is possible when the preacher preaches like an evangelist, a prophet, and a theologian.
Should You Use Illustrations from Movies?
This article lists several reasons why preachers should not use illustrations from movies in their preaching.
Preaching as an Act of Worship
Do you preach doxologically? This article shows how preaching itself needs to be an act of worship.
What Is Preaching? Marks of a Healthy Church 3
Holy Humour? The Danger of Being Funny in the Pulpit
Is Expository Preaching Boring?
Preaching and Witness of the Spirit
Does This Have to Be in a Sermon?
The Church and the Preaching of the Word The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Nine
What Is Preaching According to the New Testament?
Does preaching still have any meaning in our time and age? Is the sermon a relic of the past? This essay wants to reflect on the theological question of what preaching really is. The true renewal of preaching can only happen in the way of understanding the real nature and function of preaching. A renewal on the level of preaching technique alone is not really a renewal at all. In the New Testament, we find the origin of what Christian preaching is. Some key terms used for preaching are examined.
Repentance – The Missing Note in Today's Preaching
Preaching today often lacks a call to repentance. This article explains why and explains the fruits of preaching repentance based on Scripture.
Effective Evangelism
God tells us that the preaching of the Word is the most powerful tool of evangelism. Are churches and members today being effective in this preaching of the gospel? This article weighs in.