Ten Questions about Adventism
This article discusses ten questions about Seventh-Day Adventism, its history and theology, providing citations from various sources along the way.
7 False Teachers in the Church Today
Who are the false teachers in the church today? This article explains seven false teachers you are likely to find in the church today.
Distinctives of Presbyterianism
This article traces the history of Presbyterianism from its heritage in the Reformation. The author also discusses the characteristic principles of Presbyterianism.
Arminians Need the Gospel, Too
Arminians need to hear the gospel. They must be taught the doctrines of limited atonement and particular redemption.
Puritan Wisdom For Today
This article looks at the impact of Puritans today in light of fundamentalism, new evangelicalism, and the charismatic movement. Puritanism has in the past provided faithful biblical teaching for living the Christian life, and still has lot to offer for Christians today.
Word-Faith Movement
This is the fourth article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article examines the word-faith movement, looking at its perspective on faith, man, God and Jesus Christ. In every one of these aspects this movement has distorted Scripture.
Feminist Theology (Part 2)
This is the second article in a trilogy on the topic of feminism. This article shows that feminism is just another liberation movement. Feminism has redefined the concept of sin and salvation from scripture's definition, so that sin is equated with sexism and salvation with freedom from the oppression of men. This is a false gospel.
Feminist Theology (Part 1)
Feminist Theology (Part 3)
This is the third article in a trilogy on the topic of feminism. The feminist hermeneutic often judges the Bible to be patriarchal. However, in trying to redefine God, supporters of this movement have only produced an idol and reject the authority of scripture.
Is Liberation Theology Christian? An Old Saying has it that the Mountain Heaved ... and Brought forth a Mouse!
Emergent Church Movement What it is, Where it is Going and Why
Emergent: A brief introduction
The Emerging Church and the Way of Cain
Eastern Orthodoxy: The What and How of Salvation
Arminianism And Calvinism: What's the Difference?
A Critique of Liberation Theology by a Cross-Culturized Calvinist
This essay is about the social dimensions of the gospel. It gives a general critique of Liberation Theology.
Who Was Arminius?
This article is a biography of James Arminius and discusses the rise of Arminianism. The author highlights the importance of retaining the difference and separation between Calvinism and Arminianism today.
True Blue Presbyterianism
'True Blue Presbyterianism' is a term that has been used to describe a true Presbyterian. A True Blue Presbyterian is characterized by adherence to confessions, keeping the Sabbath, embracing the covenant of grace, going to church, conservatism, and protestantism.
Guarding the Gospel
Looking at accounts of past perversions of the gospel can help the church deal with modern issues. This article addresses the topics of hypercalvinism, liberalism, social gospel, the charismatic movement, and arminianism.
The Four-Door Labyrinth - The Sacraments
Many divisions between church denominations can be traced back to differences in four doctrines: sola scriptura, freewill, the relationship between the Old and New covenant, and the sacraments. In this article, the author discusses the different positions on whether or not the sacraments are a means of grace.
The Four-Door Labyrinth - The Covenant
Many divisions between church denominations can be traced back to differences in four doctrines: sola scriptura, freewill, the relationship between the Old and New covenant, and the sacraments. In this article, focus is given to the doctrine of the covenant. This article looks at the positions of those who affirm covenant continuity and those who deny it.
The Four-Door Labyrinth - Free will
Many divisions between church denominations can be traced back to differences in four doctrines: sola scriptura, freewill, the relationship between the Old and New covenant, and the sacraments. In this article, focus is given to the doctrine of freewill. This article evaluates the positions of Libertarianism and Universalism through the perspective of Calvinism.
The Four-Door Labyrinth - Sola Scriptura
Many divisions between church denominations can be traced back to differences in four doctrines: sola scriptura, freewill, the relationship between the Old and New covenant, and the sacraments. In this article, focus is given to the doctrine of sola scriptura as the only rule of faith. Here the Catholic, Orthodox, Mormon and Pentecostal positions on sola scriptura are evaluated in light of the Protestant view.
Arminianism: Past and Present
Arminianism Exposed
This article exposes the major teachings of Arminianism. The teachings discussed include the doctrines of the knowledge of God, atonement, prevenient grace, justification, the denial of imputation, and the role of faith.
A Critical Analysis of Some Hermeneutical Principles Found in Latin American Theologies of Liberation
The main purpose of this essay is to identify and indicate a number of negative elements in the hermeneutics of Latin American theologies of liberation. Latin American liberation theologies are not unified in approach; however, they share some general hermeneutical principles.
Political Violence and Liberation Theology
Can it ever be a legitimate option to consider violence as part of political liberation? In this essay, the author considers the place of violence in liberation theology.
Azusa Street Revival and Pentecostalism (2)
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article critiques the teachings of Pentecostalism, discussing baptism in the Spirit, the importance of signs and wonders, and mysticism.
Azusa Street Revival and Pentecostalism (1)
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article considers the history of the movement under the leadership of Charles Parham. The author critiques its teaching on speaking in tongues, as first experienced by Agnes Ozman, and baptism in the Spirit.
Evaluating Seventh-Day Adventism
This article explains what Seventh-Day Adventism is about, as well as how we should evaluate this movement. It lists three main concerns with the SDA doctrine.
Who Are the Truly Poor? Francis, Boff, Kazantzakis
Sontag critically interacts with Leonardo Boff's account of Francis of Assisi in the context of liberation theology. Boff wants to use Francis as a model for human liberation. Who are the poor and how does Nikos Kazantzakis, Francis of Assisi, and Leonardo Boff interpret it? Sontag reflect on these issues in the light of the Lord who saves the humble of spirit.
A Comparison of Systems
This is a presentation of the main contrasting positions of three major systems: Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism (Arminianism), and Calvinism.