The Environmentalist Way, Mandate In Haste, Repent In Lesure

The Montreal Protocol was achieved twenty years ago. This was the first major international agreement on an envi­ronmental issue of global concern. According to the agreement, major industrial nations agreed to phase out the manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons, chemicals used in cooling systems (re­frigerators) and other important industrial applications. As time has passed however, this environmental success story seems to have turned to ashes. Questions abound. Was such drastic action justified at the time? Armed with more re­cent information, would we pursue a similar course today?

Reading the Bible in the Context of the Ecological Threats of Our Time

This lecture is on the care of creation. Francis Bacon was the first person to understand the dominion given to humans at Creation as a task for the progressive exploitation of the resources of creation for the improvement of human life. Before this, people had taken the command of Genesis 1:28 as authorizing the ordinary ways in which people already made use of non-human creation - i.e. farming, hunting, fishing, etc.