Reading the Bible in the Context of the Ecological Threats of Our Time
The Green Bible: A Version for Christian Environmentalists
The Saviour of Man and Beast Will I see my cat or dog in heaven?
Here Come the Greens!
Pulling the Bull Out of the Pit Reflections on a Career in the Veterinary Profession
Climate Modeling and What You Haven't Heard
Toward A Biblical Theology Of Environment: Introduction And Creation
The biblical account of creation, as well as the manner in which the Bible shows the relationship between man and creation, warrants a biblical study on the theology of the environment. This article shows that the biblical teaching of creation and the role of man as the image of God in creation shapes this perspective on the environment.
Christians and the Environment
Thankful Stewardship of Creation's Resources
The Lord and Giver of All Life
Saving Planet Earth
Pollution and Free Enterprise
A Changing Climate?
Creation and the Modern Environmental Movement
Environmentalists: How to tell the bad ones from the good
This article on environmentalism looks at the use of chemicals, limited resources in the world, and the idea that the world is a closed system.
Christian Environmentalism
This article looks at the Christian's responsibility towards the environment. Sometimes Christians abuse the mandate to have dominion over creation.
The War on Population
This article is about over-population and population controllers.
Environmentalism: A New Religion?
Man as God's Steward
This Is My Father's World The Case for Christian Treehugging
This Is My Father’s World: The Environment and Our Responsibility
Environmental Extremism: A One World View
The Christian view on stewardship of the environment is different from the worldly view of environmentalism. Colossians 2:22 shapes how Christians view the environment.
Apart From Providing Food and Fabric, Do Animals Matter?
The Green Christian?
Ideas Have Consequences: Going Green (2)
"Go green" has become a popular phrase. Organizations running under this motto encouraging animal rights, environmental control measures and population control are mushrooming. What should Christians think about environmentalism and organizations like these?
Ideas Have Consequences: Going Green (1)
"Go green" has become a popular phrase. Organizations running under this motto encouraging animal rights, environmental control measures and population control are mushrooming. What should Christians think about environmentalism and organizations like these?
Toward A Biblical Theology Of The Environment: Rebellion And Resurrection
The biblical account of the rebellion and fall of man and the impact it had on the environment warrants a biblical study on the theology of the environment. The resurrection of Christ and the hope it brought for the creation makes biblical teaching on the environment unavoidable.
The New Age and Green Issues
Environmentalism: The New Religion
In this article on environmentalism, the focus is on global warming and climate change.
The Fourth Angel The Ozone Scare
Gaia - Paganism Disguised as Science
Sustainability and Biblical Creation Care
Looking at Broader Principles A Christian Response to Environmentalism
A Christian Environmental Manifesto
Christian Conscience and Earth Day
What does the gospel have to say about how Christians are to think about the environment? This article offers four thoughts that are related to the Bible's story of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation.
The Ecology of John Calvin
This article analyses the thoughts of John Calvin on ecology using the approach of redemptive history. The author discusses Calvin's view on the goodness of creation, and concept of being imitators of God in preserving nature. Christians can enjoy the goodness of nature and be sensitive to its fragile nature without embracing secular environmentalism.
An Ecological Crisis? Who Cares??
Paul and Christian Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is highly regarded by many Christians today. Biblical motivation for social responsibility is often found in the Old Testament or in Jesus' teaching. This author maintains that the apostle Paul's theology also includes the concepts of justice, care for the oppressed, and care for creation.
Ecology and Eschatology: A Neglected Dimension
Can the themes of redemption and eschatology contribute significantly to the discussions about ecology? This article sketches some of the connections between ecology and eschatology.
First Steps to a Theology of Nature
In theology, the term "nature" has several distinct usages. Bauckham explains that he wishes to focus on the modern usage of the term, namely, as it refers to "the observable non-human world." He critiques such usage, explaining that it tends toward a focus on the natural environment of human life on "our" planet. Bauckham's concern is that a misleading distinction between "nature" and humanity can easily be supposed.
The Christian and the Environment: Prophet, Priest, and King
What is a good Christian theological basis for protecting and developing the environment and the ecological system? After giving an overview of the environmental crisis the world is in, the author reflects on the threefold office of believers as prophets, priests, and kings, as it applies to the Christian and the environment.
Ecological "Blind Spots" in the Structure and Content of Recent Evangelical Systematic Theologies
How important should matters of environmental stewardship and ecology be for Christians? Davis argues in this article that deficiencies in the doctrine of creation and the doctrine of the atonement in some recent evangelical systematic theology textbooks have contributed to a lack of Christian stewardship in the area of environmental matters.
Romans 8:19-21 - Creation Looks for God’s Children
Nature in the New Creation: New Testament Eschatology and the Environment
Is it fair to say that environmental degradation is the product of Christianity,? What are the ideological roots of the environmental crisis? Moo suggests that the attitude of an “either/or” when it comes to evangelism and environmental concern is a false dilemma.