Sanctity of Life
The author deals with the biblical teaching of the image of God and its implications and applications in various areas of life. The author notes that this doctrine has implications for two main ethical subjects: capital punishment and the dignity of man.
Human Tails
A Christian Anthropology for Contemporary Bioethics
How does bioethics impact pastoral care? How should Christians approach ethical issues related to medical technology? Biblical anthropology must shape the Christian approach to bioethics. This article looks at the relationship between man's creation in the image of God and bioethics.
Why Embryo Destruction is Worse Than Abortion
Comparing the impact of abortion and embryo destruction, this article argues that though both are sinful acts, embryo destruction is the worst of the two.
Bioethics and the Christian Life – Dying as a Way of Life
Is death an enemy or friend? What is the Christian attitude toward death? How do we best prepare for death? To answer these (and other) questions, Van Drunen helps his readers to consider how to give careful thought to issues such as financial responsibility, wills, and organ donation in light of preparing for death.
Bioethics and the Christian Life – The Christian Confronts Bioethics
The discipline of bioethics is relatively new. New medical technology in the past generation has confronted Christians with issues of life and death never before seen in human history. This Introduction explains that the book considers how Christians are to engage with the matter of bioethics.
Beyond Bioethics 101: Where Theology Gets Personal and Pastoral
This article wants to encourage and enhance theological training and biblical instruction that can be of support and help in the area of bioethics. What is needed is to form a good theological perspective and seek wisdom. The article reflects on a realistic theological approach to counseling and bioethics.