Christ's Rule Over His Church Today?
Foundational Principles of Reformed Church Goverment
Marks Of The Church: Church Discipline An Act of Love
The Development of Church Order in the Netherlands
The Church Order of Dordt is well known in many reformed churches. What is the history behind this church order? This article discusses the history from the Articles of Wezel to the Synod of Emden. The author looks specifically at the issue of church headship.
The Heart of Presbyterianism: Christ's Saving Rule
God rules over us and leads us through this life by his Word and Spirit. Out of grace, He empowers individuals with his Word and Spirit to serve as officebearers in the church.
Congregation and Overseers
Who Governs the Church?
The Offices in the Church
Order in The Church
Government and Order of The Church
Authority in the Church
Principles behind Reformed Church Polity (4)
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article shows that the fact that the church is one, holy, apostolic, and catholic has a beaning on the churches working together. These characteristics of the church call for a bond of churches. This article explains.
Principles behind Reformed Church Polity (3)
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article discusses the independence of each church and the cooperation and interaction with other churches, showing that churches in the New Testament recognized each other as sister churches.
Principles behind Reformed Church Polity (2)
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article shows that Jesus Christ rules his church through the office of elders. It discusses the shift of authority from the apostles to office-bearers.
Principles behind Reformed Church Polity (1)
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? To answer, this article looks at the biblical ground for church government, the office of all believers, and Christ's rule of his church.
The Elder and Church Government
Let's Not Repeat the Sin of Jeroboam
Church Polity and Civil Law
Concerning the Government of Christ's Church
The Calling and Duty to Maintain the Church Federation
The Scriptural Principles of Church Polity
Scriptural Principles of Church Polity Concerning Broader Assemblies
The Church-Corrupting Character of Hierarchy
Biblical Eldership
The Power and Government of the Church: No Hierarchy of Bishops
Church government has its foundation in the truth that Christ is the head of the church. This article explains that a hierarchy system is against Christ’s way of ruling his church. It looks at the historical development of hierarchy and explains the meaning of the word "bishop" in relation to elder.
Applying Law
Development of Church Polity in the Netherlands
Lessons from Genevan Presbyterianism
This article looks at the church government principles of John Calvin and the Genevan Church Order. The article also focuses on the position of the pastors and elders, and the importance of church discipline.
The Governing Body in the Church
Calvin's Primer on Presbyterianism
Charismatic Versus Organized Ministry? An Examination of An Alleged Antithesis
How should the relationship between organized and charismatic ministry in the early church be perceived? What is the relation between church order and charismata? Fung critically engages with contemporary reconstructions of this relationship.