Evangelism in the Established Church: Practicing Personal Evangelism – Seeking the Salvation of the Lost
Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers. Often the challenge is how one does it. In this article the goal of evangelism is shared: we want to see the sinner’s salvation in a way that glorifies God for his work.
For Whom is the Church?
Why does the church exist? For the world or for the glory of God? There is a danger that the church does not see its mission task, but also that it becomes man-centered.
Reasons "Programs" Don't Work in Churches
Why is is that many church programs and church strategies aiming at church growth do not work? Here are eight reasons.
Personal Witnessing
"What Is the Reason for Our Being Afraid to 'Get Out!'? A Lack of Bible Knowledge like Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses Have, or Are There Other Reasons?"
How We Live as Witnesses of Christ
What Is the Mission of the Church – What in the World Does Jesus Send Us into the World to Do?
Chapter 2 wants to answer the question, “What is the church’s mission in the world?” The authors think it best to start with the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19. First, they examine a few other passages that are sometimes understood as offering a fuller mission identity for the church: Genesis 12:1-3, Exodus 19:5–6, Luke 4:16–21.
The Priesthood of All Believers The Understanding of the Concept of the Priesthood of All Believers and its Impact on Evangelism during the Sixteenth Century Reformation
Jeremiah Could Not Keep Still
Rightly Defining the Spirituality of the Church
Spirituality of the church doctrine can be better understood when one studies the link between the two kingdoms in Calvin's theology - the spiritual kingdom and the political kingdom.Should the church address social and political issues?
What Is the Mission of the Church – A Common Word in Need of a Careful Definition
The following words of Stephen Neill are used to introduce chapter 1: “If everything is mission, nothing is mission.” The chapter wants to introduce the concerns of questions like, What is the mission of the church? Is the mission of the church the same as the mission of God? Should we distinguish between the mission of the church and the responsibilities of individual Christians? Is Jesus’ mission continued by the church?
Maintenance or Mission?
What does it mean to be a missional church? This article defines first what is it to be missional, and then the challenges facing the church. Based on Colossians 4:2-6, 1 Peter 2:9-11, and 1 Peter 3:13-16, it gives principles for missions, and characteristics of a missional church.