An Alien Nation New Agers are Winning the Battle for Australia’s Soul
Entertaining Angels: Their Place in Contemporary Theology
With the resurgence of spirituality has come a renewed popular interest in angels. Thus, angels figure far more extensively in New Age thought than they have done in Christianity over the last two or three centuries. This essay explores the role angelology could potentially play in contemporary orthodox theology.
The Glory of Heaven – Heaven Is Real; Hallucinations Are Not
Chapter 2 addresses man’s ill-motivated interest in heaven, angels, and the afterlife. Much of this interest flows from gullible superstition, Gnosticism, occultism, or New Age philosophies. The author examines popular claims to near-death experiences, including Todd Burpo’s claims to being a visitor to heaven.
Mere Spirituality
St. Dennis
The New Age Movement
Altered States
Is Anyone not Part of the New Age Movement?
The Menace of New Age
The New Age Christ
The Circle of Life or the Hand of God?
The New Age Theology of Matthew Fox
In this article, Richard Bauckham responds to the New Age theology of Matthew Fox. Bauckham appreciates Fox's theological focus on the goodness of all creation, but also offers two critiques of the New Age teachings.