Road to Modernism: Signposts!
How Churches Lose the Plot
Good Ethics Don’t Make a Christian: Machen on Doctrine
What is the place of doctrine in the Christian life? This article looks at the answer provided by liberalism, as well as the biblical answer through the eyes of J. Gresham Machen.
Scripture Is True: Machen on the Bible
Denying the authority of scripture is denying the Christian view of salvation. This is what liberalism does, and this article explains how.
Jesus Was Not the First Christian: Machen on the Person of Christ
Which Jesus do you believe in? There is a difference between the Jesus of liberalism and the biblical Jesus. This article offers commentary from J. Gresham Machen on the person of Christ.
The False Teachers: Harry Emerson Fosdick
Liberalism questions the nature of the Bible and denies its inerrancy, infallibility, and authority. Liberalism denies that the Bible is the Word of God and insists instead that it contains the Word of God. This is a false teaching. This article looks at one of the promoters of this teaching, Emerson Fosdick.
Why I Am Not Liberal
Liberalism is a matter of authority—the authority of the Bible against the authority of the human mind. It atttacks the doctrine of inerrancy and the sufficiency of scripture. The article explains further.
How We Are Sanctified and Live Penitently
Faithful Vigilance
The article looks at the history of the church in North America, especially the effect of liberalism on the church. In this analysis it focuses on the nature of reactions by conservatives. An observation is made that over time, the general membership of the church has not taken seriously the value of doctrinal confession.
The Liberal Agenda
The author discusses the influence of liberalism or liberal theology on the church. The author ends by noting the present-day remains of the liberal agenda.
The Ordinary Means of Growth
Liberalism says the message must change for the church to reach the world, while the seeker-sensitive approach calls for a change of methods. This article shows that God gave both the message and the methods: these are the means of grace—preaching, sacraments, and prayer. These are essential to church growth.
Applying God's Word to All of Life? The Use and Abuse of the Bible
The Bible should be applied to all of life. However, as this article explains, to do proper biblical application three fallacies must be avoided: liberalism, pietism, and fundamentalism. All these limit the application of Scripture.
A Passion for Truth
This article provides some historical highlights of B.B. Warfield's contribution to the fight against liberalism and post-modernism.
Amazing Grace
This author warns believers to be careful of some theologies of universalism or liberalism that, for example, teach us that God loves everyone the same. Instead, the Bible teaches a love for the redeemed, as well as another love for the unsaved.
Our Reformed Heritage (2): Triumphantly Intolerant
This article is a biography of J. Gresham Machen and the role he played in standing against liberalism. The article also discusses biblical tolerance and intolerance.
Guarding the Gospel
Looking at accounts of past perversions of the gospel can help the church deal with modern issues. This article addresses the topics of hypercalvinism, liberalism, social gospel, the charismatic movement, and arminianism.
Defender Of The Faith: The Life Of John Gresham Machen (Part 2)
This biography of John Gresham Machen focuses on Machen's battle against liberalism, or modernist theology, at Princeton - the battle which led to Westminster Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Liberalism: Attractions and Dangers
This article is about Gresham Machen and his fight against liberalism.
This article is about traditionalism versus liberalism. The author specifically looks at traditionalism with regards to Scripture and the Sola Scriptura.