Christian Education: What and Why
Education: Four Cornerstones
The Mission of Christian Education
What Is Christian Education?
Community and Seminary Education
How should theological education be pursued? This article explains the need for a community in pursuing theological education. It gives three reasons for this need. It also evaluates online theological education and its value.
The Importance of Family Education
The Great Value of Scriptural Instruction for the Church
Christian Education by Example
Train a Child There is no “Value-neutral” Education, so make it Christian
Past the Post
Teaching in and for the Kingdom
Christian Education: A Crisis of Our Time
Testing the Teachers
Is Post-Secondary Education a Waste of Time?
In Loco Parentis – Covenantal Schools In Action
Who has the responsibility to educate children? This question can only be answered through listening to God’s call to parents. This is what the author argues for, that an understanding of the covenant has great bearing for the education of children. The author shows how Christian schools play a role in keeping the parents responsible for the education. It extends a call to all parents to heed to this rather than throw the responsibility to the government.
Robert Rakes: A Comparison with Earlier Claims to Sunday School Origins
Was Robert Rakes the pioneer of the so-called Sunday School movement? This article considers the claim often made that Robert Rakes is the father of Christian education who began the modem Sunday school movement in England in 1780. Other rival claims are mentioned and Rakes' practice of education is described.
The Loss of the Christian Mind in Biblical Scholarship
This essay considers the possibility of a uniquely Christian approach to education. The author writes from the angle of Christians in the Third World. This paper takes a look at some aspects that the author feels have been lost in the field of biblical studies. It makes a modest proposal for the recovery of the Christian mind in biblical scholarship.
The Reformed View of Education
It is in the Reformed worldview that a comprehensive Christian perspective of life can be set over in opposition to the teachings of unbelievers. The Reformed view of education is set up in such a way that it can overcome the challenge of the wisdom of the world. This article explains this matter from a number of points of view. Comparisons are made between the Reformed view of education and that of non-Reformed Christians, or of the non-Christian.
Education for Time and for Eternity Lessons from the Life of David Stow
A Passion for Truth
This article focuses on education from a Christian point of view (Christian education), against a generally apathetic culture to learning.
Tributes to John Calvin – Calvin's Children
The concern of Chapter 1 is the spread of John Calvin’s theology in the world. It provides a survey of Calvin’s and his successors’ influence on the development of modern culture.
The Reformed View of Education
It is the Reformed view of education that has God as it centre. To argue this point this article looks at the goal of education, its standard, its motive, and its engagement with culture.
Implications of Christian Education in Theology and Science
Christian Education: A Crisis of Our Time – The Covenant
Christian Education: A Crisis Of Our Time - The Conflict
Higher Education – For Girls?
Education – For What?
Not Two Kinds
Back to School
"Project Charlie" in Our Schools
Christian Education and the Task of the Officebearer
Baptismal Promise and Education
Christian Education and the Church Order: A History
What is the Reformed Christian Worldview Concerning Work and Education?
Continuing Education: A Pressing Need for the Church Today
Why Christian Education? Or: The Myth of Neutrality
Education is not neutral; it is either a choice for Christ or against Christ. Christ calls us to search for knowledge with the fear of the Lord. This calling leads us to pursue Christian education for our children.
The Father of Modern Education
A Christian Philosophy of Education
Technology – Blessing or Challenge?
Kootwijk: Doleantie and Education
Teaching Mores
A Call for Christian School Teachers
Teaching our Children
Three reasons motivate Christian parents to pursue Christian education for their children: instructing children in the ways of the Lord, instructing them only in the truth of God, and instructing them to serve God. The responsibility belongs to both parents and children - children are to be diligent in their studies, and parents are to be supportive. With this approach, Christian schools become a way of worshiping and glorifying God.
Standing in the Shadow of Dawkins
Humanism and atheism pose a great challenge to Christians in our age. One of the biggest instruments of these movements is education. This article is geared to helping Christians understand what is happening within the world of education - especially tertiary education. It also gives ways in which to stand against prophets of atheism such as Richard Dawkins.
The Afscheiding and Christian Education
The leaders of the Secession of 1834 were convinced that Christian education was essential for the preservation of true doctrine. This article documents the struggle these leaders went through to try and establish Christian schools.
The Biblical Basis and Goal of Christian Education (2)
This article discusses the goal and fruit of Christian education.
The Biblical Basis and Goal of Christian Education (1)
In Loco Parentis – Covenantal Schools in Action
Who has the responsibility to educate children? A proper understanding of the covenant has great implications for the education of children. This article shows how Christian schools play a role in keeping parents responsible for education. The author extends a call to parents to heed to this call rather than leave the responsibility to government.
Christian Education in the Local Church
Reformed Education: A Glorious Heritage
Educational Principles of Canadian Reformed Schools
Instruction / Education / Equipping
Ten Commandments For the Christian Student
A School of Sons and Daughters
Who Gets to Educate Our Children?
The Three Pillars of Christian Education
School: Who Should Rule?
This article discusses the role of parents and church in governing Christian schools. The author shows that based on the covenant, the authority to govern the school lies with parents. The church council plays a supporting role in Christian education, and helps to hold parents accountable to their responsibility.
Understanding Our Educational Freedom
No Neutral Ground: A Christian Critique of the Secular Onslaught in Education Systems
This article shows that education is not neutral. Looking at the context of Canada, this article considers public schools as promoting a different worldview than Christian schools - one that is founded on humanistic grounds instead of Scripture.
What is it Like to Plan to Teach Ministry of Education Curricula Christianly?
Christian Schools Should Remain Reformed and Be Defined in Terms of Creedal Theology
Are the Reformed Creeds Worth Keeping in Schools?
The Exclusive Goal of Christian Education
Do They Pray In Your School?
Christian School Parents' Code
This article is about the involvement of parents in Christian schools. It shows how parents can support Christian education through prayer, involvement in the running of the school, financial support, volunteering, etc.
Should Christian Churches Start Christian Schools?
While Christian education and starting Christian schools is something that is good and is the work of the Holy Spirit, this article gives some problems and challenges which may be faced by churches starting Christian schools.
Christian Education: Are Charter Schools The Answer?
This article is on the topic of education. The author discusses the responsibility of parents in raising children in a God-saturated environment.
Christian Schools
Showing that parents have the ultimate responsibility for the education of their children, this article calls on parents to take this responsibility in sending their children to Christian schools or to home school their children. The author argues that there are very few, if any, reasons for Christian parents to send their children to public schools.
Christian Education: Its Reason and Purpose
Using the Heidelberg Catechism in Pastoring, Training, and Evangelism
Reformed Christian Education: Repairing the Ruins
The Case for Christian Day Schools versus Home Schooling
What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?
The Need for a Confessional Basis for Our Children's Education
Proverbs 1:8-9 - Christian Education: Basic Training in Wisdom
"Not a Square Inch"
Covenantal Education
Why Our Own Schools?
Educating Our Children within the Communion of Saints - Whose Task is It?
( new one added to CL) John Chrysostom
This article is about the preaching and work of John Chrysostom. The author also looks at his view on church and state and on childhood education.
Martin Luther Addresses Youth
"Luther knew people because he knew himself." This article is about Luther's pastoral care, specifically to the youth. The author also discusses the fifth commandment and the education of the youth.
Responsibilities towards Children
This article is about parenting, education and discipline. Christian values and the relationship of parents and children are also discussed.