Musical Instruments and Musicians in Worship in the Bible: The New Testament
Reforming Church Music
Is Nothing Sacred? Changing the Language of Our Hymns
This article contains a panel discussion on the appropriateness of changing and modernizing the language of hymns, and criteria for church music.
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 3)
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 1)
Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns – Introductory Considerations
This chapter considers the character of church music or worship music. Gordon argues that contemporary pop music and pop culture have impoverished the worship music of many churches.
Singing and Making Music: Sermon in Song: Sacred Music as Proclamation
In worship musicians and preachers share in the ministry of the Word. Purposes of church music include proclamation of the Bible, and the edification and encouragement of the saints. The ultimate goal of all of this is to give glory to God.
The Sung Prayers
"Three Basic Principles for Good Church Music"
"The Songs of the Church Must Be Biblical"
Singing to the Glory of God
John Calvin and Church Music
Music: The Problem of Form and Content
Music During Worship
Music in Worship
Church Music: Some Problem Principles
Reforming the Church Service: Addresses on Worship
Play Skillfully
What Should We Sing?
Writing Hymn Tunes
This article gives the considerations of composers when writing tunes for church songs and hymns.
Rejoice in the Lord: A Hymn Companion to the Scriptures
This article reviews Rejoice in the Lord: A Hymn Companion to the Scriptures, edited by Erik Routley. It explains the significance of the book's claim to be "biblical in its basic design, Reformed in its theological orientation, and catholic in its scope.
A Playlist for Anxious and Hurting Disciples
How can the church serve the hurting and broken through its liturgical music? Singing only victory songs does injustice to God's people. This article explains that the church in its worship services should learn to sing four types of songs.
Ten Principles for Church Song
This article lists ten principles for making wise decisions about church music. Among them are: our singing is for God's glory and the edification of the body of Christ, we ought to sing to the Lord new songs, church singing should swim in its own history of church singing, and all our songs should use biblical lyrics.
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 4)
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 2)
This article reflects on music in worship, and says that it must be structurally sound. The text and the tune need to be well-matched. The article provides a host of useful questions to ask in evaluating the merits of a song for worship, and they revolve around three standards: the insight, perfection, and inexhaustibility of the song.
Music and the Future The Why, What and Who of Church Music
Liturgy and Spirituality The Substratum of Church Music
Encouragement in Our Music
This article shows how biblical songs can be used by Christians to encourage one another in faith through music (Colossians 3:16).
The Origin of Our Psalm Melodies
Praise in Public Worship
Psalms, Hymns and Watts
Music Matters
We are what we sing - searching for a balanced diet
This article reflects on how the textual and musical substances in congregational singing become the building blocks for a life of faith.
Not Just Any Song Will Do: Three Basics for Choosing Church Music
Much church music (new and old, "contemporary" or "traditional") is of suspect quality and appropriateness for authentic worship in the Reformed tradition. How should we determine what music is appropriate to sing in worship services? This article reflects on relevant considerations and principles.
Teens and Church Music: What Do They Really Think?
This article reflects on the surprising choices of teenagers with regard to the style of church music.
Sing Praise to the Lord – But Why Sing Psalms?
Church Music
Church Music in Calvin’s Tradition
When God Stops Listening: Doxology and Deed Have to Be in the Same Key
This article echoes the message of the prophet Amos that the praises in song of the church can never be a substitute for deeds of justice.
Brethren Hymnology
This article examines some of the hymns of the Brethren Movement that found a place in more general hymnbooks, and reflects on the character and nature of church music and liturgical songs.
The Spirituality of Renewal Music
"It’s All about Jesus" – A Critical Analysis of the Ways in Which the Songs of Four Contemporary Worship Christian Songwriters Can Lead to an Impoverished Christology
This article examines the doctrine of Christ expressed in the songs of four contemporary worship songwriters: Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, [Martyn Layzell], and Paul Oakley. The author's thesis is that the songs do indeed focus on Jesus, but the Christology is very limited and poor. Insufficient attention is given to the doctrine of the Trinity.