Personal Evangelism
This article discusses the topic of evangelism, highlighting that most individuals are first introduced to church through friends or relatives. The author discusses guidelines for sharing the gospel with people around you.
This article discusses the topic of evangelism, highlighting that most individuals are first introduced to church through friends or relatives. The author discusses guidelines for sharing the gospel with people around you.
This article addresses the notion that evangelism should be left to the leaders of the church. It provides a number of biblical reasons why every believer should evangelize.
This article is about the topic of evangelism. The author addresses the question of who is called to witness. This article also discusses how we are to witness; namely, with compassion, authenticity, and prayer.
Fear is not the only hindrance to evangelism. Here are ten other reasons Christians do not evangelize.
Many Christians provide a wide range of reasons why they may not be able to engage in evangelism, while other have redefined evangelism. The article discusses five common myths about evangelism in the church today.
Do you struggle to do evangelism? This article lists eight reasons why the author finds it a struggle to evangelize, and you might very well find yourself in these reasons.
Why do Christians struggle to invite the unchurched to church? This article offers ten reasons for consideration.
Why is it that many Christians are reluctant when it comes to sharing the gospel? What reasons for not evangelizing do most Christians give? This article explains twelve reasons for not sharing the gospel.
Every Christian is called to be a witness. However, witnessing for Christ can be a challenge at times. This article offers seven ways to help you in sharing your faith with others.
How do you communicate the truth of the resurrection of Christ to someone trapped in atheism or skepticism? This article provides three ways for doing so.
Falling into sin may be viewed as weakening your Christian witness. However, are you aware that your repentance is also evangelism? This article explains how repentance is a form of witnessing.
Discipleship is a call to share not only the gospel but also your life. This article explains that only love can motivate us to share the gospel with those we disciple. After explaining this, the article draws three practical implications.
Why is missional coaching necessary? There is no amount of training that can fully prepare you for mission work. Every leader and community is different. Leaders must be reminded of the gospel. Leaders need support. For this reason, coaching is needed.
What is the key to evangelism? It is the ability to listen. There are two things you can do to help you when evangelizing: listen to people's stories, ask questions, and then tell the gospel.
What hinders your church from being involved in mission work? Can it be that you also believe the seven lies in this article that are hindrances of mission work?
Members of the congregation can be involved in mission work and evangelism in two ways: directly and indirectly. This article looks at both ways.
It is a desire of every pastor to get church members involved in evangelism. How can you develop a culture of evangelism in your church? This article suggests six ways you can do that.
Anointed as prophet, every Christian has the calling and ability to confess Jesus’ name. This article explains that evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. The love of God experienced by the believer generates a response of love, which is the motive for evangelism. So members must be encouraged to carry out this task of witnessing.
This is the last article in a five part series on evangelism. Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers, but Christians often face the challenge of how to practice personal evangelism. This article focuses on practical ways of organising evangelism.
This is the fourth article in a five part series on evangelism. Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers, but Christians often face the challenge of how to practice personal evangelism. This article focuses on the person who is doing the witnessing. What should their character be like?
This is the third article in a five part series on evangelism. Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers, but Christians often face the challenge of how to practice personal evangelism. This article focuses on the method of evangelism.
This is the second article in a five part series on evangelism. Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers, but Christians often face the challenge of how to practice personal evangelism. This article focuses on the goal of evangelism.
This is the first article in a five part series on evangelism. Every Christian has a desire to share the gospel with unbelievers, but Christians often face the challenge of how to practice personal evangelism. This article focuses on what the content of our evangelism should be. Where should we start and what should we say?
Should women be involved in mission work? This article looks at what mission work involves, and maintains that women have a great responsibility to support the preaching of the gospel in mission work.
Engaging in evangelism requires true compassion for people. A heart for witnessing is grounded in a passion for the lost, the desire to see the lost saved, personal knowledge of Christ, and the knowledge of Christ's love for the lost.
The writer Luke gives in Acts encouragement to believers to be involved in the spread of the word, but he does not imply that all are expected to proclaim it, nor that the essence of the gift of the Spirit is to empower such mission. Turner argues against the position that Pentecost is the empowerment for every believer individually to be involved in proclamation of the Gospel through eight theses that are expounded.
This is a response to possible obstacles that may prevent people from being more actively involved in mission work.
Are you concerned about the salvation of souls but are not sure how to evangelize? This article provides five things a faithful evangelist should do.
Do you find yourself struggling to evangelize? Here are ten ways to help get you started in your personal evangelism.
The focus of this article is the critical point in Paul’s use of the creation/fall/promise theme in 1 Timothy 2:13–15. The apostle's argument is based on Genesis 1-3 and should be read as part of the unit of 1 Timothy 2:8-15. Gruenler argues that this forms part of the larger context of the Pastorals as a mission genre with a specific exhortation to effective Christian lifestyle.
How does the church impact culture? This author wants to encourage the church to be a loving presence in society.