Raising Christ-Like Children
This article discusses a helpful way in which parents and the broader body of Christ can bring up children to bear the image of Christ.
Parents, Your Kids Need Big Theology
This article explains that your children need to be taught theology, through hymns, memorizing Scripture and reading together.
How to Help Your Kids Read the Bible
Are you looking for ways to help your children read the Bible for their personal devotions? Read the article for helpful suggestions.
Four Unexpected Ways to Teach Your Kids about Grace
Christian parenting must model God's grace to the children. How do you teach children about grace in your parenting? This article shares four ways.
How to View Our Children
Five Misconceptions about Parenting That Will Hinder Your Children from Coming to Jesus
Jehovah's Perfect Parental Discipline
Social Media and Middle School
When do you open the door for your children to access social media? This article provides a number of talking points for parents to cover with their children.
Why Christian Parents Should Not Want Good, Happy, Safe Kids
This article discusses what cruciform, or cross-centered, parenting looks like. It confronts rather than ignores sin in the life of the children. It trains the children toward moral and physical courage.
Book – God's Children in Worship
This article introduces the book God's Children in Worship as a resource and guide to help churches who are serious about teaching children (and adults) about worship,
How a Biblical Worldview Shapes the Way We Teach Our Children
Let the Children Come to Me – An Interview with Norman Thomasma
This article reflects an interview with a pastor on the importance of children as part of the worship service.
Comfort for Christian Parents of Unconverted Children
Like Cat, Like Kitten!
Children's Bulletins – An Aid to Worship
Many congregations make use of children's bulletins to help bridge the generation gap in worship. Making use of pictures and quizzes, such bulletins involve the children in the service and answer some of the questions children ask about worship and general church life. This article gives some suggestions on how to use such a bulletin to enhance the participation of children in the worship service.
Discipline of Covenant Children
Christian parents are called to raise their children within the covenant calling God gave them. Part of this is that they are called to apply discipline to the children. How do parents do this? What is the purpose of this discipline? This article shows the biblical roots for discipline and the way it can be applied positively and negatively, then looks at the purpose of discipline.
Five "Do Nots" of Fatherhood
Martin Luther, the Loving Father
This article shows how Martin Luther was a family man who loved children, and wrote about child-rearing himself. It also highlights how he had to grieve multiple times on account of losing children.
What Jesus Thinks about Children
Five Reasons to Keep the Kids In
This article stresses the importance of having the little children in the worship service.
Teaching Our Children to Pray
Children in Church
What's the Purpose of ... Children?
Should you have children? We live in an age where children are seen as a means of self-realization or an accessory to the good life. What is the purpose of children? This article explains.
Talking with Your Kids about the Sermon
When a Child Says "I Don't Know"
Is "I don't know" a refrain from your children in response to your questions regarding their behaviour? This article shows how parents, teachers, or other caregivers can often use this as a cue to let a child off the hook instead of calling heart motivations to task. Thus, the author suggests ways to handle this response in an effort to disciple the children God entrusts to us.
How We Live as Children and Teenagers
The Unwavering Parent & Teacher
Raising Our Children to Be Gatekeepers
Honoring & Exercising Authority
Practical Guidelines for Ministry to Children in the Church
Parental Resolutions
How to View Children in the Church
The Benefits of Good Habits
Bringing Up Children
Where Have All the Children Gone?
Marriage, Family and the Civil Authority A Theological and Ethical Perspective
Where Have All the Children Gone?
Why We Should Teach Our Children the Ten Commandments
Training Children to Worship
The High Calling to Shepherd Small Souls
Child and Worship
Kids, Character, and Catechism
When we develop the character of our children, we mark their souls morally and ethically. This parenting involves ploughing and planting the Word of God in them. One tool God provides for this is the catechism. The catechism provides children with solid, thorough knowledge in today’s confusing world. It gives a workable framework within which we can live.
Does Infant Baptism Still Matter?
Fathers: The Glory of Children
Is your father someone you can glory in? God gave parents abilities and opportunities to provide for their children. He also gave them authority over their families, has endowed them with life experience, and has made them His representative. All of these things qualify their parenting call, and makes them deserving of respect.
Go Ask Your Parents!
Giving Our Sons and Daughters in Marriage - Our Covenantal Responsibility (2)
Parents have a responsibility toward their children when it comes to their children marrying. The Bible tells us that believers should not be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers in marriage. This article shows the way such a mindset can be cultivated through family instruction in children's lives while they are still young.
Giving Our Sons and Daughters in Marriage - Our Covenantal Responsibility (1)
Parents have a responsibility toward their children when it comes to their children marrying. The Bible tells us that believers should not be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers in marriage. This article shows the way such a mindset can be cultivated through family instruction in children's lives while they are still young.
Disciplining Our Covenant Children in Love (2)
God has called parents to administer discipline toward their children. This article shows how parents should administer this discipline.
Disciplining Our Covenant Children in Love (1)
This article looks at parents' biblical calling to administer discipline toward their children. This discipline is guided and limited by God's word and love for God and the child.
The Discipline of Our Covenant Children (3)
This article looks at the biblical call for parents to administer corrective discipline toward their children in order to keep them from the path of sin.
The Discipline of Our Covenant Children (2)
This article discusses the foundation behind discipline in the Christian home based on the covenant and God's word. The author highlights what the relationship between parents and children should look like, and what Christian discipline involves.
The Discipline of Our Covenant Children (1)
This article discusses the foundation behind discipline in the Christian home based on the covenant and God's word. The author highlights what the relationship between parents and children should look like, and what Christian discipline involves.
Raising our Covenant Daughters
In the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord (2)
Ephesians 6:4 lays the foundation to Christian parenting. Exploring this text, the author of this article shows that the foundation to parenting lies in the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the extend of parenting and the obedience of children. This article discusses the respective roles of the father and mother.
In the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord (1)
Ephesians 6:4 lays the foundation to Christian parenting. Exploring this text, the author of this article shows that the foundation to parenting lies in the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ. He determines the extend of parenting and the obedience of children. This article discusses the respective roles of the father and mother.
Father’s Authority in the Christian Home (2)
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article focuses on the way the father exercises his authority during the child's different stages of growth.
Father’s Authority in the Christian Home (1)
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article shows that fathers should in their actions mirror our Father in heaven.
Psalm 78 - It’s the Children
What to Think
Marriage, Divorce, and Children (3)
Marriage, Divorce, and Children (2)
Marriage, Divorce, and Children (1)
Teaching our Children
Three reasons motivate Christian parents to pursue Christian education for their children: instructing children in the ways of the Lord, instructing them only in the truth of God, and instructing them to serve God. The responsibility belongs to both parents and children - children are to be diligent in their studies, and parents are to be supportive. With this approach, Christian schools become a way of worshiping and glorifying God.
A Mother Looks at the Sabbath Observance
Bringing Forth Children in an Age of Selfishness
Holy Baptism: Sign of God’s Unconditional Covenant
Baptism is the visible sign of God’s grace to His church. This article looks at children of believers as members of the church, and also discusses infant baptism as believer's baptism.
Discipline of Covenant Children
Christian parents are called to raise their children within their covenant calling. Included in this calling is an obligation to discipline. This article looks at the biblical basis and purpose of dicipline, and how it can be used both positively and negatively.
What Have We Done Wrong?
Why is it that some children raised in Christian homes rebel against Christ? This article deals with the guilt many parents have over the rebellion of their children. The author maintains that parents should not be discouraged in their parenting, but continue to teach and be examples while praying for the conversion of their children.
The Power of Example
The Blessing of Children
Hey, What Are You Reading?
A Biblical Relationship With Parents
Children - Or is Tithing Only for Adults?
My Child Needs Discipline
Throwing Toys Out of the Pram
What's Right With That?
Based on Philippians 4:8-9 this article aims at helping parents encourage excellence in their children. It gives some practical ways of communicating with children in such a way that they are encouraged to do well.
Children at the Lord's Supper
Children Worshipping God
Are Infants in the Church and Unbelievers Outside of it in the Same Position?
Family Planning and Birth Control
God's Heart for Children
Disastrous Times for Children
Spanking Children and the Limits of the Civil Law
Children under the Preaching of the Word
Disciplining our Children
How to Lead Your Children in Worship
Should Children Go to the Basement?
Who Speaks from the Pulpit?
Is Infant Baptism Divisive?
"A Cry for the Cry-room"
This article is about the baby room in the church and the way we look at children and the worship service.