Enduring Fiery Persecution in the Reformation Netherlands
Standing for Christ’s truth has its costs. This article documents the fiery persecution endured by those who promoted the teachings of Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli in the Netherlands.
The Worker
The Events Leading Up to the Great Synod
This article looks at the rise of Jacob Arminius and Arminianism as events that necessitated the Synod of Dort.
William Ames: Puritan in the Netherlands
This article is a biography of William Ames.
Gijsbert Voetius: Defender of Orthodoxy
This article is a biography of Gijsbert Voetius and the role he played in defending the truth of Scripture.
Biography of Franciscus Gomarus (1563-1602)
Creeds and Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Netherlands
The origins of the reformation in the Netherlands cannot be traced back to one man, as can be done with the other reformations in Germany or Switzerland. Rather, the Dutch Reformation originated largely as a result of the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism.
James Arminius or False to His Trust
Our Debt to Dort
The church owes a debt to the Synod of Dort for the contribution it made in four areas: Bible translation, church order, liturgy, and Sabbath observation.
The Men at Dort
This article gives a snap shot overview of some human figures who played a role as defenders of either Arminianism or the Reformed faith at the Synod of Dort.
The Significance of Dordt for Today
What is the relevance of the Synod of Dort for the church today? This article shows that both the Synod of Dordt and the Canons of Dort preserved the gospel in its purity, and thus continued the cause of the Reformation.
Jodocus Van Ladonstein's Experiential & Practical Theology
Jodocus Van Lodenstein (1620-1677)
Gijsbertus Voetius Teacher Through His Word and Life
The "Erasmian Impulse"
The Reformation in the Netherlands
Herman Witsius
The "Unknown" Voetius Remembered
"Father" Brakel: Comforter of the "Little Ones"
Who Was Arminius?
Who was Arminius? What did he teach? Do the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism today matter? These are the questions that this article addresses. It also addresses the implications of Arminius' teaching on the study and practice of Christianity today.