Reformed Mission in Southern Africa The Way Forward
“A Sacrifice Well Pleasing to God”: John Calvin and the Missionary Endeavors of the Church
A Joint Venture Prayer, Revival and Missions Go Together – or Not at All
Acts Speaks Louder Faithful Planting of the Word always Produces Reaping, Somewhere, Sometime
William Carey: The Morning Star of Modern Missions
This article presents an overview of the life of William Carey, the so-called father of modern missions.
What Does Mission Look Like in the Suburbs?
What does it mean to do mission work in suburbs? While suburbs may pose a challenge to missions, this article identifies the needs common to suburbs and shows how these needs can be addressed in order to reach those in suburbs.
Maintenance or Mission?
What does it mean to be a missional church? This article defines first what is it to be missional, and then the challenges facing the church. Based on Colossians 4:2-6, 1 Peter 2:9-11, and 1 Peter 3:13-16, it gives principles for missions, and characteristics of a missional church.
Acts 13:1-4 – Missionaries Sent Out from Antioch
Declaring and Demonstrating God’s Saving Rule
What should be the relationship between evangelism and social action in mission work? Should they both characterize missions? To answer these questions this article looks at different views on this issue. It discusses the relationship between the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the call to the church to seek justice.
Calvinism and Missions: Irresistible Grace
This article shows that the only hope for missions and evangelism lies in grasping the truth God’s grace is always effectual. It shows that irresistible grace was the motive for Reformers to be involved in missions and evangelism, and so it must be for the church today.
Buying Missions
How the church thinks about the relationship between money and doing mission work is essential in protecting the church from falling in the trap of buying missions. This article gives three scenarios in which the church can buy missions while thinking that it is doing mission work.
To the Ends of the Earth – "For God So Loved the World": John Calvin's Missional Exegesis
In this chapter Haykin reveals John Calvin's approach to Scripture and theology that was clearly pro-missions and pro-evangelism. While Calvin was concerned more directly with purifying the church than initiating a worldwide missions movement, his interpretation of the Bible was consistent with a free proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of the lost.
Seeds of Missiology in the German Erweckung (1815–1848)
It is the contention of this article that seeds of a missiology emerged early in the nineteenth century in Germany. This was necessitated by the vitality of the religious awakening known as the Erweckung. The purpose of this article is to set forth some of the impulses that led at a later date to the systematization of mission theory.
God's Love Compels Us – The Biblical Basis for Missions: Treasure in Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4:1-12)
Carson wants to get at the biblical basis for missions. The manner in which he does it is to focus on a specific passage: 2 Corinthians 4:1-12.
How We Live for Missions
Understanding the Times
Missions: Understanding Our Times
The Missionary God of the Old Testament
Short-Term Missions as a Spiritual Exercise
Short-term mission work for Christians should be a cross-bearing exercise. If the cross of Christ is excluded, then short-term missions becomes a secular exercise. This article shows how to apply biblical spirituality in short-term missions, in order that people might experience the power of the cross.
Biblical and Confessional View of Missions
This article is on mission work. The author discusses the church as the agent of missions. Preaching is central to the advancement of mission work, and every member of the congregation has a responsibility for missions. The author looks at this topic through the lens of the biblical and confessional position.
The Mission Labors of John Calvin
It is sometimes said that the doctrine of election eliminates the need for mission work. Is this true? John Calvin would rather say that the doctrine of election is the motivation for missions. The hope of mission work is found in the fact that God elects. This article demonstrates this truth from Calvin's life and mission work.
Reformation and Mission
The Task of Missions
The Objects of Missions
Jonah 3:10-4:1 – Stretch Your Mind, Jonah!
Preparing for Missionary Service
Who Manages Missions?
Prayer and Missions
Confronting the Roaring Lion
Defining Missions Theocentrically
Proselytism or Evangelism?
Why Missionaries?
Christian Missions to Islam and Western Culture
This article is about missions to Islam, Islam and the Western culture, the danger of secularism in missions.
John Calvin the Evangelist
This is about John Calvin's heart for missions and his work in church planting.
(New one added on CL) Johan Herman Bavinck
Mission Themes in the Belgic Confession
Mission Themes in the Heidelberg Catechism
Calvin's Missionary Thought and Practice
If You Catch 'em, You Clean 'em
Missions is More than Money: Criteria for Supporting Missions in the Local Church
Local Church Evangelism
Reading Christ's Thoughts Re Islam
Doing Theology from a Missionary Perspective
A Humble effort to Promote Local Evangelism - What Changes are Needed?
This article is about the local church and missions. This article looks at the missionary, but also at the witness of the normal Christian.
A Plea for Fishing
What is the essence of missions and evangelism? This article is about inactivity in missions and evangelism.
Para-church Missions: Six pointed Concerns
This article is about the relation of church and missions. The author discusses the idea of para-church missions (organizations for missions).
John Calvin and Missions
This article is about John Calvin's view of missions and mission methods.
This Culture is Overrated
This article is about the purpose of preaching, and about the relation of preaching and culture. It is also relevant for missions and preaching.