What Is the Most Biblical Way to Evangelize?
Believers tend to struggle with how to do evangelism well. This article explains that having a good grasp of the gospel and its storyline is of great help in evangelism.
Believers tend to struggle with how to do evangelism well. This article explains that having a good grasp of the gospel and its storyline is of great help in evangelism.
How has Western culture affected evangelism? This article explains that society's claim to the right to define all meaning for itself makes it a culture hostile and indifferent to evangelism. The author encourages the church to stay the course and remain faithful to the call to keep the gospel and person of Christ central in evangelism.
Evangelism is all about the gospel. What makes the message a gospel message? The gospel message is about God, sin, Christ, and faith and repentance. This article explains these four ingredients.
This article is about the purpose of preaching, and about the relation of preaching and culture. It is also relevant for missions and preaching.
The book of Acts is essential to understanding mission work. This article points to the ascension of Christ and Pentecost as the two events recorded in Acts that are important for the mission of the church.
Mission preaching is bringing the message God wants an unconverted person to hear. This article explains the role of the messenger in this kind of preaching. He seeks the salvation and spiritual well-being of those to whom he preaches.
Mission preaching is bringing the message God wants an unconverted person to hear. This article explains the character of mission preaching by discussing its nature and purpose.
This article considers how to incorporate the law into evangelism.
Evangelism flows from doctrine. From Luke 24:46-48 this article offers the doctrinal content that must form the message of evangelism. It is the death of Christ, his resurrection, and repentance.
God calls His church to do mission work. How can the church practice effective evangelism? This article looks at Paul's mission work in Athens (Acts 17), drawing implications for the church today.
God calls His church to do mission work. How can the church practice effective evangelism? This article looks at Paul's mission work in Athens (Acts 17), drawing implications for the church today.
Abraham Heschel, an orthodox Jew, held the view that "Christians must abandon the idea that the Jews must be converted". Is the preaching of the love of God for sinners in Jesus Christ "one of the greatest scandals in history" when the sinner is a Jew? Is it a scandal to practice evangelism towards Jews?
This article reviews a number of positions held on the nature of salvation. The article refutes the Roman Catholic accusation that the Reformation rejected all works of holiness and the need for moral transformation in the life of converts. Other unbiblical approaches to evangelism are antinomian elements that deny the necessity for commitment to Christ.
When the man asked the Lord Jesus what must he do to be saved, Jesus pointed to the law as recorded in Mark 10:19-21. Why? He did it because the preaching of the law is essential for evangelism. This article explains.
TULIP shapes Calvinism's understanding of evangelism. It carefully defines man’s need of God’s grace, and summarizes the great acts performed by the Triune God to save men from their sins. This article shows that the Calvinistic way of presenting the gospel follows in the footsteps of Christ as he presented the gospel.
"Accept Jesus as your personal Saviour." What view of salvation is promoted by such a statement? Does it match the biblical view of salvation? This article argues that this statement is a result of evangelism gone wrong. It betrays the biblical teaching on salvation.
This article discusses what the author calls "the doctrinal content of the message of evangelism," with the discussion based on Luke 26:46-48. The author lists the points of this doctrinal content as (1) the necessity of the cross, (2) the resurrection, and (3) repentance and remission of sins.