Law in Action
The Use of God's Law
The Christian's Use of the Law
Keeping the Law
Calvin on Law and Gospel
What is the place of the law of God in society? What is the relationship of the law to the gospel? What is the role of the law in the Christian life? This article gives John Calvin's answer based on his view of the three uses of the moral law.
Why Your Morality Will Never Be Enough for God
Why is it that your good works and obedience to the law cannot make you righteous before God? The law requires love. Thankfully, the law leads the sinner to Christ, who alone can save, and change hearts to love God.
Oh How I Love Thy Law! Do Not Handle, Taste, or Touch
Legal Aid We Need Help with the Law — and Get It
The Inability of the Law to Save
This article shows that the role of the law God gave to Israel was not to perfect them, but to point them to the reality that only God can save them.
The Third Use of the Law
What is the place of the law in the Christian life? The law for the Christian does not only function to reveal sin and limit ungodliness; to a Christian the Ten Commandments are the believer’s life of gratitude before God. This article argues how this is so, and how the Reformers taught this use of the law.
The Uses of the Gospel and the Law
The article carefully articulates the several uses of the gospel message and the law, both in the context of believers and unbelievers.
The Moral Law: A Rule of Obedience
What is the use of the moral law in the church today? The author undertakes a detailed study of the various views of the law in the different sectors of Christianity. The article begins with a detailed analysis of what is meant in Scripture by "Law." Further, the author provides his argument for the necessity of the law as a rule for the believer's life. This is done as an argument against such views as those of the Roman Catholics and the Antinomians.
Law and Love Have No Quarrel
The Use of the Law in Evangelism
This article considers how to incorporate the law into evangelism.
1 Corinthians 15:56 – Law, Sin, and Death: An Edenic Triad?
For many exegetes 1 Corinthians 15:56 is puzzling. In this article, Vlachos wants to examine this text carefully and evaluate previous attempts to explain the presence of the triad of law, sin, and death in the letter. He suggests that the text should be interpreted as an epigram that referred to the garden of Eden.
The Triumph of Grace in Hosea (Part 2)
Romans 2:12-16 – Paul, the Law, Jews, and Gentiles: A Contextual and Exegetical Reading
Romans 2:12-16 raises important questions. What is the relationship of the Law to the Gentiles? Does Romans 2 teach that there is a “natural law” that is a Gentile equivalent to the Law of Moses? Has this text anything to say about conscience? Is it possible for Gentiles to receive salvation through obedience to this natural law? Is Paul’s argument in Romans 2:12-16 a contradiction to what he wrote in Romans 3:9 and 20?
Exodus 24 – Covenant and Fellowship
This article, a sermon leading up to Lord's Supper, considers Exodus 24, which records the covenant-making ceremony. The article helpfully discusses matters of the law and sacrifices.
Delighting in the Law of the Lord – The Source of Law: Humanity or God?
In this chapter the author considers two views on the source of the law. One view is confident that humanity is the only source of law and of the knowledge of good and evil. The other view finds a fountain for the good life for ourselves and society if we turn back to God himself. Law is seen as an expression of the character of God. Questions for personal reflection and group discussion follow at the end of the chapter.
Delighting in the Law of the Lord – The Good Life: Found in Christianity or Postmodernism?
In Chapter 2 Barrs first considers how the past century witnessed a loss of biblical content to people’s views of God, truth, and moral convictions. Two views are considered: a Christian (traditional) view (morality and law are fixed and eternal) and a postmodern view (morality and law are constantly open to change). Questions for personal reflection and group discussion are at the end of the chapter.
The Nearness of God – Incarnation as Presence
In Chapter 1 Burns discusses the subject of the presence of God in John 1:1-18. The focus of the chapter is verse 14.
Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul – How the Mighty Have Fallen: From Luther to Schweitzer
This book’s concern is with what has become known as the New Perspective on Paul, which is concerned with Paul's understanding of the law, works of the law, righteousness, and other related issues. This chapter starts with a history of the study of Paul covering the period from Martin Luther to Albert Schweitzer.
Regarding Theonomy: An Essay of Concern
At the time of the writing of this article, theonomy was a new phenomenon on the church scene in the USA. This article investigates the main premises of the position of the theonomists. In a very narrow sense of the term, theonomy holds to the abiding validity of the law in its exhaustive details. The views of Greg Bahnsen are noted and discussed.
Is Perfect Obedience to the Law Possible? A Re-Examination of Galatians 3:10
What is the nature of Paul's argument in Galatians 3:10? Is perfect obedience to the law possible? Schreiner wants to clarify the meaning of the verse.
Paul on Christ and the Law
Preaching the Law of God
When the man asked the Lord Jesus what must he do to be saved, Jesus pointed to the law as recorded in Mark 10:19-21. Why? He did it because the preaching of the law is essential for evangelism. This article explains.
The Uses of the Gospel and the Law in Subservience to the Gospel
The Law as God’s Gracious Guidance for the Promotion of Holiness
Kaiser reflects first on the function of the law as a guide for the promotion of holiness and Christian living, and then on the relationship between law and gospel. Romans 9:30-Romans 10:13 is used as illustrative material.
God’s Promise Plan and His Gracious Law
How should biblical law be related to God’s gospel of grace? In answering this question Kaiser argues that the law is a unity. He further considers whether the penalties of the law continue to be an integral part of the law, and whether the law was addressed to Israel and not to all mankind.
Our Lord's Understanding of the Law of God
What should be the Christian attitude towards the law of God? This article seeks the answer from Christ's view of the law.
Moral Law and the Ten Commandments
After looking at the threefold use of the law, this article looks at the use of the law as a guide. It shows how the Ten Commandments can be applied to public life.
The Christian’s Rule of Life
Two Views of Law
A Study Commentary on Deuteronomy - Historical Prologue
This is the first chapter of a commentary on Deuteronomy. Here the author provides an exegesis of Deuteronomy 1:1-Deuteronomy 2:7. The author also discusses the book of Deuteronomy as an Ancient Near-Eastern vassal treaty, the structure of law in Deuteronomy, and the concept of law in the Ancient Near East.
Not Under Law, But Under Grace
The Law of Life
This article discusses the Pentateuch (or Law) from the perspective of modernism and post-modernism.
Liberty vs. Law?
Obeying both God and Caesar
Preaching of the Law
The Place of the Law in the Worship Service
Preaching the Law
God's Law: Your Friend or Your Foe?
Is the law against the gospel? No. The law harmonizes with the gospel. The law is good, because it reveals God's character and it discloses His design for us. When used rightly, the law identifies sin and leads individuals to lead a life of love for God.
Basics of the Reformed Faith: The Law and the Gospel
1 John 2:3-6 - Law or Love
The World in the Church: Lawless World: Lawless Church?
Reflecting on the modern trend where the self has become the law, this article shows how rebellion against the law can be used by Satan to bring worldliness in the church. The cure can be found in keeping the balance between justification and sanctification. This is the fourth and final article in a series looking at some examples of worldly thinking infiltrating the church.
Reflecting Sin: The Pedagogical Use of the Law
Penultimate Thoughts On Theonomy
To The Jew First: A Reformed Perspective
This article looks at the gospel ministry to non-Christian Jews. The author discusses how the Reformed understanding of the covenant of grace, the unity of the people of God, the harmony of the law and the gospel, and eschatology has bearing on evangelism to non-Christian Jews.
God knows best
Paul and the Law
In this article on Paul and the law, the author looks at the relation of law and gospel in Galatians, the relation of Old Testament and New Testament, semi-eschatological fulfillment, and the law and the work of the Holy Spirit.
What's in Your Mind, Believer?
What is the role of the Christian law in the Christian's life? This article tries to answer this question and also looks at the Mosaic law and Jesus Christ, the relation of the old covenant and new covenant, and Hebrews 8:13.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 19
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 19 is about the law of God.
John 8:1-12 - The Light of the World
The Critical Relationship Between Love and Law
A Gospel Without Law
Psalm 82 - God Judging the Gods
Applying Law
Jeremiah 31:33b - Pentecost
Perspectives on Paul and the Law
This article discusses Paul and the law. What exactly is Paul's theology of the law?