Postures towards Providence
The Gospel of God's Providence
Five Ways God Is the Father to the Fatherless
In our day where single parenting is so common, the concept of God as the Father can easily lose its meaning. This article points out five ways in which God is the best Father to us all, through Jesus Christ.
God’s Leading Is That God’s Leading?
God’s Leading: Biblical Leading
ABBA in the Old Testament?
Can we speak of the "fatherhood of God" in the Old Testament? In this essay, the author confronts the views of Joachim Jeremias on the function of "abba" in the life of Christ and reflects on sonship in the Old Testament.
The Providence of God
What is the providence of God? To answer this question this article traces the doctrine of providence in the Bible, and explains how a biblical understanding of providence will help us in our daily lives as Christians.
Our Father and His Providence
Reflections on the Haiti Earthquake What We Should Learn from It
What Does the Bible Say About Ancestral Sin, Generational Spirits, and Curses?
Biblically a curse is understood to imply that one is under God’s judgement, and a blessing is to be under God’s favour. This article uses this understanding to evaluate the teaching of generational curses and ancestral sin. The author maintains that there is no ground for such a teaching. Working from Proverbs 26:2, the author shows that manmade curses have no power.
Cycles (1): The Providential Provisions from an Unchanging God
Creation abounds with cycles. The sun rises, sets, and rises again. Is there anything to learn from these cycles of life? The author affirms with a resounding Yes. The circles of life are meant to teach us about God’s wise design, his providence, and his unchanging nature.
The Gospel of God's Providence - Lord Willing
Acts of God
God's providence
There is probably no point at which the Christian doctrine of God comes more into conflict with contemporary worldviews than in the matter of the providence of God. Providence means that God has not abandoned the world that he created, but rather works within that creation to manage all things according to the “immutable counsel of His own will”.
Let's Find "Grace for a Well-Timed Help" Together
Addressing God as Father
The Sheer Ordinariness of God's Providence
The author looks at the book of Esther to show the ordinariness of the providence of God.
When God Closes the Door and Shuts the Windows
Does God always give you an open window after closing a door? Many people perceive God’s prevention from one thing as redirection to another provision elsewhere. This article argues that God does not always open a window after closing the door.
Postures Towards Providence: Providence after Peniel
Is Creation the Same as Providence?
Postures Towards Providence: Noah Instructed in Providence
Postures Towards Providence: Ezekiel Admiring God's Providence
God’s Leading Does God Lead Our Lives Like This?
Faith and the Providence of God
Calvin and Providence Commemorating the Reformation’s 500th Anniversary
Does God Play Dice?
I Crave Freedom But I Pray for Providence...
Reading Backwards Only Afterwards Can We See God’s Providence
Father from Origin
God’s Providence and Sin
If God’s providence embraces all things, does it mean that God is responsible for the sins of men? This article shows that God’s providence encompasses the moral acts of sinful men, but God remains pure and holy, and therefore not the author of sin.
God’s Providence and Evil
If God’s providence embraces all things, does it mean that God is the one who sends suffering and afflictions? This article’s answer is: yes.
How Is God Working in the World? Understanding Miracles and Providence
When is an act a miracle? This article explains that to answer this question one must learn to distinguish the difference between a miraculous act of God and his providential act. Knowing the difference between providence and miracle and how God works in both is essential.
To Whom Was the Permit Issued?
To say that God is in control is to claim that in his providence he determines when and where events will occur. Does this include natural disasters? The article weighs in.
Providential Care
This article explains why it is impossible to talk about the providence of God without acknowledging his sovereignty.
Providence describes the biblical teaching that God not only planned his work, but actively works his plan. This article explains how this teaching should shape our attitude when facing unpleasant events.
God not only created the earth, but in his providence he still sustains it. This article explains how.
The Apple of My Eye
God refers to his child as "the apple of my eye." What does this phrase mean? It expresses the care of God for his children. Let the article explain.
Biblical Patterns of Divine Working and Their Relevance to Today’s Church
Can My Life Be Plagued By Generational Sins, Hexes, or Curses?
Looking at Exodus 20:5-6, Exodus 34:6-7, and Leviticus 26:39, this article maintains that the Bible does not teach the concept of generational curses or generational sin. The Bible teaches that God punishes the sins of the fathers to their children when the children adopt those sins.
Are Generational Curses Biblical?
This article shows that the notion of generational curses is not biblical. It does this by looking at some texts frequently used to justify the notion of generational curses. The author maintains that the root of bad things happening is not generational curses, but sin and its consequences.
Cycles (2): Pictures of the Vanity of Life
Creation abounds with cycles. The sun rises, sets, and rises again. Is there anything to learn from these cycles? The author affirms with a resounding Yes. Without Christ, these repetitions of life reveal the emptiness, and fill one with a sense of vanity. However, in Christ one has hope that this repetition will come to an end with our death, and that we will then enter into eternal fellowship with God.
Why Did This Happen to Me?
The only way we can account for events happening in our lives is by looking at the providence of God. We should recognize, admire and submit to God's providence, and turn to prayer in the difficult times.
Observing God at Work
Noticing God's providence in daily life brings blessings to the Christian. This article describes five of these blessings.
God is Not Their Father
The "Slowness" of God's Ways
The Sweet Commands of God
Will God Really Use All Things for Your Good?
The Scriptures teach that God works all things and circumstances for our good. The article briefly discusses four Scripture passages to show the providence of God working in the lives of his people (Psalm 17; Psalm 22; Psalm 38:2-3; Psalm 43).
The Church and the Holy Trinity: God the Father
Solid Comfort From a Familiar Verse
Is it possible to truly rejoice always? In this article on Romans 8:28, the author states that Christians can rejoice in both the good and bad things that happen to them. This is so because of God's sovereignty in all things. God's love directs everything He does for His children, and He is present in all circumstances.
Attention for Ages
Should a Christian Be Concerned about Curses Today?
This article examines the key scriptural passages used to justify the teaching of generational curses and generational spirits. The author maintains that, when taken in their context, these texts do not support this teaching. In union with Christ, believers are free from the curse of sin.
Territorial Spirits and Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical Perspective
Do territorial spirits exist? What about generational spirits and generational curses? How should we think about spiritual warfare? Should believers ever rebuke demons? This article addresses these questions, encouraging the reader to fight spiritual warfare through a life of obedience to God and in dependence on Him through prayer.
Busting the Myth of Human Omnipotence
Are you striving for wealth, beauty, physical strength, and charisma to prove that you have obtained God’s grace? This article argues against the folly of chasing human power, while pointing to being established in Christ and standing firm in him.
At Just the Right Time
In speaking about the providence of God, many Christians are reluctant to speak of secondary causes, since they think this somehow robs God of his glory. Yet this article demonstrates that God uses means to accomplish his purposes, particularly the spread of Christianity in the early church. The author discusses several conditions ideal for such a spread, and they pertain to Judaism, the Roman Empire, Greek philosophy, syncretism, and persecution.
The Providence of God in the Theology of Irenaeus
Still Things Moving
Looking at the motion of the earth, this article shows how God in His providence sustains everything. This work of God calls us to respond with faith in Him.