Kisses and Covenant Blessings
Lonely in the Church
Three Reasons You Need the Church
Is it necessary for a confessing Christian to belong to a church community? Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 provides three reasons why life is better together than alone.
The Heart Knows Its Own Bitterness
A Fruitful Summer Ministry for Stay-at-Home Moms
This article offers advice for stay-at-home moms on how to visit the widows in the congregation.
Diversity Marks of a Healthy Church 10
Love One Another Marks of a Healthy Church 8
The Church as God’s Family The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Six
The Church’s Birthmarks The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Two
The Church as Christ’s Body The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Four
Proactive Accountability
Accountability is a word that expresses the quality of a human relationship to others and to God. After the fall it became the means of sanctification and a fruit of repentance. This article calls for the practice of proactive accountability. It exposes counterfeit accountability, clarifies what biblical accountability is and its basis. This paves the way for proactive accountability, which is complete honesty within a loving relationship, meant to point toward Christ and to prevent sin.
How Does the Church Show Caring Love Today
The Christian’s Duty to Consider Each Other
The Body of Christ
This article looks at the implications of the Lord's Supper on church membership. Through the Lord's Supper we are taught that communion with Christ results in communion with other believers. This is what it means to be the body of Christ, as stated in 1 Corinthians 10:17.
Communion of Saints
Forgotten Metaphors
The Gift of Fellowship
Preaching Christ
One Anothering
Putting Youth Back into the Ministry
The Fellowship of Saints
A Call to Encourage
In Praise of Praise
No Accountability Christianity
A Life-Supporting Atmosphere
Four Ways to Speak the Gospel to One Another
Togetherness in Christ
The Holy Spirit and the Communion of Saints
Nine Ways to Drive People from Your Church
What are reasons people leave the church? Some things that push people to leave the church are caused by the church itself. Here are nine such ways that can lead to people leaving the church.
Eight Reasons Older People Struggle with Change
This article mentions eight reasons why older people struggle with change.
Eight Warnings Signs of Church Division
Is your church on the brink of a division? How do you know if you are facing divisions in the church? Here are eight warning signs of church division that you need to heed.
Why the Unchurched or Newly Churched May Not Come to Your Small Group
How can your small group reach out to the unchurched and new believers? Are you aware of these nine hindrances to joining a small church group?
Ten Things That Make Church Member Cry
What causes pain in the church? This article lists ten things.
Ten Reasons Guys Need Male Friends in the Church
This article contends that Christian men need male friends in the church.
Six Problems in Small Groups
Small groups are important for the health of the church. Yet there can be problems with such groups. This article identifies such problems, and offers suggestions for how to correct them.
Ten Ways to Improve Fellowship Events at Church
How can you make church fellowship events better? This article suggests ten ways.
Ten Reasons Everybody at Church Should Wear a Nametag
Did you know that wearing a nametag in church can be a great way of helping others know you? Here are ten reasons for wearing a nametag in church.
Why We Must Love Unlovable Church Members
Are there people in the church you struggle to love? How do you love unlovable church members? This article gives you ten reasons to show love to unlovable church members.
Ten Ways to Grow a Small Group
How do you grow small groups in the church? This article offers ten ways you can do so.
Receiving a Blessing: Giving a Blessing Laying On of Hands
Visitation in the Christian Congregation
Kingdom and Priests Belong Together
How the Church Becomes Visible
When People Disappoint You
What should you do when you face disappointment from people? Here are three things you should bear in mind when dealing with disappointment.
Many Members, But One Body
Is Diversity Important for the Church
Diversity in the church is a reflection of the kingdom. The author gives four ways that we can see a biblical basis for diversity: creation, redemption, adoption, and revelation.
Ten Benefits of Church Small Groups
Small groups play a role in the life of some churches. Here are ten benefits of such groups.
How to Be Thankful for Your Messed-Up Church
Is thanksgiving for your church part of your prayer? Philippians 1:3-4 gives three things you can be thankful to God for your church, even when it is in a mess.
Relationships: Why Can They Be So Scary?
Are you disappointed in your relationship? Why is the disappointment so painful? This article gives four reasons for this.
Who Knows You?
What is true fellowship? Such fellowship, this article explains, is rooted in a true knowledge of one another. This is what will help shape your life in the way of honesty and humility.
Worshipping with Aliens and Angels
This article reflects on how churches can extend hospitality to visitors in their midst.
Bringing Young and Old Together
The church is the household of God, which consists of different generations. How do you overcome generational gaps and build bridges through the gospel? You can do three things to create an inter-generational church ministry.
Six Tips for Shepherding Your Small Group
How do you shepherd small groups? This article offers six tips.
Three Ways to Spot a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
How can you spot a wolf in sheep's clothing? This article provides three things to be on the lookout for: wolves live for the love of power, they look and talk like sheep but bite like wolves, and are experts at deceit.
How Church Bullies and Abusers Deceive Us
When dealing with abuse and church bullies it is important first to know how they work and deceive their victims. This article points to some ways to identify a church bully.
Why Rebuke? To See Jesus
This article reflects on the purpose of admonitions: that we might share in the holiness of God.
Fellowship and Confrontation
This article considers the call for Christians to admonish one another, as an important part of their fellowship.
Fellowship and Conversation
This article shows how Scripture defines fellowship in the church: it is an objective reality, grounded in one's relationship with the triune God, accomplished by the atoning work of Christ.
Thirty-Seven Ways to Love One Another
Believers are called to love one another. How can believers show this love? This article lists thirty-seven ways.
Ten Ways to Avoid the Awkward Silence in Your Small Group
How do you break the ice in a small groups Bible study? This article suggests ten ways you can get the conversation going.
Four Sources of Christian Encouragement
Every Christians need to be encouraged continually in living the Christian life. Where are the sources of encouragement for the Christian? This article mentions four.
Brotherly Love
When the Bible, especially the New Testament, speaks of brothers, what does it generally have in mind? This article explains, as it considers the call to brotherly love.
How We Fellowship with Believers
Arrogance and Strife
"The Communion of Saints"
The Evils and Remedy of Discord in Religious Communities: A Lecture
Every One for Himself?
Christian Community: Seeking Contentment without Complacency
Our Common Responsibility as Officebearers
The Role of Christian Older Men
Marks of a Christian
One mark of the Christian life is loving God's people. Pietism has an emphasis on personal devotion, and its claim that there is no true church undermines this mark of being a Christian.
The Water of Life (Part 2): The Spirit and the Church
This is the second article in a series on the work of the Holy Spirit. The church is the body of Christ, with Christ as the Head. Such a church only exists through the work of the Holy Spirit. This article shows how the Spirit shapes the unity of the church and her worship.
The Ministry of Encouragement
An Important and Positive Lesson From the Liberals (Which You Might Not Hear Elsewhere)
This article looks at the development of mega-churches and the decline of small churches in our culture. The author encourages Christians to focus on supporting their local church and denomination.
What Familiarity Must Not Breed
The Advantages of Small Groups
The Beauty of Reformed Fellowship
How Warm Is Your Church?
Brotherly Love
Six Beneftis Older Folks Bring to the Church
Older Christians can be of great benefit to the church. This article lists six benefits aged Christians bring to God's church.
Scandal and Shame in the Church
This article considers the following questions: how should the church respond to scandal within it, as well as the shame that comes with it? Why is it difficult to deal with scandalous sin? How does the church walk the path of forgiveness in the case of public sin?
"In the Multitude of Counsellors"
Pursuing Accountability in Community
The church is called to live together as the body of Christ. Holding each other accountable is a way of living together. This article gives seven tips for pursuing accountability and confession within the church.
There’s Grace in the Greeting
The Healing Power of the Local Church
Five Tune-Ups for Stuck Small Groups
Is your Bible study small group stuck? Try these five suggestions to get your small group a tune-up.
The Wastefulness of God
What happens when the church aims to be effective, efficient, and practical? This article argues that the church may risk the danger of falling into utilitarianism in its view of its members. The author explains and calls for embracing wastefulness.
Reflections on Reformation: Why Pray the Hours?
This article makes a case from church history and Scripture for prayer at set times of the day.
Always Reforming: The Holy Challenge of Diversity
The danger facing the Reformed faith is that of uniformity, rather than celebrating the diversity God has given to his church. This article makes an appeal to the church to celebrate the diversity in the church.
Christ's Unshepherded Sheep
Face to Face
Intimacy in the Organized Church
Through Love Be Servants
The Collapse of Congregations
Congregations, so long the normative form of church life, are under threat. Haddon Willmer demonstrates how the threats come from social and economic forces. The situation is made worse by the internal loss of bearings in churches themselves. In particular he identifies the flight from a critical intellectual life and the problems of inculturating faith in our twenty-first century world.