Cultivating a Christian Mind
Holy Worldliness
Why Worldviews Matter
Wise Consumers
The Battle of Worldviews: Dualism and Theism in Tolkien and Lewis
This article explains that every worldview has to reckon with a key issue, that of the origins of good and evil. The author considers dualism and nihilism in this regard, before turning to Christian theism, which has argued that God originally made the world good, and evil is a subsequent corruption of a good thing.
Our Natural Nihilism Materialist Philosophy can only Breed Nihilism, not Cure it
Every Square Inch Christ's Lordship Answers the Two Great Questions of Ministry
Working Model God Works and So Must We — Striving to Be His Image
Train a Child There is no “Value-neutral” Education, so make it Christian
How a Biblical Worldview Shapes the Way We Teach Our Children
Four Dimensions of Exposing Faulty Worldviews
We all live with some type of worldview. How do we expose false worldviews and show people their need for Jesus Christ? The church has the gospel, discipleship, missions, and apologetics to do this.
Innocent Suffering in Mesopotamia
The aim of this article is to examine the reasons why theodicy, as we understand the term today, is virtually absent from ancient Mesopotamian literature. The purpose is to discover what factors in that culture led to the exclusion of theodicy and the idea of innocent suffering from their worldview and literature.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 5
This article considers five different ways to detect someone's worldview.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 4
This article goes into some detail about what a worldview is and what it takes to make it. Regarding the latter, the author breaks down a worldview into five areas: theology, anthropology, knowledge, ethics, and salvation. Under each heading he provides some key questions that we can ask of a worldview.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 2
This article explains five reasons why it is important to be worldview-aware. This will help you engage with non-Christian religions.
What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 1
What exactly is a worldview? This introductory article explains that it is your most basic beliefs and assumptions about the universe. Read the article for its insights.
How Convincing Is Walter Wink’s Interpretation of Paul’s Language of the Powers?
How should Walter Wink's interpretation of Paul’s language of the "powers" be evaluated? This article argues that Wink's interpretation is deeply flawed. Lynch first offers a synopsis of other approaches to put Wink’s approach in context, and then gives a summary of Wink's position.
Revolutions in Worldview – Enlightenments and Awakenings: The Beginnings of Modern Culture Wars
The goal of this volume is to present the worldview characteristic of different periods of Western thought. Chapter 8 explores the life and worldview of the 18th century Enlightenment as it took shape in various countries accompanied by spiritual awakenings.
Revolutions in Worldview – Medieval Theology and the Roots of Modernity
The goal of this volume is to present the worldview characteristic of different periods of Western thought. Chapter 5 explores the life and worldview of the Middle Ages in Christian Europe. This culture was united by a single worldview infused with Christianity.
Revolutions in Worldview – The Hebrew World-and-Life View
Revolutions in Worldview – Greeks Bearing Gifts
The goal of this volume is to present the worldview characteristic of different periods of Western thought. In Chapter 1 Frame explores the ancient Greek worldview and evaluates it in the light of the gospel.
Living at the Crossroads – Gospel, Story, Worldview, and the Church's Mission
This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The gospel is an announcement of the story about where God is moving the history of the whole creation.
Let the Reader Understand – Truth, Language, and Sin
The volume is a study of hermeneutics. In Chapter 1 the foundation is laid for a proper understanding of the task of interpretation of Scripture by spelling out the presuppositions of responsible interpretation.
Christ or Chaos – Reality Used to Be a Friend of Mine
We all have fundamental assumptions about the nature of the universe. This Introduction draws attention to the importance of recognizing one’s own worldview.
The Lordship of Christ – The Story of Redemption
This chapter explores the significance of a Christian worldview. The view that Scripture presents of the world is at odds with the typical thinking of a secular worldview. Poythress reviews some basic elements belonging to a biblical view of the world.
Inerrancy and Worldview – How Can Only One Religion Be Right?
Are all religions at heart the same? Can there be only one true religion? The author reflects upon these questions in Chapter 1. Part of this reflection explains the relevance of people’s assumptions about truth. People’s basic assumptions about the nature of the world fit together to form a worldview.
For College Students: A Primer to Understanding Worldviews
Implications of Christian Education in Theology and Science
Constructing Your Worldview
'I Am the Truth'
Maintaining a Christian Worldview
A Christian worldview is maintained through the fear of God, love for Jesus Christ, prayer, and Bible reading.
Unity and Diversity
No Neutral Ground: A Christian Critique of the Secular Onslaught in Education Systems
This article shows that education is not neutral. Looking at the context of Canada, this article considers public schools as promoting a different worldview than Christian schools - one that is founded on humanistic grounds instead of Scripture.
The Lunchroom Comes Before the Legislature
Symphonic Theology: Perspectives in the Bible
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. This article shows that biblical writers used different perspectives, and yet there is harmony. The Bible does not teach us different perspectives, but rather one worldview about God, the world and ourselves, making it possible to speak about a Christian perspective.