Infant Baptism: Should We Agree to Disagree?

Looking at the difference positions held by credobaptists and paedobaptists, this article examines whether there is a possibility of uniting together while maintaining differences. The author concludes that "agreeing to disagree" is not the way to go. Infant baptism is a major doctrine, is intricately related to many other doctrines, and cannot be compromised.

Holy Baptism

Holy baptism was instituted in the Church by Christ to signify and seal God's promises. The word baptize means to immerse, and also signifies washing, cleansing and purifying. The sign used is water, and the act of baptism is meant to signify the washing away of sins, or the cleansing from sin. In the Old Testament, cleansing occurred by both water and blood and both sprinkling and immersion signified purification.

The Seal and Testimony of God's Grace: Baptism

What is baptism, and what does it mean to be baptized? This article discusses how we are to understand this testimony of God's grace, and what we are to do with it. Along the way it gives some attention to the liturgical baptism forms" used in Continental Reformed churches. It also discusses the differences of opinion over infant baptism, and what it has meant to various groups in the Reformed tradition that infants are sanctified in Christ.