The Church’s Builder The Life of the Church Series: Sermon One
A Well-Ordered Church - The Church's Relation to Christ
This book discusses the identity, authority, mission and ecumenicity of the church. This chapter focuses on the identity of the church. The author maintains that one cannot think about the church without thinking about Christ, and one cannot confess faith in Christ without being a member of the church.
Christ Himself in the Assemblies of His People
Christ and His Church - A Bride From Eternity
This article on Ephesians 5:22-33 describes Christ's relationship to the church in terms of a marriage relationship. This marriage relationship can be understood in the context of Old Testament arranged marriages.
Christ Is All and in All
Are You Disillusioned with Jesus?
Was John the Baptist or his disciples disillusioned with Jesus? Are you ever impatient with the progress of the gospel in the world or the seeming ineffectiveness of the church? The article provides an exposition of Matthew 11:2-4, and from there it encourages you to trust Jesus to use the means of grace to change the world.
Union with Christ: How Do You Become United with Christ?
Union with Christ: What is It?
Christ and the Identity of the Church
Married to the Heavenly Bridegroom, the Glorious Christ
Israel and The Church Three Models for the Relationship
The Good Shepherd
The Bible portrays the relationship of Christ and His church through the image of a shepherd and his sheep. The example of sheep points to the Christian's tendancy to stray, their vulnerability and their need for the flock. In contrast, the image of Shepherd points to Christ as one who protects, nurtures and gathers the sheep.
The Church and the Holy Trinity: God the Son
Christ Himself in the Assemblies of His People
This article explains what it means that the Lord Jesus is present in the midst of those gathered as his church. In the explanation, the author includes describing this gathered group as an institution of God's redemptive grace. Also included are the requirements needed to constitute such a gathering and the promises that God gives to his people who are part of such a gathering.
The Title: The Church
In a polemic seemingly against the Roman Catholic Church's understanding of the church as an institution, Calvin rejects the notions of Rome that place authority in the church in the hands of mere man rather than in the truth of Scripture.