What Does it Mean to Be a Federation of Churches?
A Reformed Dream
In this article the author discusses a proposal for the unity of all reformed churches with the same confessional standards: Let all these churches unite in one general synod.
Church Unity and the Lord’s Table
Why a Federation of Churches?
The Idea of a Federation
The Bonds of Christ
God's church exists as a family. This bond means churches have the obligation to carry each other and help one another, wherever God opens the door for the preaching of the gospel. In this article the author uses the example of the church in Malta caring for Paul, because they found their unity in Christ.
Federation of Confessionally United Churches
This article is about the necessity of church federation as the result of church unity and oneness. The relation of church federation and the local church is discussed, as well as the church order of a church federation.
Churches Partnering Together – Catching the Vision: Understanding Kingdom Partnership
The purpose of this book is to show that churches can do more together than they can do apart. What would encourage churches stretched thin by their own ministry needs and financial pressures, to engage in kingdom partnership? Bruno looks at what drove Paul and the Gentile churches to join together for a collection for the Jerusalem church. He notes three motivations that propelled this partnership: fellowship and unity, compassion, and mission.