The Absence of the Sense of Sin: In Present-Day Religion
Active and Passive Conversion
Regeneration and Conversion
Luther’s Conversion and Theses
Conversion: Is It Still Possible?
What Is a Biblical Conversion?
Pastoral Advice to the Impressed, but "Unconverted" AN OPEN LETTER
The New Birth and Conversion – What Comes First?
Does being born again lead to conversion or does conversion leads to being born again? The article explains which comes first.
God Glorified in Conversion
What processes are involved in conversion? The author reflects on this subject of conversion, paying particular attention to the place and nature of saving faith and repentance unto life.
The Great Change
The author of this article investigates what he calls the miracle of conversion, considering the process, the various individual experiences of conversion, and the true nature of the fall of man.
Mistakes about Conversion
This article addresses a number of acts that men may mistake for conversion. It shows that conversion is not taking upon us the profession of Christianity by mouth, putting on the badge of Christ in baptism, practicing moral righteousness, or external conformity to the rules of piety. Conversion is not the same as conviction.
I Can't Repent
This article demonstrates through the narration of an incident in the life of a preacher that a sinner cannot come to repentance and conversion except by the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
The Nature of Conversion
This article discusses the biblical concept of conversion.
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
The Puritans on Human Impediments in Coming to Christ
The Rise of the Papacy
This article explains how the Roman Catholic Church came to have the papacy as its system of church government.
The Just Shall Live By Faith: The Conversion of Martin Luther
Revivals and Altar-calls
Conversion is the fruit of regeneration, and leads to obedience and trust in God, as well as forsaking ungodly actions.
The Water of Life (Part 4): Born of the Spirit
This article is the fourth in a series on the work of the Holy Spirit. Explaining what it means to be born again, this article looks at the relationship between regeneration and conversion. Conversion flows from regeneration. Through regeneration one is adopted to be a child of God.
The Purpose Driven Life
This is a review of Rick Warren's book "The purpose driven life". The author discusses the purpose of life, conversion, the relation of law and gospel, and moralism.
Two Tier Christianity?
Hebrews 6:6 - Is Conversion After Apostasy Impossible? A Look at Hebrews 6:6
Evangelism Revisited
Conversion in the Thought and Experience of John Calvin
Is conversion a sudden experience, or a gradual change? Pete Wilcox addresses this question by discussing John Calvin's perspective on conversion and regeneration.
Showing the Gospel in Social Praxis
What is the Church's primary calling and mission?
God Glorified in Conversion
It may surprise some to find that the word "conversion" does not appear in the Westminster Confession or Catechisms. But the verb "convert" does appear in the chapter on free will: "When God converts a sinner...". The words "convert" and "conversion" are equally rare in the Bible. Even though the word itself may be rare in the scriptures, the reality of a new life in which people turn to God and away from a sinful life, is not foreign at all.
Biblical Conversion and the Modern Church
Until recently the phrase "conversion experience" could be heard everywhere in the Christian world. Though this term may have fallen into disuse of late, the concept of some type of emotional, psychological or religious "experience" marking the initiation of the believer into a relationship with Jesus Christ, remains an important part of modern Evangelical theology.