Archaeology: Friend or Foe of Biblical History? The Archaeology of David's Kingdom
Archaeology: Friend or Foe of Biblical History? Israel's Settlement in the Land Under Joshua
Classy connections
Archaeology:Friend or Foe of Biblical History? The Wilderness
Archaeology: Friend of Foe of Biblical History, Israel in Egypt
Archaeology: Friend or Foe of Biblical History Creation, Flood, Babel, and the Patriarchs
Archaeology: Friend or Foe of Biblical History? Israel's Settlement in the Land under Joshua
How the Nose Knows
"All Mankind, Descending from Him..."?
This article evaluates from a biblical perspective the arguments against Adam as a historical person. In doing so, it considers the relationship between Scripture and science, as well as the biblical relationship between Adam and Christ.
The Case for Creation Science: It Honours God
Christianity and Science
Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research
Engineering Humans
Do You Know What You are Eating?
Running on Empty The Scientific Enterprise, so long Fuelled by Christianity, needs a fill-up
Dangerous Pseudoscience
What's A Cat Got To Do With It?
The Relation of Science to the Bible
To Dream the Impossible Dream Why Secular Scientists Seek Answers they Don't Want and Don't Expect to Find
Rightly Dividing the Truth
The Reformation and Science
Why Christians Should be Scientists
Bible and Science: Some Basic Factors
The Wow Factor in Human DNA
Science and Truth
Wrong Questions Lead to Wrong Answers Why don't brilliant scientists see evidence of God's design in Nature? Because they deliberately blind themselves to this evidence
Has Science Got Rid of God?
Three False Assumptions about Science
Is the scientific method the only rational and logical way of gaining knowledge? To answer this question this article discusses three false assumptions about science.
Two Spheres Spirit and Nature, Faith and Reason: Christ is Lord of All
By Design Physics Describes the Processes but cannot Explain the Universe
Our Bionic Future Only a Christian approach can properly shape the momentous changes Biotechnology brings
The Six Dials of the Universe
Science Discredits Evolution – Not Creation
Has Science Eliminated God?
Has science eliminated God? Richard Dawkins' claim is that science has made belief in God unnecessary, and atheism a rational conclusion. This article evaluates five of his claims and shows that his arguments cannot stand ground.
The Place of Faith in the Calvinistic System
What is the relationship between faith and science? In answering this question this article looks at how modernists define faith and its relation to science. It then looks at how Calvinists define faith and shows how this shapes the method for doing science. It shows that in reality faith is not in opposition to science, because at the end faith precedes intelligence.
The Future of Human Relations: Evangelical Christianity and the Social Sciences
Do the social sciences form a threat to the Christian faith? In this essay Moberg discusses five ways in which the social sciences can help Christians become more effective servants of Jesus Christ.
Science, Faith, Evolution, and Creation
Going to the Ant: Communing as a People
God has given ants as a lesson for mankind. Looking at Proverbs 30:24, the author shares some wisdom learned from ants. The author discusses the importance of communication, working for the communal good, and watching out for dangers.
Our Make-Believe Parents: When Adam Becomes More Fiction Than Fact
This article looks at the biblical account and the science of the historicity of Adam. The Bible is God's revelation, and is objective and concrete truth.
The Silkworm: Loving Science
Old Earth
This article focuses on the old earth or new earth debate. The author refutes the idea that Genesis 1-2 is either history or poetry, stating that reading Genesis this way does injustice to the text. The creation story does not have to be either history or poetry; it can be both.
Symphonic Theology: Perspectives in the Bible
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. This article shows that biblical writers used different perspectives, and yet there is harmony. The Bible does not teach us different perspectives, but rather one worldview about God, the world and ourselves, making it possible to speak about a Christian perspective.
Symphonic Theology: Perspectives in Everyday Life
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. The study of natural sciences and social sciences is also influenced by individual perspectives.
Intelligently Designed
Studying Reality at the Secular University
Polystratic Trees
Science and the Age of the Earth
This article is about the age of the earth and the limitations of science to accurately determine the age of the earth.
Science and Ideology
This article is about how ideologies can sometimes determine truth and evidence in science. Global warming and the dating of dinosaurs are given as examples.
Does Science Explain Away God?
Can science successfully explain how the universe works without reference to God? This article discusses the question, showing that science cannot explain away God.
Five Myths about Science and Theology
Is science sufficient for all the questions we have? Many people are of the view that it is sufficient, and gives more certain knowledge than either philosophy or theology.The article engages this view, discussing five myths that exist regarding science and theology.
When Crystals Are High on Helium
Dating the Earth
Science Vs. Scientism: A Necessary Distinction
God and the Scientists
Does Science Need God?
Does science need God? The article suggests that the answer is yes and no.
Does Science Have Limits?
Does science have limits? This article argues that science provides us with natural explanations for natural things. Understanding this will help in seeing the limits of science.
The Relevance of Scientific Thought to Scriptural Interpretation
Can an appeal be made to science and its conclusions to help us in the interpretation of Scripture? Can scientific information aid in the interpretation of Scripture? Young reflects on these questions and illustrates with examples from Genesis 2:7 and Ephesians 4:8.
World Pictures
Proteins: Our Frustrating Pursuit of Understanding
No Contradiction Avoid the Four Traps that put Science and Christianity at Odds
Isn't Science More Rational Than Faith?
Is faith irrational and is science the only explanation of reality? To answer this question one must understand the limits of science, which this article explains.
The Beginning of Wisdom
The article explores the biblical view of wisdom. To think in Christian terms about any or every aspect of the universe is true wisdom.
Biblical Creation and Science: A Review Article
This article reviews Nathan Aviezer's book In the Beginning: Biblical Creation and Science. The book focuses on the relationship between science and the biblical creation narratives.
Inerrancy and Worldview – Modern Science
Chapter 4 considers the challenge of modern science to the understanding of Scripture. Science, it is said, demonstrates that the Bible is just one among many collections of human religious ideas. The author explains that challenges arise both with respect to natural sciences and social sciences.
God’s Tiny Particles
Symphonic Theology: Pastoral Healing in the Miracles Controversy
Applying the theory of perspectivism can help achieve doctrinal synthesis. This article applies this theory to the debate around miracles and healing, showing how to approach individuals with different beliefs using this method.
Symphonic Theology: A Test Case - Miracles
This article shows how the application of the theory of perspectivism works, with the goal of achieving doctrinal synthesis. Using miracles as an example, the author gives a definition of a miracle, shows the relationship between miracles and natural law, and evaluates the claim that miracles have ceased.
Symphonic Theology: Distinctive Methods in Symphonic Theology
This article applies the theory of perspectivism to the exegesis of Bible texts. The author discusses the topic of doctrinal synthesis, and provides an example of arguing with adoptionists about Christ's divinity.
Symphonic Theology: Words and Precision
Applying the theory of perspectivism to the reading of the Bible, the author of this article looks at the relationship between perspectives and meaning of words. The author shows that ordinary and biblical language can be used by individuals to say an indefininate number of things. This can make translating and interpreting the Bible difficult.
Symphonic Theology: In Defense of Symphonic Theology
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. Applying the theory of perspectivism to reading the Bible, the author of this article shows that perspectivism should not be equated to relativism. Perspectivism does not hold all perspectives to be equal, but instead upholds the principle of unity in diversity.
Symphonic Theology: Perspectives in Theology
Applying the theory of perspectivism to reading the Bible, the author of this article shows how reading the Bible from a theological perspective, ethical perspective and devotional perspective can be of benefit for the believer. The ability to expand perspectives provides the tool to addressing compartmentalism, and creates a holistic approach to scripture.
Symphonic Theology: Examples of Useful Biblical Perspectives
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. The author of this article applies the theory of perspectivism in the Bible to show how different themes from the Bible can be expanded to cover the whole of scripture. This article looks at the following biblical themes: the Ten Commandments, God, God's attributes, ethical issues, and the three offices of the Old Testament.
A Canadian Cambrian Fossil Story An Explosion of Complexity
Faith and Science in the Reformed Tradition
Modern Science and the Christian Faith
Augustine v Darwin The Great Theologian’s View of Creation Still Brings Insights Today
Certain Faith: What Kind of Certainty?
Is there a dichotomy between fact and faith? A frequent cause of mutual alienation among Christians is the charge of too much certainty on the one hand and too little certainty on the other. Is it possible to find a kind of certainty that is confident and yet humble and teachable? We live after the Enlightenment, which looked for the ideal of knowledge in an "objectivity" that pretended to eliminate all the subjective factors in human knowledge and to provide undisputed certainty.
Why Scientists Must Believe in God: Divine Attributes of Scientific Law
Poythress wants to defend the faith by noting how natural law or scientific law functions. He notes the character of natural law and its universal applicability. He further elaborates on aspects of law, that is, its personal character, power, divine attributes, incomprehensibility, beauty, and goodness. Poythress wants to acknowledge natural laws a created by God and reflecting something of the glory of God.
Evangelicals and Evolution – An Analysis of the Debate between the Creation Research Society and the American Scientific Affiliation
The evolution controversy has confused the average believer. This essay compares the views and positions of the Creation Research Society and the American Scientific Affiliation.
Chaos and the Christian World View
Hedonism and Heresy A Brief Critique of Dan Brown's Book Entitled, Angels and Demons
This article provides a critique of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. In the critique the author mentions the heresy of inviting Christians to rely upon science instead of on the word of God alone. The author also also takes time to point out some factual errors in the book, including historical divergencies, location divergencies, divergencies in religious facts, and scientific and technological inaccuracies.
Quantum Theology: Christianity and the New Physics
Quantum theory and the "new physics" provide a new framework within which we understand creation. This essay wants to give some basic understanding of the development and assumptions of quantum physics. The philosophy of science has also been influenced by the new theory of knowledge of quantum physics.
The Epistemology of Pascal's Wager: A Christian Presuppositional Argument
Looking at the epistemology of Pascal, this article shows how Pascal understood knowledge to function in relation to the faculties of man - body, mind and heart. Pascal exposed the limits of knowledge, and believed that man's rejection of God is rooted in the heart. The ability of man to know God is dependant on the revelation of God. The author of this article argues that Pascal system is worth emulating.
Impossible Neutrality: An Analogy from Humanistic Geography
Is religious neutrality at all possible? Is there an actual position of neutrality that could be the beginning point of any two parties in the discussion of the verity of the gospel and Christianity? The writer of this article is determined to show the answers to these questions by using the analogy from humanistic geography. The principal points of philosophical arguments are indicated as those of space and place.
The Word of God and Science
This article on faith and science, looks at the unbeliever and facts, the purpose of science, the method of science and Christian science.
The Place of Faith in the Calvinistic System
This article considers the debate on various approaches to the study and practice of science. The author first describes the modernist's point of departure. Then the debate takes place between the Calvinist and the modernist approaches to scientific study, specifically in terms of scientific methodology.