The Nature of Evil: The Unholy Trinity
The Battle for Good: Evil and the Christian Life
Are you wondering why your life seems to be a tough path due to a constant struggle with evil? This article considers the reality that we have a dangerous enemy, the devil, who is constantly against us (Ephesians 6:12). The author also explains that the Scriptures tell us that our life is one of spiritual warfare, but the good news is that God equips us for it.
The Problem of Evil
Adversity in This Life of Sorrow
The Problem of Evil
Does the existence of evil nullify the existence of the good and all-powerful God? This is the problem that the existence of evil poses. To answer this question this article looks at the objections raised from the intellectual and emotional side of the problem of evil. The author points to God as the solution.
Rachel Weeping for Her Children The Massacre in Connecticut
The Secret of Deliverance from Evil
What is the secret of being delivered from evil? This article answers this question by referring to Proverbs 16:6. What is being mainly addressed there is the issue of deliverance from sin. The fear of the Lord is explained in this article in a way that is practical to the believer's everyday life.
The Powers of Evil in the New Testament
The article has two main focal points, the reality of the destructive powers of evil in this world and the victory of Christ over them. It wants to identify the nature of evil powers and Satan in the New Testament. In the second part, the article examines the nature of Christ's victory over the powers. It notes the supremacy of Christ, the role of the church in this supremacy, and the new life of believers as a consequence of this.
God Meant It for Good: Evaluating Divine Permission
This article considers how we often try to reconcile the sovereignty of God with evil. It shows that God does not merely permit evil, but ordains it.
"Evil, Love and the Left Hand of God": The Contribution of Luther's Theology of the Cross to an Evangelical Theology of Evil
Martin Luther is well-known for his theology of the cross. This theology of Luther is based on his view of the love of God and how it relates to suffering and evil. The author introduces into the discussion a Finnish school of interpretation of Luther. This school offers a new understanding of these themes in Luther's theology. In particular the real presence of Christ in the believer is highlighted.
Almighty Who Allows Us Room
Did God Foreordain Evil and Evil Doers?
This article considers the question whether God foreordained evil and suffering.
Immanuel in Our Place – Paradise Gained and Lost: Sacred Space from the Beginning
Chapter 1 gives an overview of theological motifs in Genesis 2 and Genesis 3: man as image of God, sacred space, the Garden of Eden, evil, and sin. A text to be noted in particular is Ezekiel 31:8. The chapter ends with questions for further reflection.
Augustine on Evil
Did God create evil? To answer this question, another one must be asked: what is evil? This article looks at how Augustine answered both these questions.
God's Grace and Your Sufferings
How can you make sense of pain? Based on 2 Corinthians 11:24-28 this article shows that pain, evil, and suffering can make sense when one acknowledges the reality of it, the purpose of it, and God's providential involvement in it.
The Problem of Evil in the Book of Job
Why is there evil in life? Understanding the relationship between the existence of evil and the sovereignty of God and his goodness is essential for every Christian. From the book of Job this article show how suffering relates to God, with focus on the purpose and way of dealing with suffering.
Fallen – Sin's Contemporary Significance
Chapter 1 distinguishes the doctrine of sin’s intrinsic and contemporary significance. A deeper understanding of the cross of Christ is possible by gaining a deeper grasp of the nature of sin.
Common Objections Answered: The Problem of Evil
Total Depravity: Only Evil Flowing From the Dead
The difference between a believer and unbeliever is that one has a living spiritual heart while the other has a dead spiritual heart. Total depravity means that an unbeliever's heart is evil in its nature and can only produce evil continuously.
The Incarnate Hope for a World in Turmoil
Habakkuk 2:4 - Habakkuk's Challenge
Why Did God Allow Evil?
Why did God allow evil? In order to answer this question, Christians must begin with acknowledging having insufficient knowledge and understanding. The author continues on to say that God could have prevented evil, but He is not the author of evil. God uses evil to bring His good purpose and to reveal His character.
Extracting Nectar from a Painted Rose
The Glorious Groan of the Gospel
Nor The Heart of Man Imagined
An objection frequently raised against the existence of a good God is the existence of suffering and evil. This article shows that this objection has no grounds, because in scripture it is clear that evil and a good God do exist and that this existence is not incompatible. The author shows how through apologetics one can move from this objection to the heart of the gospel.
From Theodicy to Theophany: Inscrutability and the Problem of Evil
How Could a Good God Allow Suffering and Evil?
Why does God allow evil in this world? This article discusses the concepts of moral evil and natural evil, and shows how one should respond to suffering and evil in this world.
The Bible On The Problem Of Evil
With a view towards Roman 3:1-8, Romans 5:1-5 and Romans 8:28-39, this article shows how understanding God as Lord, Saviour and Spirit is crucial to dealing with the questions around the evil and suffering in this world. This understanding helps to encourage believers to trust and rely on the righteousness and goodness of God.
Worthy of Full Acceptance
Can Man Be Good without God?
Christ – Our Starting Point
The Absolutist's Guide to Universal
Contemplating Katrina
"We Christians are caught in a dilemma: it is captured succinctly by Amos: "Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?" (Amos 3:6). It is simply not an option for us to remove God from the context of evil and then suddenly invoke him when the sun shines". This article is about God and evil, suffering, the goodness of God and disasters.
Hatred, Hollowness and Holiness
1 Kings 17:2-4 - In an Evil World, God Takes Care of His Own
Scripture and Christian Ethics
While he focuses on Psalm 119, Oliver O’Donovan here explores the task of Christian ethics and Scripture as God’s word to illumine our path.
The Bible on the Problem of Evil
Why Satan is Left on Earth
Confronting the Problem(s) of Evil
Questions about evil tend to be the same. Did God know it was going to happen? Where was God? Does God have knowledge about the future? Was God able to prevent it? Why should we pray to God when it seems as if He can't actually keep bad things from happening?
Christ Suffered and Died to Deliver Us from the Present Evil
Jesus prayed for our deliverance from the evil of the present age (Galatians 1:4). This "evil age" is the age when Satan is given freedom to deceive and destroy.