A New Covenant? It can be Right for Divorced Christians to Remarry
These Three Things
Just why does God hate divorce? This article offers an answer.
Old Testament Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage
The article is written from the conviction that the Old Testament has a lot to say about divorce and remarriage. It emphasizes the neglected texts in the Old Testament where divorce is either allowed, or sometimes even commanded. It also notes that God’s estranged relationship with Israel is described by using divorce imagery. The concept of marriage as covenant plays a central role.
The Sting of Divorce
Marriage, Divorce, and Children (3)
Marriage, Divorce, and Children (2)
Marriage, Divorce, and Children (1)
A Statement on Divorce & Remarriage
This is a statement on divorce and remarriage after divorce.
The 27-year Itch
Divorce - Norm Over Against Feeling
Broken: The Impact of Divorce on Children—And 4 Ways to Ease Their Pain
Divorce also affects children. How can you as a pastor help children affected by divorce? Understand the impact of divorce on them, and share these four ways to ease their pain.
Marriage and the Culture of Divorce: The Question of Remarriage
Should the church approve remarriage after divorce? Can the innocent party be allowed to remarry? This articlearticle looks at four factors that argue against remarriage after divorce.
Marriage and the Culture of Divorce: The Church Infected Due to Ignoring Christ’s Teaching
Why is the church experiencing a high divorce rate? This article argues that one of the main factors contributing to divorce is that the church is ignoring the teaching of Christ on marriage. The article shows how his teaching can be summed in three points.
Marriage and the Culture of Divorce
Divorce is a reality that has affected the church also. This article looks at three factors contributing to divorce.
10 Common but Illegitimate Reasons for Divorce
Divorce is a reality. However, are the reasons people give for divorce legitimate? This article examines ten illegitimate reasons.
The Institution of Marriage
About Divorce and Remarriage The Style of the Kingdom versus Remaining Sin and Weakness
For as Long as Both Shall Live
Spousal Abuse: Grounds For Divorce?
Disaster of Divorce
Cast Adrift
Jesus' Divorce Exception
Did the Lord Jesus ever permit divorce? Often an appeal is made to Matthew 19:9 to motivate such a claim. Wiebe exegetes the passage to consider the possibility of interpreting this verse as an exception to the view that divorce can never be allowed legitimately.
"Is It Lawful for a Man to Divorce His Wife?"
The Pharisees addressed Jesus in Mark 10:2-12 with the question whether it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife. The purpose of this essay is to ascertain how the Bible answers that question, with focus on Mark 10 and Matthew 19:3-12.
Divorce in Malachi 2:10-16
Matthew 5:31-32 – Why Divorce Makes One Sin against the Seventh Commandment
The Remarriage of the “Innocent Party”
Is the innocent party in a divorce situation allowed to remarry? From Matthew 19:9 this article argues that there is no room for remarriage for both the guilty and innocent party in a divorce.
Mark's Jesus on Divorce: Mark 10:1-12 Reconsidered
Another Look at the Erasmian View of Divorce and Remarriage
How should Jesus' pronouncements on divorce and remarriage be interpreted? The interpretation of Erasmus was incorporated into confessional positions of churches.
The New Testament on Divorce and Remarriage: Some Logical Implications
The matter of divorce and remarriage in the Gospel of Matthew and 1 Corinthians is considered in this essay.
Divorce and Remarriage: The Old Testament Evidence
Divorce and Remarriage: One Flesh
Three Weddings and a Divorce: God's Covenant with Israel, Judah, and the Church
Both the Old and New Testaments mention marriage covenants that God contracted between himself and his bride. The aim of this essay is to examine whether or not the several authors and the two Testaments contradict each other in this matter.
Divorce and Remarriage
Divorce and Remarriage: The New Testament Evidence
Divorce and Remarriage: The Exception Clause in Matthew
Divorce and Remarriage: Implications for Today
Divorce and Remarriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4?
What is the function of the law on remarriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4? This article argues that the long history of discussion on the purpose for the law seems to have been misguided. It calls attention to the explicitly stated purpose of the law in verse 4. The concern of this law on divorce and remarriage is to protect the covenant relationship between Israel and Yahweh. In this way, Israel’s position in the land of Canaan is protected.
Did Moses Permit Divorce? Modal "weqatal" as Key to New Testament Readings of Deuteronomy 24:1-4
Did the New Testament permit divorce in Matthew 19 and elsewhere? This article argues that an improved syntactic analysis of the Old Testament text shows Moses to have in fact issued a specific directive on divorce; however, that directive in Deuteronomy 24 was open to the kind of misunderstanding that Jesus needed to correct.