Three Things That God Does to Death
How do you view death? While some prefer to avoid thoughts about death, this is futile. Yet this article explains how the Lord confronts death.
Why Do Believers Have to Die?
Pastoring the Dying and the Mourning
Pastoral Care of the Terminally Ill
It Is Appointed Once to Die
Why You Should Think About Death
Are you prepared to die? Many people are not prepared to die, nor prepared to even think about the prospect of death because of a fear of death. This article explains why it is valuable for you to think about death.
Ashes to Ashes, and Yet
Is death the end for Christians? Many peoples assume that the terminology of "ashes to ashes and dust to dust" that they hear at funerals means the end. The article discusses the hope brought to you by the death and resurrection of Jesus, even in the face of death.
Pastoring the Dying and the Mourning
The Aged Christian in Heaven
Three Things That God Does to Death
Why Christians should not have a fear of death? This article answers by explaining three things that God does to death.
Asleep in Jesus Death for the Believer is not a Place of Darkness but Repose and Rest
Pastoring the Dying and Bereaved
Start Planning Your Own Funeral
This article shows from Scripture that one of the ways that the ancients sought after wisdom for life was by thinking about death. Scripture teaches us to number our days, and that it is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting. Thus, the author speaks about the benefits of starting to plan already now for your funeral.
Freed from the Fear of Death
Are you gripped by the fear of death? Only Jesus can set you free from this. How? Looking at Hebrews 2:14-15 this article explains how.
Death: The Last Enemy, and Our Deliverer
This article explains with an illustration how death is a transition from one world to the next.
The Stings of Death: An Article Not Just for Old People
Death brings its own sting to those left behind, yet such a sting is intensified by practical, earthly matters related to death. This article highlights three areas where you can reduce the sting from your family and church community, so that those you leave behind will be more able to mourn in peace. What are those areas? Make plans with your local funeral home and cemetery, talk with your pastor about your funeral, and take the time to write out a will.
He Buried 200 Church Members
Pastoring people to their death is an experience every pastor will go through. How should the reality of death shape your pastoral ministry? This article shares four implications.
The Consolation of the Sick
How We Face Sickness and Death
Why You Should Think about Death
Where There's Hope, There's Life
What is the Christian hope? From 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 this article shows that Christian hope is looking forward to a new dwelling place, new clothing, new home, and being with Christ. This should be the Christian's comfort as he faces the aging period.
Mortality: Christians Need not Fear Death
Through the resurrection of Christ, death and its terrors have been demolished. For this reason the Christian need not fear death because in death he goes to be with the Lord. This is what the article explains.
Rays of Light in the Shadow of Death (The Pastoral Care of the Dying)
The Aged Christian Ready for His Departure
Falling Leaves
''I Go to Prepare a Place for You''
“So What Are You Doing Here?” The Role of the Minister of the Gospel in Hospital Visitation, or a Theological Cure for the Crisis in Evangelical Pastoral Care
This article sees hospital visitation or visitation of the sick as a necessary part of the calling of the pastor. In particular, this author calls for an intentional re-orientation in the training of pastors toward a more biblically faithful and vocationally satisfying approach to the visitation of the sick and dying.