The Doctrine of the Last Things, Physical Death
The Resurrection of the Dead
The Rapture of the Believers
Risen As Firstfruits
Is it really true that there will be a resurrection of the dead? In this devotion, the author shows how Christ’s resurrection is a guarantee of believers’ resurrection. This is what God said in 1 Corinthians 15:20.
If Christ Be Not Risen...
This article is on the topic of the resurrection of the body. Scripture speaks about resurrection frequently throughout the Bible. This article focuses on the resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament, and ends with a discussion on the resurrection of the Christian – what is it, and why is it important to the Christian life.
Death: The Last Great Enemy
This article discusses the topic of death. Death is inevitable and it is dreadful, but has been defeated by Jesus, and is therefore also the way to eternal life for the believer in Christ.
Death Has No Sting???
The Material Gospel
A Different Word Please
Where, O Death, is Your Victory?
The Last Enemy Destroyed
The fear of death
Death, the Final Boundary
This article looks at a society that is avoiding and ignoring death, our mourning and sympathy in death, and the will of God in death.
We Ourselves in God’s Future Will I remain myself in the new heaven and earth?
General Resurrection
Death and Resurrection
The Wonder of Christ’s Resurrection
Our Best Day The Puritans understood that, for believers, death is no calamity
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting
The belief in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting has implications for the Christian life today. This article explains the relationship between the resurrection hope of the body and the daily life of the Christian.
Five Things Your Kids Need to Know about Death
What should parents teach their children about death? This article offers five truths to explain to children when death happens close to them: death and judgment are coming to us all, death is not how it is supposed to be, death for the believer is to be with Christ, death will one day be destroyed, and death is something we all must think about. The article also explains what to say about the death of unbelievers.
Is Death Customary?
The Return of Christ: The Resurrection of the Dead
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting
An Eschatology of Grace
Eschatology is the doctrine that deals with the last things. This article shows what should Christians expect with the coming of Christ and how this should shape the way they view death.
Where Will You Spend Eternity?
The Origin of Death
The Resurrection and the Rapture
The Doctrine of Last Things: Death
Dead and buried...the End?
It is Sown in Dishonor, It is Raised in Glory
"It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power" (1 Corinthians 15:43). As Christians we are very much aware of the humiliation, degradation, and dishonor of our body at death. The contrast with our resurrection is sharp.
A Christian View of Death and Dying
This article is about sin and death, hope and comfort.
To Bury or to Burn?
Jonathan Edwards on the Christian's Death
To Die Is Gain
The author suggests that a believer should have a positive view of death, as something that brings gain in various ways. These ways are each addressed in the article and they include death as rest, reaping, remedy, freedom, and sleep.
The Hope of Israel, the Resurrection of the Dead, and Jesus: A Study in Their Relationship in Acts with Particular Regard to the Understanding of Paul's Trial Defense
How does Luke present Paul's trial and defense in Acts 21-Acts 28? How can Paul claim that he is on trial for the hope of Israel and the resurrection of the dead? The essay analyzes the relationship between Jesus, the hope of Israel, and the resurrection of the dead.
The Resurrection of the Body
In light of 1 Corinthians 15 this article explains the biblical significance of death and the necessity of bodily resurrection. It points to the way in which this should shape the Christian attitude towards death.
Theological Eschatology 4: New Creation
This article shows how the resurrected body of Christ directs our thinking on how we should view the continuity and discontinuity of our body, as well as our social duties in the old and new creation. Marriage is used as a example of this continuity and discontinuity. This is the fourth in a series of articles on the topic of eschatology.
Concomitants of the Second Advent: The Resurrection of the Body
The Religion of Gravestones
A Body to Die For: The Very Physical Doctrine of the Resurrection
This article speaks of the fact that the resurrection at the end will be a physical resurrection.
The Resurrection of the Body
The doctrine of the resurrection of the body is one of the most neglected of the central doctrines of the Christian faith. The author notes the absence of this doctrine in church hymns and most books published on theology. In discussing the misconceptions on the resurrection of the body, the author mentions how Greek philosophy might have influenced the early church such as at Corinth. He also clarifies the biblical significance of death for the Christian and non-Christian.
1 Corinthians 15:42-44 – The Heavenly Citizen's Prospect
This article considers what our bodies will be like when glorified, and it draws from 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 to do so.