Guilty Grief

A baby is a baby. That’s why a loss before birth, although it may not be as devastating as a loss during or after birth, is still a loss and may be grieved. This doesn’t mean, however, that a loss at any stage must be grieved. Some mothers may well be able to accept a miscarriage, and go on with life without either resorting to denial or succumbing to grief. Some miscarriages are far less traumatic than others. Parents shouldn’t necessarily feel guilty for a lack of grief. Every situation is different, and every person handles loss differently.

Walking Together Through the Valley

What is important to know if you want to help someone who has lost a loved one? Giving pastoral help as a friend or office bearer to people who grief is not always easy. This article shows what is important when guiding someone on the journey of grief. Death and the burial of our fellow believers is discussed, as well as the importance of our faith in planning a funeral.