A Grief Like No Other: When a Friend Loses a Child
This article provides insights, based on the author’s experiences, into the particular grief of parents who lose a child, and offers advice to those who seek to comfort them.
Man of Sorrows
This article is an excerpt from a book of devotions, and focuses on encouraging those who are grieving, by pointing them to Jesus as the "Man of Sorrows."
When Your Song Is a Lament, Sing It with Your Whole Heart
The Gift of Tears
Grieving Broken Dreams
Not all grief is caused by the loss of a loved one. Loss of our hopes and disappointment also bring a sense of grief. This article highlights the fact that people who have suffered broken dreams may also need encouragement, and it offers some advice on how to help them.
A Psalmic Faith
The author speaks about the legitimate role of lament in the believer’s life, using biblical references to show that it is appropriate for believers to lament significant losses.
Guilty Grief
Learning to Grieve a Miscarriage
Don't Take My Grief Away Grief and the Role of Pastoral Care
Walking Together Through the Valley
God's Work in Our Grief
This article is about grief and the stages of grief. The author looks at shock, anger, and acceptance in the process of grief. He also discusses grief and spiritual growth.
When Death is Near Give Comfort to a Surviving Spouse
The Process of Mourning
Three Ways to Work through Grief
Death brings pain and grief to our hearts. How do we go through grief in a way that brings lasting healing? The article discusses three ways by which we can access healing when facing the pain of grief.
Miscarriage: What Pastors Need to Know
As a pastor, how can you minister effectively to those suffering from the pain of miscarriage? This article offers five things you need to know.
Grace in Miscarriage
How should you respond when you face a miscarriage? This article identifies ten biblical realities that must guide your response.
Waiting in the Uncertainty of Miscarriage
Those who have experienced loss through miscarriage or cared for someone in that situation know that the term "uncertainty" accompanies the experience. This article offers counsel for those dealing with this in miscarraige, encouraging them to wait upon the Lord: wait expectantly, in prayer and truth, and in community.
What to Say (and What Not to Say) to Those Grieving
As You Grieve, Consider What Jesus Gained
Grieving the Loss of a Parent
How Shall I Grieve?
Facing the Death of Someone You Love
How do you face the death of a loved one? This article offers six thoughts on how to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Four Principles about Death
This article identifies four fundamental things that help believers to have an appropriate perspective on death.
Eight Actions in Death
A Time to Grieve But, for Christians, Joy Comes in the Morning
Comfort in Death
Grieving Well
Christians face grief too. The real struggle is learning to grieve well. There are two truths to consider in order to grieve well: God is God and he cares.
Good Grief: Five Ways Your Mourning Can Glorify God
This article offers five ways to grieve in a way that honours God: do not be angry at God, rest in his sovereignty, realize it is good to grieve, rejoice in the hope of a reunion, and reach out to others.
Comforting a Grieving Family
How should one go about comforting a grieving family? Be physically present, listen to them, empathize, share a passage of Scripture, and pray with them. This is what the article advises on comforting a grieving family.
Grief and the Gospel (Part One)
Grief – A Forgotten Apologetic
Life hurts. Even Christians can confess this, because grief is a reality in the Christian life. This article explains that grief exists to confirm the truthfulness of Christianity, as an opportunity to explain its reality, and as a bridge for sharing Christianity.
Seven Practical Things You Can Do for People Who Are Grieving
This article offers sage tips for helping those who are grieving: listen, weep, send notes, mark your calendar with the day of the person's death, pay for funeral-related things, and point them to Christ.
Opening and Closing the Door on Grief
This article considers what grief is, how it heals, and what we can do to help the grieving.
5 Mistakes Pastors Make in Helping Grieving People
How do you minister to those who are grieving? This article highlights five mistakes pastors make in helping grieving people.
Counseling the Grieving
Ministry to the grieving is essential in the life of the church. This article gives the nature of problems faced by those who are grieving, and the importance and manner of counselling them.
An Open Letter to the Parent Who Has Lost a Child
Are you a mother or father who has lost a child, and are seeking healing for your heart? Here is an open letter from another parent who has experienced child loss.
How Gratitude Can Grow out of Grief
This article illustrates how the gospel of Jesus Christ provides comfort for those who are grieving, and the joy that God gives to those who have the privilege of bringing the gospel to believers in those situations.
Grief: The Impact of Sin
Five of the Worst Things You Can Say to People Who Are Grieving
How Does Grandad Know the Way to Heaven?
Losing a Child The Pangs Pierce but — Thank God — the Story does not End there
The Direction of Grief: Remembering
This article explains that grief moves toward restoration. The author places in view the experience of suffering loss or sorrow and its value in the life of a believer.
Her Stillborn, Him Sovereign
The loss of a baby, whether by miscarriage, stillborn, or otherwise, can be devastating to any expecting parent. However, to know that God is sovereign is the source of strength and comfort when difficulty comes.