A Play In One Catastrophic Act

Nestled on the southern shore of the Gaspe Peninsula on the northern shore of the Bay of Chaleur, sits a world class museum about which most Cana­dians are entirely ignorant. The museum is in a small provincial park consisting of land overlooking the bay, fossil bearing cliffs and the beach below. Purchased by the Quebec government in the 1970s to protect a spectacular assemblage of fossil fishes, the land was designated a provin­cial park (Parc national de Miguasha) in 1985. A few years later this park was also designated a UNESCO World Her­itage Site.

Our Father and His Creation

This article argues that in line with the biblical teaching, creation should be regarded as the work of God the Father. It explains what it means to call God the Father. Looking at his work of creation, it deals with the meaning of "out of nothing," the duration of creation, and the creation of things visible and invisible. The claims of evolution and theistic evolution are evaluated.