Body Modification — Piercing, Tatooing, Scarring, Branding, Cutting, Mutilation

A phenomenon among us that is gaining notoriety adherents, and sadly making inroads into Christian circles, is the deliberate and systematic desecration of the human body. It is making progress among us for three reasons: the Christian community has 1) neglected the Law of God; 2) largely lost its sense of being a community of grace and law; and 3) bought into the notion that fashion is, for all intents and purposes, a matter in which God is disinterested.

How the West Was Lost, What a Difference a Century Makes

A few short years after Bavinck and Kuyper prophesied the religious struggle that would characterize the twentieth centu­ry, a most remarkable set of lectures was delivered. They are remarkable not because of their content, but because of who deliv­ered them. David Josiah Brewer set out to prove that the United States was, even in 1905, a Christian nation'. Why is that so remarkable? 

The Times They Were A-Changin' The 60's and the Decline of the Christian West

It is said that today we are deep in a Culture War. But culture is nothing other than religion externalized and made explicit. What we are experiencing today is not a war of cultures, but the for­mal adoption, the outworking of a different religion, a religion that had long ago won the hearts and minds of a people. The real battle — the battle for the soul of Western Civilization, the battle between Christianity and Evolutionary, Egalitar­ian Humanism — was over and won in the 60's. The rest is formality: implementation and clean-up.