Dress for Battle
Illness and Evil Spirits in New Testament Times
The Satan as Father of Lies
Ten Things You Should Know about Demons and Satan
Can the Devil Control Your Thoughts?
Are you living in fear of Satan controlling your thoughts? Scripture teaches that while Satan is unable to dictate what we think, he is able to tempt people to sin by false teaching. Scripture also teaches that the only way to stand against the devil, and to distinguish between the voice of God and of Satan, is by studying the Scriptures and putting on the shield of faith in Christ.
Twelve Ways Satan Attacks Christian Marriages
How to Pray Against Satan
Satan seeks to destroy your faith. How do you pray against Satan? This article looks at six ways of doing so.
Three Lies We Might Easily Believe
Influencing and Being Influenced by Culture
Keeping the Heart in Temptation
Spiritual Assaults
Resisting Spiritual Assaults
Spiritual Warfare Today: The Enemy
Funding The War Against Satan
Defeating Satan: Our Challenge as Citizens
Striving against Satan: Confronting Satan’s Strategies
Striving against Satan: Satan’s Strategies and Skill
Striving against Satan: Building an Attacking Offense
Striving Against Satan: Building an Unyielding Defense
Striving against Satan: Satan’s Future
Striving against Satan: Satan Today
Striving against Satan: Satan in Church History
Striving against Satan: Satan in the Old Testament
Striving against Satan: Satan in the New Testament
Six Things Jesus Teaches Us about the Devil
What Does the Bible Teach about Satan?
This article provides several points, with biblical support, regarding the identity of Satan. They all stem from the fact that Satan is not eternal or almighty.
Alert, Not Alarmed The Best Way to Keep the Enemy Out is to Keep Christ in
Know Your Enemy The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance Against the Deceiver
Jesus Under Siege Satan Continues his 2000-year-old Policy of Undermining Christ’s Truth
The Wiles of Satan
Fighting Satan through the Character of Christ
How should Christians fight against Satan? Fighting Satan can be done by reflecting Christ. This is what Ephesians 4:25-32 explains.
Three Ways Sin Attacks
Fighting sin is the warfare in which every Christian is engaged. How can you engage better in this battle of the mortification of sin? Know the three ways that sin attacks: from Satan, the world, and our own sinful flesh.
The Fall of Our First Parents
The Powers of Evil in the New Testament
The article has two main focal points, the reality of the destructive powers of evil in this world and the victory of Christ over them. It wants to identify the nature of evil powers and Satan in the New Testament. In the second part, the article examines the nature of Christ's victory over the powers. It notes the supremacy of Christ, the role of the church in this supremacy, and the new life of believers as a consequence of this.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 3)
The author continues to deal with Revelation 20 as a Scripture text supporting amillennialism rather than premillennialism. Specifically, the issue of the binding of Satan for a thousand years is dealt with. The issue of the literal or figurative interpretation of the thousand years is also discussed.
Why We Should Not Fear Satan and Demons
1 Samuel 16:14 – "An Evil Spirit from the Lord": Demonic Influence or Divine Instrument?
A number of questions come out of 1 Samuel 16:14: What should we understand by the description "evil spirit"? How should we imagine the relationship between the Lord and these spirits? This article argues that the Old Testament fully accepts the existence of supernatural beings, good and evil. The aim of this article is to look at how the Old Testament views spiritual beings and evil spirits in particular.
The Devil Unmasked
This article aims to help us know and assess Satan so that we are better equipped to fight him effectively. It gives a portrait of Satan, including his mentality and tools, but also speaks of the fact that he is captive, and we have weapons to use against him.
The Accuser and the Advocate
How to Know How Satan Is Tempting You
Every Christian faces temptations. How do you know the way Satan is tempting you? You know it when you begin to think that you can sin without consequence.
Satan’s Great Trick
Have you found yourself caught in Satan's trick? This article explains that Satan great joy is to convince you that the sin you are about to commit is very small, and that the sin you have just committed is very large.
Are You Known in Hell?
Luke 11:15 – Satan a Strong Enemy, Christ a Stronger Saviour
Satan: God's Servant
The Bible portrays the hostility between God and Satan, but there is also abundant testimony that Satan was subject to God’s control and was used by God to accomplish his purposes. He is indeed represented as a servant of God. This presentation of Satan is explicit in the book of Job. This article looks at how Satan is portrayed in Job and then explores how later biblical texts use this presentation of Job.
Thinking More Often about Satan
Just what is Satan like? And how do you do battle with him? This article addresses these questions, and provides biblical, potent strategies in our spiritual warfare against Satan and his devices.
The Evil Restraint in 2 Thessalonians 2:6
Is the restraint spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:6 good or evil? Dixon argues for an understanding of restraint (Greek "kategon") as evil and actually as a reference to Satan himself.
Spiritual Warfare: How Christians Should Think of Satan and His Demons
Tempted and Tried – Wrestling with Demons: Why Temptation Matters
The force of temptations ought to remind us of the reality of Satan and demons. There is also just one, Jesus Christ, who has ever wrestled the demons and prevailed. This chapter explores the reality of Satan, temptation, and demons. It also indicates where victory in this battle is to be found.
Satan and the Original Temptation
Lucifer, Who or What?
Is Lucifer the same as Satan? The author argues that Lucifer is the proud but fallen king of Babylon. Lucifer is only once mentioned in the Bible, and that at Isaiah 14:12.
The Bible Beats Beelzebub: Christ's Enemy Is Your Enemy
Size or Spiritual Health? Listening to the Lord on Church Growth
What Did Satan Know?
The Hook
Satan’s Sifting
A Confusion of Demons
Spiritual Struggle
"For Still Our Ancient Foe Doth Seek to Work Us Woe"
Revelation 12:3-4 - A Great Fiery Red Dragon
What Does God Say?
Matthew 12:29 - The Strong Man Bound
Matthew 12:29 shows that Christ has come to destroy Satan. The result of this victory is that Satan cannot rule the Christian heart. Through the Holy Spirit, believers are able to conquer Satan. As a result of the cross, the gospel can be preached and people can be drawn from the kingdom of darkness into God's kingdom.
Working from Revelation 12:10, this article shows that Satan operates as the accuser of believers. Satan points believers to their sins, making them doubt God's forgiveness. However, believers can be assured that Christ has achieved victory over sin and death.
The Fall of Man Part 2
Our Fierce Accuser (Part 1)
This is the first of two articles about Satan. Here the author looks at the person of Satan, showing that he is the enemy of Christians. However, he is an enemy that has been defeated by Christ. Believers must stay alert against Satan's temptations.
Our Fierce Accuser (Part 2)
This is the second of two articles about Satan. Here the author emphasizes how beauty and smart talk can be dangerous, since they are sometimes used to lure us away from God's path. The author also speaks about how Satan delights in accusing believers. Believers must trust in Christ as their advocate.
The World in the Church: Irreligious World, Irreligious Church?
The distinction drawn between being spiritual instead of religious has resulted in negative thinking around formal religion. This has become a tool Satan has used to bring worldliness into the church. This is the third in a series of four articles looking at some examples of worldly thinking infiltrating the church.
The World in the Church: Ordinary World, Ordinary Church?
This article shows how the church can become worldly by desiring to appear to be normal before the world. In this article, the author shows how Satan uses the desire for normality to bring a worldly influence into the worship service. This is the second in a series of four articles looking at some examples of worldly thinking infiltrating the church.
Revelation 12:7-12 - War in Heaven
The Prince of Darkness Grim: Luther’s Battle against the Devil
Prayer – No Temptation!
Setting of Prayer: Life is War
A Balanced Approach to Spiritual Warfare
Confronting the Roaring Lion
Hebrews 2:14 – The Triumph of Divine Justice
Acts 17:1-10 – Satan Tried but Failed
Satan’s Self-Destruction
A Biblical and Reformed perspective on demonology
'I Beheld Satan … Fall'
The Marketing of Errors
Zechariah 3:3-4 - The Cure of Unworthiness
Revelation 12 - Born to Rule
Luke 10:17-20 - Christ’s Victory Over Satan
Why Satan is Left on Earth
Christ Suffered and Died to Deliver Us from the Present Evil
Jesus prayed for our deliverance from the evil of the present age (Galatians 1:4). This "evil age" is the age when Satan is given freedom to deceive and destroy.