Thinking More Often about Satan
Just what is Satan like? And how do you do battle with him? This article addresses these questions, and provides biblical, potent strategies in our spiritual warfare against Satan and his devices.
Counterfeiting in the Book of Revelation as a Perspective on Non-Christian Culture
Can the book of Revelation's picture of spiritual warfare help the church today with critical engagement with contemporary culture? Poythress answers this positively. He first notes the important features of spiritual war in Revelation. The battle against counterfeiting and deceit is duly noted.
The Christian's War against Satan
The Battle for Good: Evil and the Christian Life
Are you wondering why your life seems to be a tough path due to a constant struggle with evil? This article considers the reality that we have a dangerous enemy, the devil, who is constantly against us (Ephesians 6:12). The author also explains that the Scriptures tell us that our life is one of spiritual warfare, but the good news is that God equips us for it.
Struggle in Faith
The Church Militant
The Antithesis: How it Affects You
The Christian: A Soldier Ninth in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Church as Christ’s Army The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Five
The Christian Life – A Battle
This article considers the Christian's battle against his three sworn enemies, the devil, the world, and his own sinful flesh.
Spiritual Warfare – One Side of the Horse or the Other
Christians are at war, and this war is of the most serious nature. Spiritual warfare is not with flesh and blood but against spiritual forces.
The Struggle between Old and New Natures in the Converted Man
According to the Scriptures there is a continual struggle between the old and new nature within every converted man. Perfectionism teaches that it is possible for a Christian in this life to attain to a state of sinless perfection. This article reaffirms the inescapability of the struggle between the two natures, and describes the character of the struggle.
The Incarnate Liberator for a World in Terror
The Danger of Becoming Battle-Weary
Shielded by Faith
A Balanced Approach to Spiritual Warfare
The Prince of Darkness Grim: Luther’s Battle against the Devil
A Weapon against Satan's Siege
The Christian life is a battle, in battle you must be armed. This reflection on 1 Peter 4:1 encourages us to arm ourselves with the thought that we hvae died to sin.
Dress for Battle
Playing with Spirits?
Six Reasons We Face Spiritual Warfare
Every Christian is engaged in spiritual warfare. Why do we have to face spiritual warfare? Here are six reasons.
Ten Ways to Ask If the Enemy Is Working in Your Life
How can you know whether you are fighting against Satan or not? This article outlines ten questions to consider in order to discern if/where the enemy is at work in your life.
Steps to Breaking Sin Patterns
Are you struggling with some sins in your life? Is there a way of breaking the patterns of sin? This article offers four steps you can take in fighting sin in your life.
What Does It Mean to Conquer the Devil?
How can Christians gain victory over Satan? There are three things essential to conquering Satan. The article explains them based on Revelation 12:11.
Don’t Waste Your Life (Part 6): The Antithesis
Spiritual Warfare Today: The Enemy
Spiritual Warfare Today: Practical Guidelines
Defeating Satan: Our Challenge as Citizens
Striving against Satan: Building an Attacking Offense
Striving Against Satan: A Holy War
Our Ally in the War Zone
Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare. It is a war against the flesh, world and Satan. What hope of victory do we have in this warfare? It is the victorious work of God in Christ.
Private Judgment
Profession of Faith and Fighting the Good Fight of Faith
The Bible Doesn't Ignore Spiritual Warfare, and You Shouldn't Either
This article explains that spiritual warfare is a reality not just on mission fields, but everywhere. In fact, the Bible is full of references to real and powerful spirits.
Fighting Satan: Defensively and Offensively
Spiritual Deception
Expelling the World Only a New Love is Adequate to Expel the Old One
Fighting Satan through the Character of Christ
How should Christians fight against Satan? Fighting Satan can be done by reflecting Christ. This is what Ephesians 4:25-32 explains.
How Christians Should Mortify Sin
Mortification is the act of killing sin. How do Christians do that? This article looks at Romans 8 to answer this question.
Three Ways Sin Attacks
Fighting sin is the warfare in which every Christian is engaged. How can you engage better in this battle of the mortification of sin? Know the three ways that sin attacks: from Satan, the world, and our own sinful flesh.
The Gradual Conquest
The Lord told the Israelites who were ready to take possession of Canaan that he would gradually conquer the nations occupying the land. In a similar manner, God also brings about this kind of gradual conquest in the life of someone battling sin and evil and coming to salvation.
The Holy War
This article offers seven truths to arm God's people for the spiritual warfare against sin.
Understanding the Times: An Introduction
Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare. From Revelation 12 this article explains the enemy and the nature of the conflict, which is crucial to understanding our times.
Frontline Warriors for Jesus Christ
Are You Known in Hell?
Maintain Your Vigilance
Watchfulness is one crucial aspect in the Christian life. It is essential for fighting the world, flesh, and devil. This article discusses the need to maintain your vigilance, and the defenses God provides for this purpose.
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare
How We Wage Battle against Sin, Satan and Ourselves
Overcoming Sin in the Power of Christ
Satan’s Sifting
The War of the Worlds?
Endure Hardship! Calling Young (and Old) to Join Christ's Army
"To Teach Them War" (2): Warfare - A Clear Scriptural Imperative
Being unconscious of the extent of the war Christians are engaged in is a big threat facing the church today. Christians are daily engaged in spiritual warfare. This theme of warfare runs throughout the Bible, the Psalter, the Three Forms of Unity, and our doctrinal terminology. It cannot be ignored.
"To Teach Them War" (1): Acknowledging Our Warfare
Being unconscious of the extent of the war Christians are engaged in is a big threat facing the church today. Christians are daily engaged in spiritual warfare.
Spiritual Struggle
Spiritual Warfare
This is the sixth article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article discusses spiritual warfare, also Strategic-level Spiritual Warfare and prayer warfare, evaluating the concept of speaking in tongues as the means to wage this warfare.
Spiritual Warfare Today: Issues
The Times We Are to Understand
This article explains that it is important for Christians as they are engaged in spiritual warfare to understand the times in which they live, as well as the history that precedes them.
This article explains that Christians cannot deny the reality of the antithesis.
We Will Not Serve Your Gods
The book of Daniel presents a constant battle that faces every Christian: the battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. The many idols of this world exert an influence on believers. Christians must ask themselves: how are we going to live through this battle? The answer lies in Christ.
Why Satan is Left on Earth
The Only Way
In this article, the author presents the Christian way as the only way. It presents the believer's life here on earth as militant, yet also victorious. The article has Ephesians 6:10 as one of its focal texts.
Owen on the Mortification of Sin
Spiritual Warfare – Be Strong in the Lord
Christians are at war, and this war is of the most serious nature. Spiritual warfare is not with flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. Chapter 1 indicates where Christians find their strength in this battle. The author uses Ephesians 6:10-20 to indicate that all strength is to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 11:15 – Satan a Strong Enemy, Christ a Stronger Saviour
Matthew 12:29 - The Strong Man Bound
Matthew 12:29 shows that Christ has come to destroy Satan. The result of this victory is that Satan cannot rule the Christian heart. Through the Holy Spirit, believers are able to conquer Satan. As a result of the cross, the gospel can be preached and people can be drawn from the kingdom of darkness into God's kingdom.