The Church and Her Ordinances
The church is the bride of Christ. The author of this article discusses the means of grace, church ordinances, church government and discipline from this perspective.
The Church (Part 4)
This article looking at Ephesians 2:11-22 shows how in Christ God has made the church to be a uniting place. In Christ, the church has become the Israel of God, a people of God not limited by race, colour nor place. Racism can truly be abolished by the gospel, ushering in the new nation where unity and diversity can be celebrated.
The Church (Part 3)
Looking at Ephesians 2:1-10, this article shows that the church consists of people whose lives have been changed by God's grace, so that they become doers of good and the portrait of God's grace.
The Church Part 2
The Church Part 1
Defining the church both from the Old Testament and New Testament, this article shows that the church started in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament we see the continuation of the church. The author discusses how the church is the gathered people of God who worship God and listen to His Word. Believers, therefore, find their identity in being part of this group of people.
A "Congregation of Believers"
Why Have a Church and What Kind?
Home Churches?
The Dedication of a House of Worship
Zion, the City of the Living God
The Church and Theology - Theology and the Church
Calvin's Significance for Church and Theology
The Christian Church What Makes a Church a Christian Church?
Church, I Love You
Equipping the Church
What It Means for a Church to Be Spiritual
What does it mean for the church to be spiritual? This article discusses Ephesians 2:13-22, to provide a helpful biblical teaching regarding the meaning of a spiritual church.
Eleven Questions to Ask When Dealing with Conflict
How can you deal with conflict in the church in such a way that you give it proper attention? Here are eleven questions you need to ask when dealing with conflict.
Twelve Signs of Mediocrity in a Church
How do you know if your church has settled for mediocrity? Here are twelve signs.
Twelve Reasons Why Churches Don't Address Decline
Why is it that often a church waits so long to address decline within? This article offers twelve reasons why declining churches neglect to address their problems.
Fifteen Church Facility Issues
A church building say something about the congregation, so it is good to take proper care of the church facility. This article mentions fifteen church facility issues that need to be addressed.
Ten Church Diseases That Might Be Afflicting Your Church
Why is it that some churches do not experience church growth? This article identifies ten church diseases that hinder such growth.
Eight Diagnostic Questions for a Church's Health
How do you know if you are in a healthy church? This article unpacks eight diagnostic questions for determining the church's health.
Ruthless Grace!
The church is not dependent on money for survival; the church's well being rests on the all-sufficient God, who is abundant in his care for his church. This article focuses on the sufficiency of God and his grace.
The Church in the Old Testament
This article considers the topic of the church in the Old Testament.
The Emerging Church and the Way of Cain
What Is a Reformed Church?
Three Beautiful Fruits of a Gospel-Centred Church
Why does a gospel-centred church look like? This articlce explains that such a church bears at least these three fruits: it produces humility, diversity, and is welcoming toward sinners.
God's Eternal Plan for You
What is the plan of God for your life? This article explains that God's purpose is far bigger than what we can think of. It is a plan that ought to stir our blood!
Community Hunger
How do you build a gospel-centred community? There are two aspects to consider: remove the misunderstandings about the church and foster a true understanding. This article discusses six such misunderstandings, and then sevens truth about being a gospel-centred church.
There Are Three Kinds of Churches
There are three kinds of churches, all defined by how they love. Of the three kinds of churches, which one do you belong to? Let the article introduce them.
Why the Local Church Really Matters
There are six reasons why the local church matters. Does the local church matter to you? Check the reasons for the importance of the church.
What Is Biblical Theology? – A Song for the Lady in Waiting: The Bride of Christ and Biblical Theology
Chapter 10 considers the place of the church, the bride of Christ, in the bigger story of God’s dealings with man and creation.
The Identity of the Church
Indispensable Signs of the Spirit
Is the Holy Spirit working in this church? This article gives fourteen signs of the Holy Spirit from Acts 2 which should characterize the church of God.
Reformation and the Sword
What should our perspective be toward the idea of a national church? Is reformation in the church of Christ ever to be supported by the sword power of the magistracy? May the church every rise up in warfare? This article examines these questions by looking at the history of the reformation in the Netherlands and the conflict between Spain and the Netherlands.
The Church of Christ: The Company of the Elect
John Wycliffe was called the forerunner of the Reformation. What caused him to have that title? This article focuses on the struggle Wycliffe faced within the Roman Catholic Church. His view of the church and God’s predestination caused him to stand up against the heresy and corruption within the Roman Catholic Church.
A Successful Church
No Faith in the Church
The Mystery of the Church
Calvin's Conception of the Church
Our Needs and Outlook
Francis Schaeffer's Contribution to Our View of the Church
Ten Reasons Proofreading Should Matter to a Church
How can a church help to make its published material effective? One of the ways is by proofreading. This article offers ten reasons for proofreading church material.
Calvin on the Church as Our Mother
The Church's Progress
A Broad Church or a Narrow Church?
The Boundaries of the Church
This article is about the church and election. The author looks at the visible church and invisible church distinction, the relation of church and faith/believers, and church membership. Jesus Christ and the church is also discussed.
Pride and the Reformed Churches
This article is about church and pride, and exclusiveness in the church.
The Authority Christ Has Bestowed upon His Church
Ecclesiology: The Study of the Church
Ecclesiology is the study of the church. This article explains the meaning of the church as the body of Christ, the relationship between the universal church and church as institute, and the church as God’s household.
Trinity and Church: An Examination of Theological Methodology
This article is a critical examination of the theological method of three recent systematic theology textbooks from an evangelical perspective. The analysis takes place via the respective views of the Trinity and ecclesiology.
Inevitable Side Effects of a Church Growth Ministry Model
The church growth movement and its pragmatic methods have effects that cannot be avoided. This article discusses those effects and shows what happens when a church aims for numbers as its goal.
John Calvin on the Church
The Doctrine of the Church in Reformed Confessions
This article is about the doctrine of the church as we see it in the Reformed confessions and in the time of the Reformation. It also looks at distinctions such as the visible and invisible church and the true and false church.