Out of the House of Bondage: The Old Testament Slavery Laws and Our Redemption in Christ
Good Manners do Make a Difference
Our shameless culture
Ending Welfare as We Know it?
Worth Killing for or Worth Dying for?
Making Room for Atheism: The Supremacy of God in a Pluralistic World
How do we express respect for the supremacy of God in a pluralistic world? In our pluralistic world, most people do not recognize God as a real presence or part of their lives, let alone an important part of government or education or business or industry or art or recreation or entertainment. How do we express passion for God's supremecy in this context?
Christian Ethics in a Pluralistic Society
Christian Social Action
It Must have Been the Guns
Can Man Be Good without God?
1 Corinthians 7:15-31 & Philemon and the Institution of Slavery A Biblical view on slavery
The Erosion of Civility
The WWJD Phenomenon: "What Would Jesus Do?"
Materialism and How It Affects Our View of Social Justice
What Is the Reformed View of Social Justice?
What Is Social Justice?
Christian Norms in the Ethical Square: An Impossible Dream?
This article reflects on the place and function of Christian ethics in the public square. It contrasts Christian ethics with competing ethical visions of secular views in bioethics and points out the inherent difficulty in bringing Scripture (or scriptural values) into the ethical square. It concludes with an assessment of the future of Christian values within public ethics.
Moral Law and the Ten Commandments
After looking at the threefold use of the law, this article looks at the use of the law as a guide. It shows how the Ten Commandments can be applied to public life.
Making Exhibitions of Ourselves
Looking at social networks and celebrity culture, this article discusses our modern culture which functions on false intimacy. This false intimacy undermines the true nature of human relationships.
Our Culture of Choice
This article looks at the impact of freedom of choice on the promotion of abortion, as well as the role feminism plays in promoting abortion. A call is made to the church and Christians in how they should react when facing such hostility. How must we evaluate this huge focus on choice in our society today?
The Scroll and the Lamb
National Repentance Needed: Ezra's Example
Hatred, Hollowness and Holiness
A Public Faith What Christians have Given Democracy? Most of It
Confusion – A Judgement On Society
The garden and the city - In view of the city
Paul and Christian Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is highly regarded by many Christians today. Biblical motivation for social responsibility is often found in the Old Testament or in Jesus' teaching. This author maintains that the apostle Paul's theology also includes the concepts of justice, care for the oppressed, and care for creation.
How the First Christians Looked at Social Problems
J. Gresham Machen, the Citizen
Revolt of the Minorities
Christianity and Social Problems
Are problems of racial discrimination, crime, public health, housing, and similar social issuues the concern of Christianity? This article wants to indicate how any authentic teaching of the gospel and Word of God will speak to every situation of human life including social and economic problems of our day.
Needed: An Evangelical Social Ethic
A disturbing thing about Evangelicalism is its failure to show an adequate social ethic. This article argues that too many evangelicals lack a genuine concern for political, social, and economic aspects of the Christian life.
The Relevance of Cultural Conditioning for Social Ethics
What is the impact of certain pre-understandings on any attempt to articulate sound biblical ethics? Socio-cultural conditioned ideas have an enormous influence on how ethics are formulated. This essay wants to explore this hermeneutical reality. The essay promotes awareness of cultural conditioning and cultural varieties.
The Political Theology of the Disruption Theologians
What was the political theology of the founding theologians of the Free Church of Scotland? Macleod considers their views on the state's obligations to Christianity and the church, the limits of the power of the state, their social criticism, and the observance of the Sunday.
Jesus, Anarchy and Marx: The Theological and Political Contours of Ellulism
In this article, the author gives a critical evaluation of what he calls Ellulism—the theology and politics of Jacques Ellul. The focus of this article is to bring into view what the author views as flaws through an exposure of its exegetical shortcomings, and to reveal its political and philosophical inadequacies by tracing its ideological roots back to their source.
Eschatology and Social Concern
This paper reflects upon Christian social concern and action. Its focus is on the theme of eschatology and social concern. The author first deals with tensions in different views on eternal life and the return of Christ. He traces the apostle Paul's concern in Romans and 1 Corinthians regarding the correlation between eschatology and social involvement.
Showing the Gospel in Social Praxis
What is the Church's primary calling and mission?
God and the Crisis of Freedom in Contemporary Society
Evangelical Social and Political Ethics: An Historical Perspective
The gospel has important social dimensions. In this essay the author wants to show the considerations in the social and political thinking of evangelicals in times past. Wilberforce and Shaftesbury are remembered as some of the outstanding examples of a biblical Christianity that was prepared to take on the challenge of social reform.
The Rich and Poor in James: Implications for Institutionalized Partiality
Public policy and faith are often difficult to relate. This essay wants to help construct a biblically informed perspective on matters of public policy as it relates to labour, poverty, and wealth. It offers an analysis of the book of James with attention to passages that deal with the rich and the poor and examines the implications of these Christian public ethics.
A Theological Reflection on Politics
This article introduces a theological perspective on politics.
Considering the Case for "Prophetic Ethics"
Interest in the prophetic can be commended. At the same time, however, the prophetic books can and should orient us in important areas of our existence and faith, areas which often has been overlooked. One example is our social ethics. It is ironic that evangelical Christians who are committed to a high view of the authority of the Scripture, have not given this fundamental part of the prophetic message the attention it deserve.
The Gospel as Public Truth
Lesslie Newbigin has written a few works on the concept of the gospel as public truth. This concept emphasizes the factual basis of Christianity, and encourages Christians to be confident to engage in rational public discourse with Scripture as their basis. This article tries to envisage what Newbigin's proposal might mean.
Christianity and Civil Society
This is the first chapter of Christian Political Ethics. This book discusses such things as the Christian's relationship to government and civil society, the relationship between state and society, and the Christian's civic responsibility. In this chapter the author looks at the Christian perspective on civil society.