In What Way Can Jesus Be a Moral Example for Christians?
Is it possible that Jesus Christ can function as moral example for Christians? In what sense is Jesus Christ normative for Christian ethics? The imitation of Christ is discussed against its Enlightenment background.
If God Is Gracious, Why Can't I Do What I Want?
Does the abundance of the grace of God promote a sinful life? Many people suppose that because God is gracious, we can live as we please. But the Bible teaches that those who are saved no longer live in sin (Romans 6:1-2), but out of gratitude live to please Christ.
The Normal Christian Life As Portrayed in Romans 6-8
Improving the Gospel or Losing the Gospel?
This article advances several threats to the gospel today, such as attempts to make the gospel social, relevant, or kinder.
Christless Christianity: Getting in Christ’s Way
What is Satan's biggest strategy? This article shows that it is keeping people from seeing Christ (Christ-centredness). Christless Christianity is the challenge that is facing the church today. This challenge can be traced back to the Sadducces and the Pharisees. Christ is denied through the teaching that the gospel does not include the wrath of God, but only His love.
Major Principles of Living the Christian Life
The Sin Behind Sin
Polemics About the place of polemics in the church
Christ & The Church
Life in the Spirit
The Christian Life Isn't Meant to Be Effortless
When God accomplishes radical transformation in us, he does not eliminate any part of what makes us human. Instead, he calls us to live the Christian life with all our human faculties. This article addresses the comments that some make that when it comes to our sanctification, we are completely passive. It shows how Christlikeness requires effort.
Christ-Likeness Christians' Compassion Stunned the Ancient World
Living in Christ
Christians have died, been raised, are seated in heaven, and will appear with Christ. This gospel narrative of being in Christ is crucial for Christian growth and holiness.
How Grace Motivates
What best motivates people? This article explains that grace is the secret to motivation.
Tolerance and the Exclusive Claims of Christ
Scoping Out Apollos Nine Marks of a Healthy Christian
The Bible's Answer to the Question: What Is a Christian?
What is a Christian? There are six common wrong ways to answer this question. There are four biblical answers to this question. This article reveals them.
The Centrality of Christ in Christianity
The Ultimate Balance of the Attributes of Christ
Being as Little Children
The Imitation of Christ
What is the relationship between Christ and Christian ethics? The article asks the question: If Christians are what they are by virtue of their participation in Christ, then what room is left for human ethical activity? What is the relationship between grace and morality? Webster wants to explore this relationship by giving close attention to the New Testament material on the imitation of Christ.