Christ's Kingship in All of Life:

In previous articles on the topic of Christ's kingship in all of life, I offered a summary of what is known today as the "two kingdom/natural law" (2KNL) view. According to this view, Christians live in two kingdoms, the kingdom of the church where Christ reigns by his Word and Spirit, and the "common kingdom" of non-churchly life in God's world where Christ reigns by means of the natural law. Advocates of this perspective are wary of the idea that Christians are called to acknowledge Christ's redemptive rule in their common vocations or in the non-ecclesiastical realm.

Major Principles of Living the Christian Life

This article is about major principles of living the Christian life. The author describes how the Christian life will always have tension, the Christian life involves our whole life (all our faculties), and the Christian life receives Divine chastisement. The author also looks at regeneration and the concept of the crisis experience